Chapter Eight

Cayden's POV

After, Diamond went after her boyfriend, Mrs. Kane cleared somethings that I was confused about.

Diamond didn't know the Kane's until six years ago, Mrs. Kane, was a mid wife and she proposed Diamond, staying with them still she put to bed because she was staying alone in a cheap motel.

She quickly won over both of mother and son that she was offered a permanent stay in their life.

She was listed as a long lost distance cousin, they gave her the name Diamond, because apparently Jacob used to call her that because of her natural platinum blonde hair.

They really did all a lot for her, welcoming a stranger into their home.

But they seem to know the full story behind her reason for running, but Mrs. Kane didn't let anything out.

Leia carefully asked Mrs. Kane, what "it" means, then her friendly mood shut down.

"I might have said My baby trusts you and am telling you stories about her, but she doesn't trust you enough if she didn't tell you about it, so respect her privacy young lady, and when you earn her trust then you can ask her yourself" Mrs. Kane said.

What she said warmed my heart, it means we can trust her not to leak the secret of what we are about doing.

But Jacob I can't trust, she must have broken his heart and he would not be the first male that would want to seek revenge. I have to watch out for him.

Just then the door opened and what I saw made feel disgust.

The summer dress that Leia lend Diamond, was torn, her lipstick smug, lips swollen, her scattered like they went through a tornado. Worst of all she is wearing Jacob's shirt, holding her obviously ripped bra. While Jacob is bare chested.

And they are holding hands like some love sick couple.

Really! They really went out there to have an angry make up sex, when her daughter is in here. What a whore!

She turned tomato when she notice everyone shocked expression.

"Hmm this unexpected" Mrs. Kane hummed.

She hugged Jacob chest to hide her embarrassment while put his hand on her waist.

"Hmm we will be upstairs, to hmm you know freshen up".

Jacob said clearly uncomfortable then drags Diamond with him.

"Your room is still the way you left it honey, you should be able to get something decent to wear."

Mrs. Kane shouts after them.

She then face us.

" Am sorry for their behavior, they have never acted like that before"

Mrs. Kane says clearly embarrass at her 'children'.

"Who wants pancakes" she said going to the kitchen to make some taking Nadia with her.

"She seems more at ease here and happier than when she was only, I wonder why she left" Leia said trying to break the silence.

Mace stares at me worriedly. Trying to see how am taking the whole situation.


We got back to the house late noon and everyone seems to be avoiding conversations at what happened at the Kane's house but it is inevitable. We are in the office planning how we are going to carry out the mission.

"What is 'it'?"

Roza all of a sudden direct her question to be Diamond.

"It is none of your business as I had said earlier"

"Whatever 'it' is, it is a big part of the mission, and I refuse to work blind"

" It doesn't affect the mission"

" Let us be the judge of that"

" Roza?" I interrupted their confrontation.

" Don't Roza me, am out if she doesn't spill, I wouldn't let me her secrets ruin this mission. And I wouldn't let anybody keep me in the shadow one again, and then regret it for the rest of my life."

" Am with Roza, if she can't tell us about it then am out." Jace joins

"I think they are right Cayden, this big secret if hers is an huge part of this, even her mother thinks if we want to do this and she should tell us. Am out also if she doesn't tell, am sorry Diamond it is nothing personal." Leia spits out.

I turn to Mace to see if he is with them.

" Am sorry brother but they are right, we only know she hates father, we don't know the real reason behind it. I think the reason is what this 'it' is all about".

I was in a dilemma, I agree with them but if we are going to be partners, she must come clean because she want to not because we forced her to.

"You are right, my big secret is the reason why am in this room helping you."

Diamond paused,

"if you want to know what 'it' is about then I will tell you." She signed heavily then looked at anywhere except our faces.

"I loved my parents exceptionally, I would do anything they want just to please them, and when I say anything I mean anything. But I found out the feeling isn't mutual".

She paused and stare Roza directly in the eyes as tears streams down.

What has Roza got to do with this

"What I went through was part of what you went through Roza."

Roza was stunned then her eyes widens like she discovered something, while Diamond nods like she knows what Roza knows.

"Diamond, am sorry, I should have known, I wouldn't have brought it up if I did"

"Know what?" Jace asked

" What did Roza go through that you went through Diamond?"

I chipped in.

" Now am confused"

Mace stated


Leia questioned.

But both women continue staring at each other like they couldn't hear us. It is starting to creep me out.

"How did you know?"

Roza questioned ignoring us all.

" You have to be one to recognize another".

"Post with the charade and spit it out, I don't understand a thing you are saying" I said angrily.

Diamond then settle her gaze upon me.

"I meant you have to be a rape victim to recognize another."

Leia gasped while we all looked at Roza.


We knew that Roza went through hell the weeks she was held hostage, but she didn't give us an indication to suspect she was raped, we all thought she was just tortured.

Then what Diamond said sinked in

You have to be a rape victim to recognize another.

"You were raped?"

I directed my question at Diamond.