**Warning* rape scene***
Diamond's POV
To remember what happened that night is very painful. But the fact that Roza was a victim also motivated me to talk.
I didn't realize she was one until our confrontation. Although it was just a guess till she confirmed it.
She behaved like I would have. Because she was left in the shadows during a mission that why she was caught and those vile creatures assaulted her every way possible, physically, mentally, emotionally.
If I am broken then she is scared for life, I don't mean the scar they felt on her face.
At least something good came out of my ordeal, I got Nadia.
"You were raped?" Cayden voice cut through my deep thought.
I notice everyone's attention were on me, they seems to have gotten over the shock that their fellow colleague and friend was raped and she kept it to herself.
I close my eyes as I nod not want to see the pity eyes on me.
I don't want their pity.
A small hand touched me, because I wasn't expecting it, I flinched.
II opened eyes to see Leia holding her hands like I had burn her.
"Am so sorry, I didn't mean to touch you"
I saw they were all looking at me expecting me to break, but not now, I still have to finish the story.
"Mm is it your father who raped you?"
I scoffed bitterly.
"I wish he were the one. One evening, we were all supposed to attend an event, so the staff had the remaining day off, but I faked stomach ache, so I could stayed behind, I didn't want to attend the event because I found it boring. It was one of my father's partners business dinner and I would be only going just for my parent to show me off and brag about me and those events doesn't interest me.
I had never done such before so
I was in the kitchen wearing just my nightie, with a bath robe over it, because I thought I had the whole house to myself for a few hours.
So I was celebrating with some ice cream while waiting for the pizza to be delivered.
Am normally not allowed to eat them because of the calories it would add to my body.
Ironically, I was punished for my first act of defiance.
The bell rang and I ran to open it without checking I was expecting pizza delivery.
But instead it was one of my father business partner, he was supposed to be at that event, but he was at the door.
I invited him in and told him my parents already left a while ago that am the only one in, then he told me he knows and before I know it, he was touching me inappropriately, I tried to remove his hands politely, before I know it, he slapped me, saying I was disrespectful."
I paused there and signed bitterly, I was sobbing now as I was telling my story.
"He torn me robe, I started to struggle, I was able to push him off me, I ran and ran up the stairs and he was hot on my pursuit"
" You can stop there is no need to tell us" Roza interrupted, I was she and Leia were crying for me.
Mace, Jace looks annoyed, while Cayden was pacing around the room like a caged animal that want out.
" Yes, there is, you want to know if I am threat to the mission, I want you to understand nothing would stop me from having my revenge, nothing"
I said coldly. I continued without waiting for their response.
"I ran to my room, and as I was about to close the door, his hands stopped me, he pushed the door open which made me fall, I sprained my ankle.
So I couldn't stand, so I dragged myself on the trying to get to my bed, my phone was there all my thought I will call my parents, they will come home and stop him. That was my childish thoughts.
He had this evil smile on his face, he let me drag myself to the bed, let me pick up my phone, let me call, I thought he had realized his mistake.
I called both my parents and none of them picked, he then pounced on me."
I paused to wipe tears and calm my breathing.
"I was a virgin till that night, he raped me over and over again that I passed out and woke up to him till going at it.
If I wasn't unconscious when he finally stopped, I would have killed myself, to let the pain stop.
When I woke up the next day, all single evidence of what happened had gone, it was the pain that alerted me that it wasn't a night mare. Someone had changed my clothes, changed the bed sheet.
I didn't know what to tell my parents, since I had no prove, so l kept it to myself till weeks later and I fainted.
I was rushed to the hospital my nanny, she called my mother when the doctor told her my blood pressure drop and it isn't healthy for the baby. After I got home.
My mother came into my room and she avoids it. Did you know what she said?"
I laughed manically.
" My own mother told me l have to get rid of the filthy thing growing in me, she said it is not good for our reputation, she said it would ruin my career, she told me just as I ruin her shape it would. So she has made appointment with the doctor to remove it.
I asked her, don't you want to know who the father is, or how I got pregnant, she told me it doesn't matter, but if the baby is born it would be a bastard, I would to because the Moore family would disown me for such scandal. But if I get rid of it I would prove to be a worthy daughter.
I agreed, I told her I will go for the appointment. I asked if my father knows about it, she told me yes, that he was the one who told her to make the doctors appointment, she said I should pick up the appointment letter from his office later.
I kept telling my self I was going the right thing, that I wouldn't want to have any link to the man who raped me. That I wouldn't want to see the man in the child. That I would hate the child for the rest of my miserable life and I will treat her the way my parents treated me.
That no one would want such life, so I was doing the child and I a favor and still got my parents approval. So it is a win-win situation for me.
That night I stood up to go to the office on the way there I heard the man who raped me ,he was in the office with my mom.
Do you want to know what they were talking about.
A business transaction.
Our company was in the state of bankruptcy, so a deal with my parents was made.
He want me, but the society wouldn't approve of a relationship between us, because he was married, so my parents made a sexual agreement with him, like some pimp, he get to have me anytime he want, anyhow he likes, for very single time he has me, he pays, since I was a virgin for taking my virginity it was 5 million dollars.
If he wants me after that it is 1 million dollars. My mother was trying to convince him that I will be ready to take him again, she said she has her birthday party coming up and she needed the money to celebrate it, the first 5 million dollars was used to pay off the company's debt.
So they need more money to continue living a life of luxury without having to borrow.
She said she needed 10 million before the month was over, so it means she was ready to give me to him willing or unwilling 10 tens before the month was up.
My own mother turn to my pimp with my father's approval just for money.
I am honored that at least my virginity worth 5 million.
So I ran, I waited for everyone to go to sleep sneak into the office opened the safe and took every single penny there.
I refuse to be a prostitute for my parents to continue their luxurious life.
So I ran, it wasn't my plan to fake my death, it was raining so much, I was crying I couldn't see I drove myself off the bridge, the car was partly off the bridge, I was able to climb out and I was staring at the car and I thought, my parents would come, not because they care but for the money, they would hunt me down at least not if am dead, so I pushed the car completely off the bridge, and watched Norabel Moore die and vow never to go back.
Until now, I won't live in fear any longer and to do that I must make them all pay, as from now I won't be driven by fear but instead revenge."