Trickery or Nullification?



A stunning female flight attendant with blue eyes and short blonde hair appeared to be putting something in the wine glasses that were supposed to be served. 

She went to serve the two glasses after waiting for it to melt. 

She walked to the place where first-class passengers were sitting with a tray containing two glasses of wine on top, it didn't take long for her to see the ones from the list.

As she got near them, she placed a glass on the table of James Lumino who was sitting elegantly.

James gazed at the glass of wine in the flight attendant's hand not even betting an eye to her beauty and then he moved his gaze to his secretary seated next to him. His eyes gestured to the flight attendant about what she should do with the glass. 

Understanding what James's gesture meant, the attendant took James's glass and handed it to Ryan along with his own.

The crest on Ryan's neck glowed. 

Unknown to them, the crest under the flight attendant's palm, which was covered by a glove, glowed at the same time as Ryan's crest. 

Then Ryan gave the attendant a nod along with a smile on his face.

'It's right to choose this airline,' he thought.

The flight attendant left them the moment after she saw Ryan's expression. She walked away from them with her back facing them, she smiled on her way back to where the others were at.

Ryan's crest can make him see colors and determine whether or not something is hazardous. He can even use it on people to see if they will be beneficial to him or not. 

He handed the wine glass over to his employer, thinking there was nothing wrong with the drinks as usual.

He had been the one who had to check things like this for his boss without fail.

James drank it without hesitation. 

After going through some documents with his laptop, James put it away back to his briefcase and then attempted to sleep since his eyelids were growing increasingly heavy, he just thought he was exhausted from his work. 

Ryan was in the same boat.

While they were dozing off, in the cargo room of the plane they were flying with, six men in black suits with masks covering the upper half of their faces.

They heard the door of the room being opened and all went on guard.

When they saw a woman with blue eyes and short blonde hair come in, they let their guard down. She was the flight attendant who just finished serving James and Ryan. 

The woman approached the men.

"It's ready," she said to them with a grin.

All six men lightly chucked. 

They prepared to start their mission.

Three of the men started to close their eyes to perform their massive destructive spells. The other two built a protective wind barrier to cover all of them. The plane immediately exploded starting from the engine. 

Noises and fire were everywhere.




The chain of explosions occurred.

Except for the two passengers in the first-class who were sleeping like logs from the effect of the drug, everyone on the plane began to fear. They were mostly normal passengers and only a few elementalists. What was worse was those elementalists were the ones who didn't have the power to fly.

They were certainly doomed, including Ryan, the only wind elementalist on board.

It was not that Ryan's crest didn't work, it was that the woman's crest managed to fool Ryan's.

While the others did their things, there was one man who had been hanging around doing nothing in the cargo room. In some seconds, his crest started to glow. He vanished from his position, his power took the other people inside the cargo room with him.