Blonde man’s Deal

Five days earlier,

At the highest building in this country, there you could have your personal elevator, a personal swimming pool beside it there's a place where you could alter the water temperature as you like,a man made hot spring, a personal theater at home, an enormous library, a helicopter and even space for it to land. This is a multi-million dollar luxury triplex penthouse.

The house's owner has everything that anyone could desire, but he is still unsatisfied. 

Sipping a hundred years old wine on the couch next to the floor-to-ceiling glass window, gazing at the brightly shining moon. 

The moon is reflecting in his pair of gray pupils. All the lights in his penthouse have been turned out, leaving just the moonlight to illuminate the space.

Suddenly, he became aware of a presence that was not his.

"Come out" he urged, tilting his head toward the dim light.

A jovial man's voice could be heard saying, "I heard a rumor when I came here."

As he spoke, a hand emerged from the darkness and pointed to the man on the couch. "I heard you have been trying to get something you want by giving any amount to the one who can accomplish your mission," he said calmly.

The owner of the house became tense. He surrounded himself with part of his light elemental.

"Don't be on guard," the man added.

His figure emerges totally from the darkness. His blonde hair is long and flowing. However, he was wearing a black mask that covered half of his upper face and a black full-bodysuit with dense mana on it. Both appear to have been cast with mana.

Clothes can also be imbued with mana to give them special abilities of respective elements. 

But, the house owner reasoned himself, 'How on earth can he find someone to cast it on such a dense mana?'

Mana stones can be utilized to supply mana by transferring it to the thing that will use it with Eve's transferring device, MTD. However, they must be in connection to access the mana. Because there are so many intricate technologies inside, MTD is still the size of a man's palm.

Even if it was cast with Eve's newest staff, the fabric wouldn't be able to withstand the dense mana because staffs are just extra mana for elementalists. There is no mana stone or MTD on the man, according to the owner. As a result, it was likely casted.

'But how?' he continued to ponder.

'Nobody would wear their own element on their body like this all the time right?' He was busy arguing with himself and didn't quite care about the stranger's question.

"Seven years ago, you assigned some of the most powerful elementalists from the underworld a mission." 

Hearing his words, the man on the couch became more alert.

The man continued, " According to what I've heard, you've ceased delivering it because none of the elementalists who received it have succeeded. It would be really difficult to find out who entrusted the mission to other people, but it was not for us" as he spoke, he came closer to the couch, one step at a time.

He came to a halt before approaching the couch and continued to speak.

"It's been known as the hardest mission in the underworld since then because of the success rate, and I'm sure you've heard of Outlaw," he said, smirking at the person sitting on the couch.

"That Outlaw?" The house owner asked in confusion.

When the stranger in front of him gave a nod, he started to blabber, "Do you mean the most famous underworld organization that doesn't care about money and doesn't care about the people if they don't want to even no matter how much they have been offered?" 

The blonde man turns around with a grin on his face. His suit began to open on its own on his back proudly revealing a large black butterfly tattoo.

'Black butterfly?' wondered the owner.

"Symbol of Outlaw?!" the owner exclaimed.

He has only heard about it, the black butterfly symbol that every member of Outlaw would have. It's a black butterfly that looks carelessly drawn but it's still beautiful. Just like those messy paintings which cost millions of dollars to buy.

The man's suit started to close back on its own.

He gazed at the owner and said in a pompous tone "Only the master of Outlaw and the successor would have it."

The owner simply returned his gaze, his eyes beaming with delight.

"I want your mission to put my son and my top elementalists members to the test. I don't normally take missions like this, but consider it a special case for my son." he slowly walks back to the place where he appeared before with his words.

"Outlaw will complete your mission without fail because we aren't like the no-brain and weak elementalists you gave the mission to in those few years back then" he turn his body to face the man again, with his green eyes which seem to have a forest in it, he glares at the owner.

The house owner chuckled.

"What do you want as a prize?" he answered happily.

His question made the stranger think for a moment. 

"I've been needing a base," his emerald eyes move to look around the room he's in.

"A building as luxurious as this would be ideal, but it must be covered with plants all over," the man remarked, his eyes looking as if they were filled with sorrow and anger.

"Just tell me where you want it built, and I'll build it any time," the owner told the man. Money was never a problem for him anyway.

"So, what exactly is the mission?" the man inquired ignoring the house owner's words.

It made the owner a little angry but his anger subsided thinking that this time, it will finally succeed.

"The mission assassinate James Lumino, the owner of Fable, and including his family, all the Lumino." 

He stopped a while before he spoke again with disappointment, "None of the elementalists I've given the mission to before have succeeded because of James, who is extremely powerful.

He's a rank S lightning elementalist, and has a crest that has the power of speed, the first person in his family to develop speed into electricity, IMAGINE what will happen when he can develop further? His family crest should just disappear!"

When the house owner told about it, he became enraged.

'Jealousy?' wondered the blonde man.

"Did those elementalists from seven years ago attack him head-on with him?" the man asked to make it sure.

"They had to" he explained, "since his secretary's crest has the ability to see colors".

The man became silent and stared at the proprietor blankly.

He screamed fiercely explaining what he really meant by it, "I mean colors to distinguish good or bad kinds of stuff, I guess, that's all I know!"

The elementalists he sent on missions were all detected because of that secretary.

'The eyes know of hazard' the man remembers someone who has the same kind of crest power. He simply knows how to solve the problem.

He burst out laughing.

'Humans' he thought, shaking his head.

The house owner looked at him, puzzled as to why he was laughing.

"You don't have to be concerned about that," the blonde man stated. The house owner was relieved to hear it because he was startled by the sudden laugh of the blonde man.

"According to what I've heard, James Lumino is still out of the country but he'll be back shortly. The building is yours if you kill three people: James Lumino, his wife Anna Lumino, and their daughter Ella Lumino" the owner was overjoyed when he told the blonde man about the targets.

"Ella Lumino, what is the age of the child?" the blonde man inquired, his green eyes wide with wonder.

"Six this year, I believe?" 

The house owner sure did his homework on the Lumino family.

"It's excellent! This mission really is the ideal choice by me" the man guffaws with delight.

'An ideal one to start for my son'

"We'll meet again when the task is through, prepare the building to be claimed. Let's see each other in five days," the blonde man said before disappearing.

"But where??!" The owner was left stunned. 

The blonde stranger didn't tell him the place where he wanted the building to be built.