
It's still midnight, there's a lamplight in the corner of a room that isn't illuminated by candles, you can feel mana at the bottom of it. 

It's emitting light in the space brimming with potted plants and even vines. Although there appear to be no windows in the room, the plants are still growing green.

Many books about world history, business, education, and other topics would be visible if the light is shining more brightly. 

In the midst of books and plants, a desk can be seen. The desk is also unlike any other regular square form desk that ordinary people would use, it is made from a tree that has been cut in half and polished on the top.

A man was sitting in a wooden chair near the desk in the room. He has blonde hair and green eyes. 

Holding a piece of paper and a quill, the bottom of which is shaped like a leaf and the top like the tip of a flower bud, he put the paper on his desk and started to look for something.

Seeing a wooden tube, most likely an ink bottle, he took it and opened the lid. The quill's tip was dipped in for him to write it on the paper from before. He scribbled four sentences:

'James Lumino

Anna Lumino

Ella Lumino


The man continued to draw an arrow from 'James Lumino' to 'Secretary', then another from 'Anna Lumino' to 'Ella Lumino'. 

He wrote 'six' next to Ella Lumino, then 'eyes that can detect hazard' next to Secretary. 

His quill slid back to the top of the name James Lumino, dripping some dots of ink from its tip as he went, and on the side of the name, he wrote 'Lightning S, Speed, Electric'.

He put the quill into a small wooden box, facing the quill's tip to the side that has been stained with black ink, allowing the bottom part of the quill to meet the cup's un-stained part. 

He put the box down on his desk and began walking out of the room with the paper that he had just written.

The blonde man was greeted by a group of twelve tall people and one short boy as he exited the room. 

With glee in his eyes, he stared at them. 

The people waiting seemed to be looking at him with excitement to hear something from him.

While handing his hand out holding the paper, the blonde man said calmly, short and clear "Your clues for your mission."

"Yes, master," said a tall man from the group with black hair and hazel eyes as he stepped out from the group and received the paper with delicacy.

"Do not disappoint me" the blonde man says, turning his head slightly down to the short boy while staring at him.

Under his gaze, the boy felt the pressure in his words, "Yes, father," the short boy responded and bowed to the blonde man in the process. 

The boy has blonde hair, although it is a shade darker than the blonde man's.

He glanced at the back of  the blonde haired man who's walking away with his light blue eyes. His mouth curved up a bit upon the man's action since it is the first time his father warned him personally like this.

When the blonde man left, the tall hazel-eyed man who had received the paper took it and placed it on a table, where he began to read the contents. 

The group formed a ring around him to listen to the information. 

The tall black-haired man said casually while looking at the words on the paper "Four targets."

"We'll have to study their information and decide how to approach them tomorrow. We will be breaking into two groups" the tall man said, glancing at a woman with short blonde hair.

The black-haired man addressed her while pointing to two names on the paper for her to see, "Second, you should lead the planning of these two targets, take anybody you need" he told her, 

He pointed to another name on the paper after ordering Second, "the ones who were not needed in Second's plan will target this."

The black haired man turned to face the short boy, stepped over to him, and said respectfully,  "while the young master will take care of the last one, I will be accompanying you, young master." 

It was also loud enough for the others to hear his words.

The black-haired man bowed slightly to the boy.

Second check the names of the two targets on the piece of paper, "First, I'll be taking Seven, Eigh, Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve with me," she said to the black-haired man. 

'Eleven's crest will come in handy for us' Second thought as she started to plan in her mind.

First nodded at her while standing beside the blonde boy.

"That was quick. Second, are you sure you don't require my assistance for your perilous mission?" a man from the group spoke.

"The hint indicates that James Lumino is a powerful individual" with a grin on his face he asked her. 

The man who questioned her has hazel hair and his eyes are deep black. He has multiple scars on both of his slender hands. He can be epitomized as a gorgeous man with scars due to his body features.

It also includes his face which is on the feminine side, one of the reasons his personality became like now.

"I'm not the type to fight head to head like you, Third, and you should concentrate on your target because you won't be in my plan" the blonde woman, Second scoffed while saying it.

Third returned a cold gaze to her.

"What? You wanna fight?" Second said playfully.

While Second and Third were unleashing killing intents, the tall black-haired man looked at the short boy with blonde hair and he began talking to the boy.

"During the task, I'll only be looking out for you, young master. Because of you, I'm pretty sure Master offered the indication about the target's age. To succeed Outlaw, you must complete the objective on your own" with pride in his hazel eyes, the black-haired guy told the boy.

His young master is still only seven years old. He has been training since he was five years old to become as powerful as Master.

It's been two years, and, Master is about to put the young master to the test to see if he can finish someone or not. His childhood may have been difficult, but he is confident that his young master will one day lead Outlaw.

"Don't be concerned. First, I've been in training for one day to do this. Wasn't that the case?" It was proudly stated back by the boy.

Ever since the boy learned the meaning of words, he has been living in this kind of circle. For him, the success of a mission is like winning a prize. He was not going to fail it no matter what.

'Whoever it is, Ella Lumino, you will vanish from this world by me' he lightly chuckled, thinking about his first true target's name.