A Living Doll or An Angel?

'Why am I here again?'

Luna was back in her old room, the door to her room suddenly melted and a boy dressed in all black clothes entered her room holding a ball of light in his hand. 

His beautiful light blue eyes could be seen with the help of the ball of light. In the boy's grasp, the ball transforms into a sword.

'Not again'

She got stabbed by a sword made of light. Images of Anna and James were floating as if it's water surrounding her. The overwhelming water devoured her. At the same time, flashbacks of her memories start. Her heart shrinks uncontrollably. 

The surrounding memories suddenly became dark and she felt the bottom of her feet become empty. She fell down into a bottomless abyss again.

It's been two years since that day. 

The black butterfly sign was found as a symbol of the most famous underworld group named Outlaw thanks to the hint left by the man known as First to Shadow. They must be connected to James and Anna's case. 

In order to learn the truth about them, she needs to get stronger, it was the first thought she would have every day she woke up from her repeated nightmare.

A white bassinet sits beside her bed. Ian was the one who's sleeping in it. Luna got out of bed and turned to face Ian's sleeping face, which reminds her of both Anna and James. He possesses blue eyes just like James's with his red hair which is crimson red like Anna's. 

She saw Shadow, as usual, sitting on the carpet of the living room with a laptop in front of him as she walked out of her room. He was so engrossed into looking at the laptop that he didn't even notice her coming out. 

White, their house's eyes greeted me first, [Morning Luna!]

I smile and reply to the white cat on the television screen, "Morning White." 

Even though there is one television in each room, White truly is a perfect artificial intelligence, White knows not to greet her in the room Ian is sleeping. 

Shadow becomes aware that Luna is awake as a result of their  voices.

"What are you looking at?" she inquired as she approached the laptop. 

There are people moving furniture and other stuff into the house next door, the one with the black door which has been vacant for the previous two years.

"Someone is moving there? I even thought the owner had forgotten that he even owned that house," She joked, hoping to elicit a reaction from Shadow. 

Luna's personality has changed over the last two years. Her previous self, who would joyfully read books and spend time with her mother, who is afraid of any boy with light blue eyes who's around the same age as her has transformed into a new self who displays emotions that aren't genuine.

Her foster parents were killed, and all she has left is my brother, who is not connected to her by blood, but he who she has become a dependable elder sister for. 

Luna adores him, just like a true sister would. She knows that she has to mature swiftly, but still tries to tease Shadow, who, despite their closeness, had never laughed in the two years they had spent together.

He even changed the way of calling her, he told her that if Luna wants him to treat me like he did from before, she has to be stronger than him.

Shadow looks at Luna with a serious expression "We are getting a neighbor, and that means we have to be extra careful" he says pointing his finger in the direction of the kitchen " breakfast is in the fridge."

"Thank you" Luna moved in the direction of Shadow's hand to get her food. When she opened the refrigerator, she noticed a cup filled with red liquid and took the cup to smell it before sipping it.

'It's chicken today,' it has become easier to differentiate with the smell.

Luna has been drinking a cup of animal blood every now and then to satisfy her appetite. 

She doesn't have permission to drink it every day because it would make me lose my appetite to eat regular meals. Shadow's blood has been off-limit for some time now. 

After learning how the blood tastes to her, Shadow, he has become a stingy and tricky guy. His blood tastes even better than animal blood. It was now used as a prize for Luna if she can improve her control with her elements.

He instructed her on how to create an elemental core. She succeeded in forming one a few months later and now possesses an elemental core with a mix of two elements. 

She doesn't have complete control over either of the elements, but she could use her first element to a certain limit. Shadow would tell her that she's talented but Luna doesn't believe it till now. She trains every day for at least four hours to improve her skills.

Any teacher would laud the one who they teach right? 

In EES, the East Elementalist School, she's keen to find out if she is truly a powerful elementalist or not. 

It's in the eastern part of their country where she is living right now. There are a total of seven more schools that are similar to EES. It's named after the eight directions. 

At the age of ten, any child who is compatible with any element is welcome to attend it. The educational period lasts eight years. 

It's just like any other regular school that teaches fundamental education. The elementalist school is unique in that it teaches students how to control and use the elements.

Shadow, a prodigy who taught himself everything. Anna merely taught him the fundamentals, which every elementalist is familiar with. 

For elementalists, the shadow element has always been the most elusive. It is owned by only 0.00001 percent of the world's population. Fire is the most common element. 

Both water and light have healing properties. Plant elementalists could make medicinal, even poisonous, and deadly plants grow in the blink of an eye.

Ding Dong

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

[It's the next-door neighbor!] They were informed by White. Even at the front door, our house has plenty of built-in cameras. Shadow has previously been spying at the house next door with it.

"You should open it," Shadow said. It surprised Luna because she hasn't spoken to anyone except Shadow, baby Ian, and White in a long time.

"It's a test" 

Luna rushed to the door after hearing the word test from Shadow. Before she opened the door, she cleared her throat to prepare the voice.

"May I help you?" The question was asked in a tone that was lower than her regular tone. 

She noticed a boy who appeared to be about her age but a little taller than her standing in front of the entrance. 

The boy has light blue hair and eyes the color of a rare pink diamond with his porcelain white skin which look more delicate than a girl's skin would. He was wearing an oversized white hoodie and white jeans. Luna's first impression of the boy would be that he looked like a doll.

"Hello, my name is Daniel," the boy in front of me said in a soft and gentle voice. The boy's lip curled up slightly into a smile at the end of his voice. He smiled at me.

'He has to be an angel.'