First Friend

In the past few years, the effects of drinking blood have become clear to Luna but some parts are still a mystery. 

Ever since the first time she drank blood, she came to have superhuman strength and senses. 

Does my crest power make those grow? I can also heal with blood even on the brink of death? I just thought that my crest is only the transformation ability of my hair? Why do fangs come out if I want them to even without using my crest? Why my strength and senses don't go away even if I don't drink blood? Many questions stuck in her mind and she is sure that she will find out all the answers about her crest one day.

After Shadow checked the box given by Daniel, he became curious about a feather decorated with a ribbon on the glass bottle. 

It's a size smaller than Anna's Phoenix feather but steadier. He has been cautious of Daniel's identity since then. 

He did a background check on the boy, only to find out that his background was clear as a white sheet, something that a professional had done. They only figure out Daniel's mother's name who is already dead. And his last name is also the same as his mother's. 

It's seemed like there's a bigger picture behind these. That's why from today on she is going to try to be friends with Daniel while being cautious.

But how does one make friends? Luna hasn't gotten any friends since birth. What about Shadow?

'Nah, He's just a stingy teacher who always starves me,' she thought.

After thinking for a long time, she decided to give something back to Daniel. But what do boys like? She can't ask for any advice coming from Shadow if she were to ask him. He is not a boy even though he's already nearly twenty. She needs some advice. 

"Hey White?" I called out the only one in the house who could help me.


"Hmm...What should I give to a boy of my age?" she asks helplessly.

White eyes started to glow again. And the television screen in front of her changes like lightning. Finally, the screen stopped changing and she could see some words on it. Does it seem like it's something called a forum?

List of gifts to give a boy? Luna was amazed by the words she just read. The internet seems to be a place filled with answers. 

White scroll down the screen to let her see the list. There's a name and a picture with it for each list. 

The first thing on the list was 'Robots'. No, she absolutely disagrees. Daniel and robot? Not a chance. She discarded the first answer without a second thought. She continues to read the second one on the list. 

'Robot cars' was written as the second. Again robots?? Are boys into robots that much? Daniel would be different right? Several thoughts cross her mind. 

White scrolls the screen once more. The third one on the list is called a 'PS4'. She could see a black box picture under the words. Not knowing what it is, she had to ask white, "what's a 'PS4'?"

Even White's face, which has shown many expressions during the past years, changes into somewhat like a disappointed mother looking at her son for the missing one point from having a full score on math. 

The screen showing the lists shrink into a small one and was put in a corner of the television. 

Another screen pop-up showing the black box with a pause sign on it. It seems to be a video. 

'It's a video about that PS4 box?' she wondered. The video continues for an hour but other videos continue to play right after finishing it.

White finally decided to stop showing Luna more, feeling satisfied.

Luna felt like she was guided to a whole new world called gaming during the time she watched the videos. 

The PS4 is just one of the affordable gifts for boys. Where else there is an even better one called 'Second World' which is a VRMMORPG game, 'SW' for short. 

In 'SW' people can do quests and even a PVP? And we can have any elemental power in the game? Why hasn't Shadow told her about this wonderful game before? She could practice my elements without limit in the so-called practice room. 

Maybe he's just too old for games, she scoffed Shadow in her mind, still not satisfied about the fact that he limits her food. Even if she passed her limit on her second element, that punishment still wasn't lifted.

[You are still young for playing the full access account of Second World Luna,] White reminds the girl who is lost in her thoughts.

"What's the legal age?" Luna asked White with some glimpse of hope.


'Why!!' she cried internally.

"Then just order that PS4 box" she ordered White with a disappointed voice.


Ding Dong

Daniel heard the doorbell but he was surprised. There's no one who will visit him right? Unless it's them. Didn't they promise not to come after him again? He put down the spoon which was used to stir the soup which he is making, he turned off the electric stove to go to the live video screen of the doorbell in the living room to check who the person is.

Surprisingly, he saw Everett. The boy from next door. Daniel becomes happy and he excitedly rushes to open the door. He forgot to take off his light blue aprons.

It's confirmed that he got his genes from his mother, Luna thought as she saw Daniel open the door. She can hear his fast heartbeat and his fast breathing. Was he doing something?

He smells just like Anna, the thought flashes through my mind. The smell of food. Is it a takeout? She is still not good at cooking till now so there's no way he's that good at it, right? 

She believed that Anna's cooking was the best since James would always praise his wife's cooking.

"Did I interrupt you?" she asked him first. Luna decided to ask him about the game later.

"No--not at all! I was just making a light meal for lunch" Daniel desperately replied, he didn't want to make any mistakes in befriending this person.

The food smells just like the soup Anna has cooked for her before. Even though  she still can't differentiate it with the taste, she could tell that it was most likely the same as how it smells. 

'I miss her.'

"It smells good" she praised the boy in front of her.

"Do you want to try? Ah…umm… I promise I didn't put anything weird!" Daniel told her as if someone had put weird stuff in his food before.

"Sure," she blurted out without thinking. 

She shouldn't have accepted it. It was certainly a question asked out of politeness. Who would invite a person who they have only met for like some seconds and just because he lives next door?

"Come on in," she heard Daniel's voice telling her to come inside joyfully. 

She was wrong? Or Daniel is an exception? 

The house is surprisingly plain with a few pieces of furniture inside. He leads her to a table placed between the kitchen and the living room. 

Their house structure seems to be the same. As she sat down on the chair beside the table, Daniel started to take some plates out of the cardboard. 

She could see most of the necessities weren't placed in high places. There seems to be no one except them in this house. Does he live alone? She somehow felt pity for him. Who would let this angelic person stay alone? It must be the one behind his identity. Some of her doubts about Daniel being an enemy vanish from her mind without even noticing it vanished by herself.

"Hey, do you want to play PS4?" she asked Daniel with a smile on her face.