Ian is stuck?

For a second, he was frozen stiff, no different from a sculpture.  After regaining his senses, he thought about the warm and hot feeling he just felt. It's totally different from the time he has to carry Ian alone.

'Is this what people call suffocation?'

The reason for him to think of that was probably because Luna hugged him with Ian being the one stuck in between them. Ian was throwing daggers from below his chin. Luna's black hair was near his nose, whilst her head rested on his shoulder.

What's the chance of Ian's personality becoming affected on Luna? Was she distracted to bite him? That must be it!

He totally guessed it wrong.

A small voice whimpered to speak out his discomfort. Luna hugged Shadow out of impulse, forgetting to concern about her brother's situation. Becoming conscious of it, without any hesitation, Luna quickly loosen her grip to retrieve her hand which didn't properly reach Shadow's back during the hug.

She jumped backward while holding Ian with a strong grip to make sure he won't slip out of her arms. Ian on the other hand could finally breathe in peace.

The ears of the girl in front of him were slightly red.

"Shadow, Shadow!" as she called out his name, it was accompanied by a big smile on her face.

"What was it?" Perhaps that kid Ian can finally speak her name? It doesn't seem like the reason for hugging him though. The tone he used to question her was quite calm despite the atmosphere. It didn't stop him to keep wondering about the reason for that sudden hug in his mind.

"I figured the question from yesterday!" the girl enthusiastically answered him.

"Oh.." so that was the reason.

"I am quite confident that my answer is correct." Staring straight into Shadow's face, she declared. Truth to be told, she's just bluffing.

Luna was pretty satisfied about his reaction when she hugged him for the first time. She wanted to inspect more of his sudden reaction after her guess of the question from yesterday.

Shadow gave her a nod to continue on with it.

"Isn't the real meaning behind your word means the safety of us, right? You were worried about us getting hurt." Luna used 'us' since she believed that Shadow cared about them, even a little bit is enough to know that they won't be abandoned.

He was worried? Shadow had to ask himself once again. Worried for a kid who has no relation to his savior and his savior's son? He doesn't know how to answer. Most of his emotions were lost after all. Due to the effect of removing his own memory.

He has once got worried for Luna during the time he didn't manage to protect her. It seems that the event is still producing similar emotions. The worry from the last time being not able to protect the one who his savior treasures the most becomes a part of worry from a teacher.

"True" partly.

Hearing his answer, Luna's spirit was lifted. She giggled softly because of the overwhelming happiness.

As the tip of Ian's brows moved down, he bit his baby lips and put his small hands on the soft cheeks of the one holding him, squishing it to stop giggling. His age wasn't knowledgeable enough for him to understand why she is being like this but he only knew that he did not like this.

She should have a happy expression only in front of him! Not in front of that expressionless guy who doesn't love your baby brother.

'Ahh, breakfast!' Luna mistook his brother for acting cutesy, thinking that he was like this because he was hungry and rushed out to get the meal left in the pot to cool down.

While those two were back into their usual bro-con, sis-con moments and left the room, Shadow was left hanging in his room.

Laughter sounded near him. Turning his gaze to the direction of the sound, laughter converted into choking. Shadow could see White acting like drinking a water bottle on the screen. The effects of water spilling out from her tiny mouth were quite perfect.

After putting the water bottle down with both of her paws, the fur from her paws became wet from the action of wiping the water spilled on her mouth from the choking scene before.

Shadow believed the developers of this artificial intelligence boasting about how amazingly White is like a human were certainly wrong. They forgot to teach this cat how to act to be at least a bit more believable.