Gathered information

He raised his chin and puffed out his chest "Of course, I learn from the best after all but mother will you still be able to make pills with your condition."

Ye Lihua smiled but there was a touch of sadness in her eyes "Unfortunately I won't be able to make any high level pills anymore but I'll still be able make a few as long it isn't too taxing on my body."

Han Tengfei shoulder droop down "What but you love making pills that was your favourite way to pass time isn't it."

She turn her gentle gaze to Han Chunhua "Yes it was but now I have a new favourite pass time."

"What is it?"

"Taking care of the two of you, so don't blame your sister all right."

"Mother you're really insulting my intelligence right now, I would never blame Huahua because she is the cutest person in the world and cause no one would've known your condition beforehand."

"I really am blessed to have such a loving family."

Han Tengfei smile cheekily showing his two canine teeths "By family you mean me and Huahua right."

"Now what about your father Xiao Fei."

"Well who told him to die in glory before Huahua was born."

Ye Lihua glared at him "HAN TENGFEI"

"It's getting late I'll leave so you can rest now" as he run out the door at lightning speed.

Ye Lihua sighed in melancholy "What should I do with that boy, Huahua listen to mother your brother doesn't hate your father it's the complete opposite he just can't help but blame him for breaking his promise to come back alive everytime he misses him."


6 Year later, a forest within the Han Household

"You're ready Huahua" Han Tengfei turned around and started searching while Han Chunhua is sitting on a branch of a tree 'I've live in this world for six year already or it better to call it my world since I'm starting to accept everything though slowly but steady, I've come to learn that my guess was right. I've also learn that this household that I was born in has a unique way of appointing status based on the strength one holds in other words the higher your cultivation the higher your status. Due to this there are a lot of schemes that involve crippling one meridians, poisoning, betrayal and many more to put it simply it's just a white eyed wolf breeding ground. Even family members are not spared, we're the only family that doesn't try to pit against each other so I suppose that isn't too bad eventhough our status remains the same as a servant. '

'However no matter how many times we isolated ourselves from the rest of the so called 'family' they just keep targeting us because they're afraid us inheriting our father's talent that led him to becoming the patriarch back then. Now only an old man sit as the patriarch before the next generation which is ours has some one suitable to become the next patriarch in which I could care less about as long as they don't bother my family.'

'Our household resides in the Qi continent where the highest level cultivator is only a core formation 7th stage cultivator and from what I manage to trick mother to tell me is that this continent is a barren and desolate realm and that any higher level cultivator will have their cultivation forcefully suppress to the peak of Core formation but due to this mother has been more alert so I can't get anymore information beside the cultivation stages beyond Core formation. In ascending order there's Qi gathering, Foundation establishment, Core formation, Nascent soul, Spirit severing, Dao seeking, Immortal ascension, Demigod and True god each with 9 minor realms.'

'Honestly I don't care much about cultivation as long as I have my family I'm satisfied but I do have some interest in alchemy, I rather not become a physician because I was a doctor specialising in western herbal medicine in my past life moreover alchemy would be quite useful in many circumstances and the status granted to an alchemist is enough to help me and my family live a carefree life on this continent if we ever decide to leave. Let's not think about that I'm a child right now, might as well enjoy it to the fullest and be as childish as I want unlike the past where I had no chance to.'

"Huahua I give up, can you come out now" Han Tengfei shouted.

Han Chunhua jump down "Look up"

He tilted his head up and rush to catch her "Phew got you, is this how you always win against me in hide and seek"

He put her down "Yes."

He furrowed his brows "It's probably uncomfortable sitting there for so long"

"Not really for some reason I just feel at ease"

"How do you even get up there?"

"The branches align up to form stairs starting from there" she point toward the wall with boxes next to the wall.

He sighed while patting her head "Why is my adorable sister so smart"

"It runs in the family "

He start chuckling "True"

He starts running "Come on let's hurry back before mother gets worried, last one there has to give the other mother's special braised pork."

She chase after him "No fair you got a head start, cheater."

In front of the courtyard, Han Chunhua arrived first with Han Tengfei following close behind "You won aren't you supposed to be happier."

"Not if you let me win on purpose" she frowned

"What do you mean I spent an hour looking for you in the forest, so I'm going to be tired."

She turned around and walk in, the corner of her lips curl up 'Don't think just because you got a good excuse I won't know, after all you know that mother's special braised pork is my favourite.'

The family sat down and started eating showing a lively and relaxed atmosphere. Ye Lihua look at Han Tengfei "Tomorrow is the day of the entrance examination to enter the imperial academy, unfortunately I can't go there to wish you luck."

He smile "No worries mother I know you will be rooting for me at home and beside I have my sister to wish me luck at the gate."