Strange Occurrence

"Mother we're off" as Han Tengfei and Han Chunhua raised their hands and waved to their mother before departing at the gate for the Imperial academy's entrance examination.

Ye Lihua waved back "Um, good luck Xiao Fei"

As they walked through the busy and bustling streets they can occasionally hear streets vendors shouting and the trotting of horse carriages.

He saw Han Chunhua looked around curiously. "Right this is the first time you've came out of the household, after my examination is over do want explore?" Han Tengfei asked

"Can we?" She looked at him in anticipation, her expression starry-eyed.

He chuckles "Of course, as long as we get back before sundown"

They arrived and stopped a few metres away from the gate of the Imperial academy, looking around you can see a crowd of many other examines and their family members wishing them luck.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you here since family members aren't allow inside so best of luck and if you fail I won't acknowledge you as my brother" she smiles.

Han Tengfei expression stiffened "You're joking right?"

She remains smiling.


"If you can't become a student from Imperial academy then all the resources and mother's efforts in nurturing and building a solid foundation for you would have gone to waste" She said coldly.

"I understand I'll be back soon" he turns around and heads to the exam site.

Three and a half hour later, the examines started to pour out from the gates in batches some looked ashen well other looked ecstatic, soon after Han Tengfei walk out.

Han Chunhua rushed to him "How did it go?"

He sighed and patted her head "Your brother has unexpectedly"

She pulls on his arms anxiously "Unexpectedly what, just tell me."

He showed a grin "Joined the class for geniuses, the heaven class."

She kicked his shin and pouts "That it mph, you made me worried for nothing."

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help teasing my adorable little sister but it is not possible for me to fail especially when mother did so much and my sister's continued acknowledgement is on the line." He chuckled while pacifying her.

A girl walks towards the pair of siblings "Tengfei who is this?"

He introduced them to each other "Ah yes, Huahua this is Yan Shuchun I met her because we were in the same examination group and Shuchun this is my sister I told you about her name is Han Chunhua"

"Nice to meet you" she greeted with a smile.

"Likewise" she responded while scrutinizing her.

'Almond shaped eyes, circular face, low nose bridge and dressed in a white robe embroidered with flowers in other words she can be described as a pure beauty but whether or not she is one still remains unknown.'

She turned to him "Brother didn't you say that we could explore the streets once your examination is over?"

He nods

Yan Shuchun nervously asked "Is it okay if I come along too?"

He hesitates "What do you think Huahua?"

Han Chunhua takes some time to think 'If I allowed her to come along then I be able to determine if she really is a pure beauty like her name implies or is she approaching us for a reason but it's not really my place to judge since I won't be interacting with her much plus brother is smart so he should be able to see through her easily but I warn him just to be on the safe side."

After she thought it through"Maybe next time after all you've just finished the examination and your family is probably waiting anxiously for you to inform them whether or not you failed."

There were conflicting emotions in Yan Shuchun eyes but it disappeared quickly however the siblings caught it "Oh you're right I'll see you next time then."

Once she left Han Chunhua warned Han Tengfei "Brother you shouldn't show your true self too often and be more cautious after all we both know how ugly some people are when it involves self benefit."

"Don't worry I know, now let go explore the streets we're burning daylight by standing around here" he pulls her along.

They spend the rest of the day touring the streets, buying food from vendors and looking at interesting things.

As they are returning home they saw a wounded bird laying in an alley, Han Chunhua approach it and stretch out her hand suddenly vines grew out of the outstretched hand and engulfed the bird, completely devouring it until nothing but the puddle of dried up blood remains on the ground where the bird was laying at.

This shocked the both of them, luckily Han Tengfei was standing at the entrance to the alley so if anyone had passed by at the moment their view would be obscured, looking at the trembling girl on the ground he tries to approach her but everytime he takes a step forward, she will take a step back until her back is up against the wall.

"Brother please don't come any closer I don't know if what happened just now will happen again I don't want to lose you" as her body tensed up.

He back was against the only source of light in the alley in turn shadowing his own face and preventing her to see his expression as he walk towards her step by step gradually closing the distance between them until a few feet are left he suddenly pulls her into his warm embrace and comforts her "It'll be alright everything's going to be fine, see nothing happened to me you don't have to worry."

Confused she looked up only to see his gentle smile "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What's there to be afraid of, you're my adorable little sister who would never harm the people she cares about so don't worry I would always be right by your side to help you."

However those are words that will not be kept.

He lets go and stretches out his hand "Now let's go home."

She hesitates for a bit and then take hold of his hand tightly "Will we have to tell mother about this?"