CHAPTER 04: It's Too Late to Run Away




ARNE : 'How did it turn out like this?'

Arne pondered over the bed. This morning, as soon as she got up, the maids shouted in horror when they found out Arne tying to get out of bed.

MAID [1] : "You can't get up so suddenly, Lady Arne! Your bare feet must not touch the floor!

ARNE : "… …?"

ARNE : 'My bare feet must not touch the floor.'

As if they would never let Arne's bare feet touch the floor, the maids, armed with a strong, will, hurriedly brought indoor shoes and put them on Arne's feet. Arne, who had been on the battlefield barefoot, was awkward in this situation. However, the problem did not end this situation.

MAID [2] : "Lady Arne! The sun is burning! Lady Arne's fine skin would get all ruined!"

MAID [3] : "Oh no, no! Don't walk around!"

MAID [4] : "Now, change it to a softer carpet for our Lady Arne!"

MAID [5] : "No food that is hard to chew! Prepare something softer!"

For some reason, Arne didn't know when the overprotection of the maids would disappear. Arne was a person who took the climax of swordsmanship on a body that couldn't feel cold or heat, and was even called a Sword God.

ARNE : 'It's all because of that.'

All of this is a 'fancy collaboration' created by nanny Eva and Kassian. Arne remembered when she had just arrived in the Northern Empire. Arne, who wanted to return, was anxious about any incident, and the nanny Eva just made a huge remark.

EVA : "Our Ladyship, Lady Arne, is very weak! Treat her like glass!"

While Arne was baffled by the remark that she had never heard of in her life. Kassian took Eva's words seriously and put his order.

KASSIAN : "Pray for the precious Ladyship's health." (Original Translation: "Pray for the precious Grand Dukes.")

From the next day. The maids did not leave Arne alone.

ARNE : 'I'm not a child and what is this… …'

Although she had been chased from the nagging bombs of her parents, it was the first time she had been chased to escape the overprotection of the maids. Arne sighed a long sigh, barely securing time alone, avoiding the maids who were treated her like a baby all day.

MAID [6] : "My Lady, Lady Arne~!"

MAID [7] : "Her Ladyship, Lady Arne!"

She heard the voices o the maids wandering around looking for Arne. But they couldn't find Arne. It was because Arne was above the maids. Arne, settled on the tallest tree in the garden, sighed of relief as she watched the maids moving away.

ARNE : "Now, I'm a little bit sweaty." (original translation: "Now I am a little bit fleshy."

Arne sighed, sitting on a branch thick enough to sit on. A different landscape from the Brillhit Manor built on a high mountain, where Arne lived as a child, greeted Arne. Ternewzen Castle, built along a large lake, was beautiful enough to admire.

ARNE : "What kind of peace id it… …"

Until she came to the Northern Empire, she was suffering from her parents, and after coming, she was suffering from the maids, so she was tired. The trees were tall, so she could see the castle better. Ternewzen Castle was very busy preparing for the upcoming wedding, from the general butler to the minor maid. Rather, the leisurely, Arne felt strange.

ARNE : 'But he doesn't make come to me as if he had made other appointments.'

She was confused whether it was good or not, but Arne did not care. No work has always been a welcoming thing.

ARNE : 'It's still amazing.'

The people of the Western Empire Know Arne's identity, so she was a little curious that the people of the Northern Empire didn't know of her. While observing the people, who were rushing around the castle, Arne suddenly stopped looking at a man on the wall.

ARNE : "That person."

Even when he was wearing a mask, he couldn't hide his overflowing handsomeness, but it was brighter because he wasn't wearing anything at all. Arne stared at Kassian dissatisfiedly. The shell looked like a creature made by god, and she couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Arne suffered even more when the dark history of the past, who had asked a man who came to see him to be his lover, came to mind. (T/N: I think this sentence "who had asked a man who came to see him to be his lover" meant that he swings the other way… I dunno)

ARNE : 'It must have been fun for me who doesn't know anything!'

If she just thought about it, she wanted to go back after an accident like that… …

EVA : "Lady Arne! Are you thinking of disappointing the Duchess!"

The nanny Eva pleaded earnestly with tears, so Arne was patient.

ARNE : "I think mother sent you here because of this… …"

After all, my parents, are weak. While she was feeling the fatality of the adults, her eyes were glued at the handsome beauty of the human being who will be her new husband, Anyway, she tried to kill and go back… …

ARNE : "Is it a little wasteful to kill that face?"

All of a sudden, Arne couldn't figure out why she was marrying him because he doesn't lack anything.

ARNE : "Is there any debt to repay to the Emperor Ciklion IV?"

Arne hypothesized. First, he has a debt to pay off. However, it was strange that he had to marry her. And since Ciklion IV was at another level, he couldn't easily have allowed marriage and live abroad. Then maybe… …?

ARNE : "No way, I…. …Have I been sold?"

Arne switched her mind. What if Ciklion IV asked him to get married? He(Ciklion IV) has a child in his family, who is a nuisance because she(Arne) doesn't think she can get married, so please marry her. What if he did that?!

ARNE : "… …"

It was half a joke, but the possibilities overflowed so much that Arne suffered.

ARNE : "No, it can't be. No matter how much it seemed like you wouldn't want me to marry… …"

However, anything was possible if her mother was involved. Arne thought it was fortunate that her parents weren't able to come to the wedding in person. If her parents were together, it would have been obvious that she would have to learn the manners of becoming a lady today. My mother, who was weak, couldn't attend because she couldn't endure the life of an airship, and her father couldn't come because he couldn't leave her(Arne's mother) alone. Emperor Ciklion was not able to come because he was the emperor, so it was Duke Sarno, another brother of the Emperor and Arne's uncle who presided over this wedding.

ARNE : "3 months… …"

It was when her parents muttered the period when they said it was okay to divorce once they endure it. Kassian turns his head. Arne who was vigilant at the clear gaze looking exactly at the top of the tree where Arne was sitting, couldn't hide, and their eyes met. At the moment, his blue eyes, both like deep sea and the dark night sky, gently bent. It seemed that the time stopped.

ARNE : "No… …"

How can a man laugh so handsomely like that?




Kassian laughed without knowing. Arne's eyes wide open was pretty cute. Kassian's smile thickened as he pursued Arne's figure who had run away. He heard the maids looking for Her Ladyship, but he didn't know that she would go up on a tree and drooping in the sun.

KASSIAN : 'How the hell did you get up there?'

According to the testimony of the nanny Eva, she has a fragile body that breaks her leg while walking and quickly collapses under the sun, but Arne seemed to be irrelevant. He was the one who was riding the railing at the first meeting.

KASSIAN : 'But what's more of a Brillhit's young lady, isn't it common to be gentle and stern?'

The more Kassian looked at it, the more different it was. Is the Brillhit family easy-going? Or, is she from Lewell Testa? If not, is it the cultural differences between the Northern and the Western Empires? Whatever it might have been, Arne's uncontrollable behavior gave Kassian a strange sensation that couldn't be said. (T/N: it's love, Kassian. It's love.)

KASSIAN : 'It feels like I've adopted a cat, not really meeting my future wife.'

Suddenly, a time came to mind when Kassian chose Arne as his marriage partner. Ciklion IV took his own conscience and ripped it off.

CIKLION : "It won't be easy. Are you sane? This child is hard to deal with. How about finding another young lady?"

A marriage partner who was chosen half an impulse and half a joke. However, the deepening of Kassian's interest was due to the reaction of Ciklion IV, the Emperor of the Western Empire. Yes. Ciklion IV was desperately curled up. It wasn't the emperor's fault.

KASSIAN : 'Is Arne's body so weak that Ciklion IV tried to call off the wedding?'

In Kassian's eyes, Arne was too fragile. In retrospect, Arne stumbled as soon as she met him after the first meeting. Until now, Kassian had thought that Ciklion IV's opposition was simply because he had a relationship with the Sword master or because he was to drunk… …

KASSIAN : 'If her body is weak like that, it would be objectionable.'

In this way, the misunderstanding of Kassian only deepened.




Arne, who made eye contact with Kassian, came down from the tree.

ARNE : 'Was I caught?'

She was told to pretend to be a gentle lady, but as far as Arne knows, a gentle lady does not climb anything like trees. A lady with a fragile body will not climb trees anymore.

ARNE : 'No, rather, it is a golden opportunity to resolve the misunderstanding.'

She was rather tired of the maids who treated her like a baby. Wouldn't the useless misunderstanding be resolved if we take this opportunity well? It was when Arne was thinking deeply alone. Basrock(?). The grass in the hidden garden moved at once. Arne frowned in an unpleasant pretense. It was as she was contemplating what she might do that she became aware of something lurking behind her.

MAID [8] : "Your Ladyship, Lady Arne!"

MAID [9] : "My Lady!"

Arne moved urgently to the voices of the maids from afar. One's own well-being was more important than pretending to be unaware.

ARNE : 'Well, it won't happen.'




Having succeeded in fleeing at the speed of light, Arne observed the movement on the balcony of the castle. Fortunately, the maids were not visible. She didn't want to be caught again and become the maid's baby. Arne sighs of relief.

ARNE : Whew. Was it a case bullying?"

KASSIAN : "Who did you bully?"

Arne reflexively stiffens at the low voice heard from behind. Looking back, there was Kassian, who didn't know when she came. When Arne looked at Kassian dissatisfiedly, Kassian tilted his head. Arne frowned at the stupid look that seemed to ask why she was so dissatisfied.

ARNE : "When did you stand there?"

KASSIAN : "Just now, I saw my wife coming this way."

Naturally, he was respectful and Kassian came closer. Arne was a little confused looking at Kassian.

ARNE : 'I didn't feel his presence again.'

It was strange that Arne didn't feel the presence of Kassian when she first met him, and even now. When she was looking at it, she could feel others, but oddly enough, she couldn't feel his when she got a little farther away.

ARNE : 'I feel the presence of other people like this.'

She could read not only people on the same floor, but also people running downstairs. She usually doesn't concentrate like this, but even if she didn't concentrate, she couldn't even know the pretense of the person standing up close to her.

ARNE : 'Are you like me?'

There was a possibility. Arne stared at Kassian carefully, as if trying to find out the truth.

KASSIAN : "Do you like me so much?"

ARNE : "… …"

What did that crazy person say?

KASSIAN : "It seems that you like looking at my face like this."

ARNE : "Uh uh… …"

It can't be denied, but Arne couldn't answer easily because of the strange feeling of wanting to deny it. Arne's impression was fun. The expression and eyes that react each and everyone are full of vitality, and they make fun of them inadvertently.

KASSIAN : 'It's really fun teasing her.'

ARNE : "Arne you kidding me?"

KASSIAN : "No. How can I make fun pf you?"

ARNE : 'He's already teasing me!'

Arne openly stared at Kassian. As he looked at Arne, who had a lot of goals, Kassian laughed unknowingly. If he says it's like a cat with a lot of hair, it's funny.

KASSIAN : 'That even suits you.'

KASSIAN : "Have you adapted your life in the castle?"

ARNE : "Well, somehow."

Arne looked at Kassian with a lot of things to say. Kassian nodded, as if asking as much as possible, and Arne shook her head tremblingly, it's good to be good, but it was burdensome for everyone to run as if they were taking care of a baby.

ARNE : 'But as soon as I tell you this, thus man will treat me like a baby.'

As Arne's gaze reached Kassian, Cassian smiled.

KASSIAN : "Then, how do you feel about meeting your marriage partner who doesn't seem to be so fine?"

Arne raised her eyes.

KASSIAN : "And I don't think the person who allowed me to marry would be fine."

Obviously, it reminded her of what she said when she broke up in the Western Empire. Is this provocative right now?

ARNE : "It's not worse that I thought."

KASSIAN : "Isn't it worse that you thought?"

ARNE : "Yeah."

Kassian was delighted with an overly honest answer with the person in front. Usually, in this situation, didn't she say that it's okay to be empty or at least say it's okay?

KASSIAN : 'It's fun anyway.'

It was fun because it felt like he was soothing a cat who had a lot of headaches. Arne frowns seriously and then seen Kassian again.

ARNE : "Actually, I have a question for you."

KASSIAN : "You can ask me."

ARNE : "Every time I look at it, your hair color changes. What is your real hair color?"

Black hair at the first meeting. Then platinum hair. And now it's silver. When Arne asked a question with dissatisfaction, Kassian replied kindly.

KASSIAN : "This is my real hair color."

ARNE : "Really?"

KASSIAN : "Really, At the time, I was hiding my identity?"

Kassian expected that the next question would be 'why did you hide your identity?' However, Arne asked him a completely different question.

ARNE : "Do you have a first love that you will never forget?"

A really absurd and unexpected question. Kassian was speechless after a long time. When there was no answer from Kassian, Arne asked questions one after another.

ARNE : "Or were you married before and divorced? The marriage is invalid. Or is there a different government with a low degree of love?"

What the hell is she thinking of and suddenly ask a question like this? Depending on the situation, the questioned started to sound aggressive, but they weren't rude. However, Kassian was very cool rather than angry at a question he had never heard of before.

KASSIAN : "What would you do if you had one?" (T/N: I guess he meant if she had ever married before.)

ARNE : "… …Yeah? If there is, there is."

Cassian laughed at the answer that seemed to have no idea. Arne tilted her head as he saw Kassian laughing. Why is he laughing all of a sudden?

ARME : "Wait a minute, but I have to tell you exactly what's there!" (T/N: she's referring to the lies of nanny Eva, that she isn't a fragile Lady.)

KASSIAN : "There is none."

ARNE : "Eh? There is nothing?"

KASSIAN : "Yeah. There is no unforgettable first love, no marriage, no divorce, no low-ranking government."

Even with Kassian's resolute answer, Arne did not take root of a doubt. If there's really nothing wrong with Kassian…. … If do, after, has he been sold… …!

ARNE : 'Which ere is this age? Are you crazy about being a sold bride?'

Arne suffered again. At the same time, the desire to check with Kassian and the desire to know fought fiercely. Seeing Arne in conflict, Kassian got a little fun.

KASSIAN : "Are you having second thoughts about me right now?"

ARNE : "… …No, how did you come up with those words?"

KASSIAN : "I am always sincere to my wife."

ARNE : "But, were not married yet?'

KASSIAN : "I will do it soon."

Speaking firmly, Kassian naturally grabbed Arne's hand and put his lips on the back of her hand. As if taking a stigma, Kassian kissed him deeply, staring at Arne with intense eyes that seemed to melt.

KASSIAN : "Or, did you want to run away now?"

Arne flinched at a voice that seemed to scratch something impulsive. It wasn't really that way, but Arne wanted to run away because he was facing his eyes. It seemed that those eyes would swallow her whole.

ARNE : "If I run away, will you let me go?"


Softly and firmly, Kassian replied like a sword.

KASSIAN : "Its too late to run away now."

As if he would never let go, Kassian's eyes thickened.













TYPE : Web Novel (KR)

GENRE : Adventure; Comedy; Drama; Fantasy; Josei; Romance; Shoujo

TAGS : Aristocracy; Arranged Marriage; Beautiful Female Lead; Comedic Undertone; Devoted Love Interests; Doting Love Interests; Enemies Become Lovers; European Ambience; Female Protagonist; Handsome Male Lead; Kind Love Interests; Knights; Male Yandere; Misunderstandings; Power Couple; Sword And Magic; Sword Wielder; Tomboyish Female Lead

LANGUAGE : Korean (translated to English)

AUTHOR(S) : 윤슬

ARTIST(S) : Pig Cake; 돼지케이크