CHAPTER 05: Wedding and the First Night.




Terneugen Castle was more exhilarating than ever. There is only one reason! It was because today is the day when the owner of Terneugen Castle gets married.

EVA : "T_T. Our Lady Arne is really getting married!!"

Nanny Eva has been pouring tears from the morning. Arne was honestly in a subtle mood. Is this something that should be thrilled to this extent… …?

ARNE : 'I was so serious… …'

The more nanny cried; the more serious Arne became. Eva whispered and spoke.

EVA : "If the Duchess had seen this…. …. She must have been really happy!"

ARNE : "You talk as if she was dead. Mom is alive."

ARNE'S MOTHER: - [Yes, Eva. I am still alive here.]

The Duchess, who wanted all the wedding arrangements through magic sphere, shuddered. Of course, Eva was crying hard, as if she couldn't hear the words. Arne's marriage, which she had been raising since her baby days, seemed to be very thrilled.

ARNE'S MOTHER: - [Arne, look this way. Right. Oh my, be pretty. My daughter! After all, there is no other beauty just like our daughter! Ho Ho.]

The Duchess, who is very proud that her daughter is a beauty, was pleased. The Duchess was very happy, who was planning to see a remote marriage through a magic sphere at the Brillhit Manor. On the other hand, Arne was very fond of the brilliant development of civilization. The ego of civilization took away the romance of the times.

ARNE'S MOTHER: - [It would have been nice if I could go and see your wedding in person, but I'm sorry.]

ARNE : "You're watching everything with magic tools anyway."

ARNE'S MOTHER: - [But attending in person is different! If it wasn't for your father, Yunan, I would have gone directly, but I'm sorry. Still, His Majesty today decided to see your wedding with us. And Count Feroles, and again… …]

From the mouth of the duchess came the names of the people she knew constantly. Even so, it was a marriage that all the Westerners knew, and the duchess seemed to want to announce this wedding in the neighborhood. No, this wasn't the neighborhood level. Solje(?) Arne's wedding was broadcast throughout the Western Empire. The world's first wedding broadcast!

ARNE : 'The shame is waiting for me.'

Divorce! She made an impression while chewing on a word that pulled her intensely today.

ARNE : 'If I say I'd divorce in this situation, I'll probably die, right?'

Even if she didn't die, it was obvious that it would bother her enough to die. Arne, whose mother was scarier than tens of thousands of enemies, quietly shut her mouth. Meanwhile, Arne's preparations were over. Arne saw herself in the mirror with the warm reactions of the maids. There was a person she had never seen before.

MAID [1] : "You are so beautiful!"

MAID [2] : "Pretty, pretty!"

MAID [3] : "You're more beautiful than any bride I've seen!"

MAID [4] : "Oh my Goodness, only His Majesty? Probably everyone at this wedding will be in love!"

ARNE'S MOTHER: - [It shines because my daughter originally chose and decorated it! It's shiny!"

Everyone is excited, but Arne, the protagonist of today's wedding, was lukewarm. It is not a marriage with love, nor is it a marriage to be desired. There was no doubt that there would be any other feelings about the marriage that was about to be pushed. With an honest heart, Arne couldn't realize that she was getting married. However, … …

ARNE'S MOTHER: - [Congratulations on having a new family, my daughter. This mother is so happy that the day will come to see you have such a decent family.]

To be blessed with the sincere blessings of the Duchess, who seems happier than anyone else in the World, she thought that sometimes this wasn't bad either.




The guests who attended the wedding waited for the ceremony to begin with different sentiments.

GUEST [1] : "what kind of person is the bride chosen by the Grand Duchy?"

GUEST [2] : "It was said she has a conservative beauty."

GUEST [3] : "You said it was love at first sight?"

The person who attended because he was curious about the bride. Those who attended for political purposes. A person who attended because he couldn't get rid of the regret of unrequited love. The person who just got invited to sit. No one knew the truth about the rumored wedding. In the first place, none of them knew the real reason for Kassian's marriage.

COUNT ALAN : 'What the hell is His Majesty thinking… …'

Count Alan, Count Irmano, Kassian's right hand man and aide, the very few who knew all the truth, the wedding seemed to be just a great show. In the first place, this marriage was nothing more than a regular marriage. By the way… …

COUNT ALAN : 'You seem strangely sincere.'

Kassian was weird to Alan. Suddenly there was a lot of laughter. Originally, Kassian wasn't a person who laughed so well. Alan's emotions have been very complex as a result of Kassian's unusual reactions over the last few days., as if he's gone crazy.

COUNT ALAN : '… …Although he was originally unknown.'

It was the seat of Cardinal Nero, who was officiating while Alan groaned. The ceremony began. Following the entrance of today's protagonist, the bride and groom, the hall was fluttering.

GUEST [4] : "Ugh… …"

GUEST [5] : "Break… …" (T/N: I dunno what is being referred here.)

The only thing that existed in the hall with the sound of the breathing in was stillness. Everyone was looking at only one person. It was Arne, who would become Terneugen's Grand duchess and Kassian's wife.




When she was preparing for the wedding, she had no idea, but Arne felt strangely when she entered the wedding hall. It was the same when Kassian laughed strangely when he saw Arne wearing a wedding dress. Even when she went to the battlefield, she had never been nervous, but Arne felt slightly tensed. It's because of her mood that the bouquet in her hand felt like a sword, right?

KASSIAN : "Arne."

When Kassian called for her, Arne was in a strange mood. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone call by name? Xian, dressed in formal wear, looked cooler than usual. As their eyes met, Kassian smiled and reached out his hand. As he stared at the hand, Arne carefully grabbed it. As she felt the warmth and presence from her hands, the reality of being married was suddenly realized.

ARNE : 'I'm really getting married.'

It's also with this guy.

CARDNINAL NERO: "First of all, on behalf of the bride and groom, we would like to thank both sides for attending this event today. Shining blessings and light be with you."

Cardinal Nero, on the officiating occasion, opened his mouth. He said something, but oddly enough, Arne's ears couldn't hear it properly. Suddenly, the sense of reality disappeared.

CARDINAL NERO: "Does the bride swear to love the groom forever?"

ARNE : "… … I swear."

Arne hesitated a little. Why does she feel so reverent today, even if she hasn't even chewed on the vows, she hasn't even chewed on when you make a knight vow? She was hesitant, but when Arne finished answering safely, Cardinal Nero asked Kassian this time.

CARDINAL NERO: "Does the bridegroom swear to love the bride forever?"

When asked, Kassian's gaze turned to Arne. Her eyes deep like the abyss contained Arne. Arne flinched at the glance that seemed to be sucking her in, and Kassian pulled the tail of his mouth and laughed.

KASSIAN : "I swear."

An answer that cannot be known whether it is true or false. One thing that didn't change in the vague answer was the Kassian had no intention of letting Arne go. Ironically, Arne was feeling it too.

CARDINAL NERO: "then you may kiss, swearing eternal love."

The kiss of oath. Soon, Arne was embarrassed.

ARNE : 'Kiss?'

She wasn't embarrassed because she didn't know the word kiss. She was just embarrassed to know that she had to kiss a man she hadn't yet known. Kassian's smile deepened as he saw Arne frowning as if she were in trouble. As if asking for help, Arne saw Kassian… … Well, she found the wrong person. The final sequence of the wedding. The eyes of Kassian, who smiled kindly, thickened. Kassian lifted the veil that was covering Arne's face lightly. The fiercely beautiful red eyes stared at Kassian. He probably won't be able to find this kind of beautiful eyes easily in the future.

KASSIAN : "If you want to quit, run now. This is your last chance."

Arne frowns at the low voice heard only by Arne. What the hell is this man talking about during the wedding. Besides, this kind of conversation had once been done before.

ARNE : "Sometimes, it's too late to run away."

KASSIAN : "Yeah. You are late."

In a short moment, eyes came and went. The moment Arne noticed the black desire that fluttered deep in Kassian's blue eyes, she was already caught. Arne breathed in the overlapping lips, Stealing the breath, Kassian digs deeper. Arne, who was being dragged helplessly, remembered that people were watching and tried to stop, but Kassian didn't stop. When Arne thought that she would die of breathing difficulties if she did this in a crazy kiss, Kassian let Arne go.

CARDINAL NERO: "With this, I declare the His Majesty, Kassian Ternewzen, and Her Majesty, Arne Ternewzen, are married."

(T/N: I have no idea if Arne is now a Ternewzen, cuz I have no idea what are the customs of getting married in the Novel that the ORIGINAL author wanted it to be and it wasn't stated on the translations. I don't know if the customs of the Western Empire and the Northern Empire are different. But just like the Western Empire, where Arne's mother married, and became Duchess of Brillhit, I'm gonna do it like that. And, since they have a Hierarchy system in the Novel so im changing Arne's last name, Brillhit, to, Terneugen.)

Nothing else was already visible. As Arne met his eyes, Kassian licked her lips with a satisfying smile, like a fat beast. Arne realized that moment.

ARNE : 'This marriage is already ruined.'

The end of this marriage is dominated by the strong premonition that seems to be the only ending of either one killing Kassian or being eaten by Kassian.








Ternewzen Castle was bustling with the wedding reception. Of course, Arne, the bride, was also right to attend the reception. … …

MAID [5] : "There's a lot going on today, so take a break!"

MAID [6] : "Lady Arne has already done everything enough!"

MAID [7] : "I can't overwhelm Lady Arne's precious feet more than this!"

MAID [8] : "Yes! If you move more than this, you will fall!"

… … Due to the overprotection of the maids, she was absent. The overprotection of the maids, which was usually enormous, was undoubtedly enormous today. Even though the opponents are nobles!

ARNE : 'Can I even do this?'

Of course not, but no one said anything, so Arne simply gave up her duty. As soon as it began, it seemed to resemble a grand prize, the first greeting and first exchanges were thrown out, it was unimaginable to anyone else, but what should she do? Arne was truly satisfied. There was a deep dissatisfaction with the maids who usually treat her like a baby, but it was different only for today. Arne cherished the peace of the interlude. She didn't know the other times, but she was tired. The mind, not the body.

ARNE : 'What the hell has happened today… ...'

She got married. It was a marriage that seemed unlikely to have any influence on life, but, surprisingly, Arne was stupid. Perhaps the biggest contributor to this situation… …Perhaps it was a kiss of an oath. Arne, who was fiddling with her lips, flashed her cheeks as she recalled her daytime affairs.

ARNE : 'No, let's forget. Let's forget such a kiss!'

To Arne, who shook her head and tried to forget, the maids suddenly made a tremendous remark.

MAID [9] : "Ho-ho, have a good night!"

MAID [10] : "Have a comfortable night!"

Of course, she was going to have a good night and a comfortable night, but Arne soon realized what the maids were saying to her.

ARNE : "The first night."

Her sleepy mind awakened. The banquet to celebrate the wedding is held all night, but the two of the wedding's protagonists greeted them and were able to leave their rooms when the time came. Arne, who removed the uncomfortable dress and cumbersome decorations from the Grand Duchy's room, and finished bathing in a cool way, belatedly conflicted with the awakened reality. First night.

ARNE : 'I can't be like this.'

First night? There was no way Arne could send that kind of thing. Arne, who recalled the daytime kiss, became more serious. She had no intentions of killing Kassian right now, but she didn't know if she would kill him anyway.

ARNE : 'The woman who killed her husband on the first day of marriage. I have no intentions of doing that.'

She thought it was a little cool, but she wasn't crazy enough yet. She thought maybe she'd do it soon, but she was still sane! Therefore, there was only one answer left for Arne.

ARNE : "It's an escape."

Today is the first night, as it is known in history. Wasn't it all right to not see your husband? Arne, who came to a simple conclusion, looked at the dynamics outside the door.

ARNE : "I am extremely well-liked… …"

If she could, she would do it, but she couldn't handle the after-storm when she was caught. There was no law requiring people to only walk through the door. And the door wasn't the only door. Arne's gaze turned to the window in the room. When she opened the window wide and looked around, the view was clear. The Grand Duchess' room was located on the highest side of the castle.

ARNE : 'But I think it's possible if I run over there.'

The street was so wide that ordinary people couldn't think of running, but Arne didn't care. It was the moment when she was just moving to try to escape.

KASSIAN : "What are you doing?"

ARNE : "… …!"

When the hell did he came. Kassian looked at Arne, leaning against the open window.








TYPE : Web Novel (KR)

GENRE : Adventure; Comedy; Drama; Fantasy; Josei; Romance; Shoujo

TAGS : Aristocracy; Arranged Marriage; Beautiful Female Lead; Comedic Undertone; Devoted Love Interests; Doting Love Interests; Enemies Become Lovers; European Ambience; Female Protagonist; Handsome Male Lead; Kind Love Interests; Knights; Male Yandere; Misunderstandings; Power Couple; Sword And Magic; Sword Wielder; Tomboyish Female Lead

LANGUAGE : Korean (translated to English)

AUTHOR(S) : 윤슬

ARTIST(S) : Pig Cake; 돼지케이크