[Bonus chapter] Chapter 74

After having an audience with the emperor, Li Ze was given full autonomy to prepare for countermeasures. As a high level officer in the military, he had his own troops that he could deploy in order to proceed with his own plans. 

The eastern border's situation and Huzhi kingdom's intervention were placed under his scope of responsibility because it was part of his expedition's agenda to conquer the said kingdom.

So he was ordered to settle the unrest and use the opportunity to sweep Huzhi kingdom down at the same time. The emperor told him that everything would be over soon after he took down Huzhi kingdom. 

The emperor promised him many great things and he even went as far to fulfill any wishes Li Ze could ever wanted.

Li Ze wasn't the least bit tempted because he knew what he desperately wanted would not be able to be given by the emperor. He just wanted to spend his life in peace and safety. But Li Ze knew he couldn't get that.