Chapter 21: The Announcement

Since Roulan had cleared things up, Akihiro approached them and enunciated enthusiastically, "Well, guys don't you think it's a waste to be boring at such a party?!"

"Loosen up! Let's go there and enjoy ourselves!", he then pointed towards an empty cabin so that the four of them can enjoy their time there.

Roulan and Cuifen turned to glance at Akihiro's cheerfulness. Just by looking at his face, they didn't want to stay bitter and unfeeling anymore. This Akihiro was in the whole mood to make the atmosphere brighten up.

Cuifen rolled her eyes and turned. She then lazily moved forth towards the cabin followed by her mother.

Amused by the conduct of these two, Akihiro turned at his son.

His son shrugged his shoulder at it and commented in coolness, "Well, let's go"

The two of them then moved forth slowly and soon reached there.

With all of them being together, Akihiro ordered the drinks and pizzas onto the robotic server.

The server noted it down and soon left.

Wanting to talk more and spend time with the kids, Akihiro started the conversation, "So..Shuzo, how is the work doing lately?! Do you have any new missions?!"

Roulan was attending to it while keeping her focus on Shuzo.

Shuzo replied to it composedly, "All of the missions that I and Leina went to have all been successful and there is lately no new mission assigned for us"

Akihiro and Roulan shooked their head at it and smiled.

They were feeling glorious to think that their kids are doing well.

Shuzo then turned to his father and asked in keenness, "Then...what about you guys?! Any new mission?! How's work?!"

Just as Shuzo throws the question, there was an awkward moment of silence between Roulan and Akihiro.

They were looking at each other and were hesitating to answer the questions.

Puzzled by it, Shuzo inquired in charm, "What is it?!"

Akihiro replied to it with an anxious look on his face, "Work...?! Work is good! Roulan and I had a meeting with the founders tomorrow. They summoned us"

Shuzo and Leina were left troubled as soon as they mentioned the founders.

There has never been a good thing for the members of the Special unit whenever they meet with the Founders.

Any members who have met with the founders either disappeared or was being sent to another fatal mission.

It's as if the founders were holding a big secret within them.

Unnerved by it, Shuzo turned to them and inquired troubledly, "What for..?! Why are the founders summoning you guys?!"

He was holding up his brows as he questioned them.

Akihiro was having it hard to reply to his son's questions, therefore, Roulan aided him in thoughtfulness, "Ahh...Shuzo, you know the thing of the founders is to be kept a secret. Since it is a confidential thing we won't be able to share a thing with you"

Shuzo was left even more worried by Roulan's words. It's as if they are hiding something important from them.

A sudden feeling of uneasiness rush inside his heart.

His concerned eyes turned to look at the two of them.

Akihiro sensing that his son is worrying over it, immediately spoke up to lift the mood, "And.....there's something important to announce to you guys!"

Roulan turned to glance at Akihiro admiringly as if she has already discerned what he is about to speak.

Shuzo and Leina turned to look at them attentively while Akihiro hold Roulan's shoulders and turned to look at the kids.

A sparkled of contentment can be seen from Roulan's keen, stormy eyes.

Akihiro then made his official announcement, "We will be getting married the day after tomorrow!"

There was a smile of happiness in Roulan's eyes as he announced those words. Both of them were so happy that they will be married and will be together forever.

Cuifen and Shuzo on the side were left shooked by it. They were amused by the sudden news that Cuifen clamoured out in excitement, "Yes!! That's great news! Finally, we will be one family!"

Shuzo was smiling at it. He was feeling happy at the thought that his father won't ever be lonely again.

That Leina will officially be his younger sister.

Wanting to enjoy that, he pours down the wine for his two parents and himself.

He then toast it to them, "Cheers! May the years ahead be filled with joy!"

Akihiro smiled at his son's maturity and thoughtfulness.

He took the wines and gave one to Roulan.

As he was distributing the wines, he noticed that one was missing, Where's Leina's?!

Confused by it, he turned to his son and inquired, "You didn't pour for Leina?!"

Leina scoffed at it while Shuzo replied to it in composure, "She doesn't have to drink"

He then glimpses at her and continues coolly, "She can drink at home"

Roulan was left entertained by Shuzo's sweet brotherly conduct that she smiled at it.

She then spoke out in satisfaction, "I am glad that Shuzo will officially become Leina's brother that way he can protect her"

'Tch! Brother?! Protect?!', Cuifen couldn't believe it that she scoffed at it.

Acknowledging her bizarre conduct, Roulan continued, "Leina you are lucky that Shuzo becomes your gege. Look at him he is already capable and strong at such a young age. With a gege like him by your side, I have nothing to worry about"

She then smiled in contentment.

Cuifen on the side was stubbornly half listening to it all.

Noticing it, Roulan continues to lecture her, "Shuzo is right, here's a public place and it's not good for you to drink much"

Akihiro was smiling at it all while Cuifen unable to hold it anymore complained annoyingly, "Tch! What's wrong with drinking a little bit?! It's not like I will get drunk with just one sip!"

She then makes an irritated face out of it that both Akihiro and Roulan was finding cute.

Shuzo on the side was seating there coolly without even budging.

It seems that even if the sky falls, he will not grant this one wish to Leina. He was being like a solid rock in his stance.

The more Shuzo behave that way, the more it is hard for Leina to seat still. She was left more annoyed as the three of them clink their glasses and drank up the whole damn wine.

Not wanting to dwell on it, she instead focused on the food that was being spread by the robot server.

She grabs one big chunk of the pizza and ate it all wholeheartedly.

It's been a while that she tasted pizza and it was so delicious.

Cuifen's big stomach takes another slice and ate it.

It seems as if she is venting her frustration on the pizza.