Silly Girl

Eos took off the shawl that draped on her shoulders wrapping it around her mothers. The middle aged woman chuckled as she accepted the warm shawl which instantly warmed up her chilly body temperature, "The temperature has become more mild since spring has rolled in," Chuckling at her child's caring nature being offset from a young age, "Silly girl, you just need to worry about yourself more." Her blondish hair was carefully bundled up, nestled on the top of her head. Wisps of hair gently framed her face as the woman gently pulled at Eos' hand into the small mansion that was dwarfed by the Duke's own mansion which was many time bigger. But, this house was enough for two middle aged people to content live out their lives without too much disturbance.

The two women entered the house leaving behind the father who just was glad to see that the two had a good relationship with each other despite the fact that they haven't had much time to spend with each other. However, the coachman who had driven Eos to this town was definitely one of the Duke's wife people sent to monitor Eos, "Leave, we have no need for such prying eyes on us." Glaring at the coachman who could only shrink back to his role as a coachman, "She has already done all the dirty work for your Madame this week." The coach man tipped his hat before whipping the horses to start their journey back to Duke's estate only to return to pick Eos up when it the time is up. Seeing the silhouette of the horse carriage slowly vanish in the distance before he returned back inside the house where the two woman were chatting in the living room with some tea that Eos had bought.

The smooth fragrant notes of the tea gently ribboning through the room as the two women sipped at the wondrous flavours of the tea. Through the initial taste of the tea was natural floral sweetness the astringent aftertaste left the palate bone dry which was remediated by some locally smoked ham that recently finished its curing process after the long winter period. The delectably delicious ham grease coated her mouth counteracting the astringent nature of the tea relieving her of the dry mouth feeling. But, the most heart filling part of this small meal was the company of Eos' two parents who sat close by to her. She was at peace in this cozy house filled with warmth and joy. Soon the delicious morsels of ham and the fragrant tea. Eos went to collect the dishes to clean in the kitchen; a simple monotonous task that usually a servant was tasked with.

After Eos finished washing the dish; her mother took her hands wrapping it with a cloth so that she could dry it, "Silly Girl, why did you wash the dish?" Her mother gently scold as she carefully dried her daughter's hands, "What happens if the Madame finds out that you are doing a servant's job and punishes you?" The lines on her mother's forehead showed her concern for Eos' wellbeing in the Monciaux Dukedom knowing full well that they didn't like the idea of Eos being officially known as one of the Monciaux. But, due to the unfortunate circumstance Eos was forced into the Monciaux Dukedom as a foster daughter of sorts but also a servant to handle all the dirt work that they wouldn't want to deal with especially with their only heir. Amongst the high society, he was known as the life of high society but also being a major gambler at the Nightshade Casino. The Monciaux Dukedom is in imminent danger especially since he is the only heir to the Monciaux Dukedom. So, Eos was bought in as a way to garner more power through marriage since women are the only ones that can climb the social ladder. But, her main gaol for now is to support the heir.

Eos giggled as she wiped her hands in the towel that her mother offered relishing in the moment of being in contact with her mother, "No need to worry about such a thing because if the Madame does intend to punish me." Taking the towel that was in her hand and hanging it on the cabinet door before closing it up, "I can handle it." Eos' father's expression was not bright anymore as his fist were clenched tight. He could deduct that punishments were not an uncommon occurrence for his daughter yet they were powerless in being ale to help their daughter. He had fail as a father for not being able to protect his daughter in a more direct way and his only way to help Eos was through the butler who was a close friend. Snacks, salves, medicine, clothes and even some toys were the only things that he could send to Eos through the butler and the only time that they were able to spend time with each other was when there was an issue at the region which required Eos' attention or the Duke's permission. In which case was rare since Eos couldn't stand being in the same room as the man for too long.


To Eos the trip to her family's house was a luxury which she would try to savour as long as possible. The three family members all head outdoor to where all the jacarandas were still blossoming as they hadn't yet exposed their golden pollen. Eos obviously was holding a parasol to prevent tanning of her skin but it was quickly ditched as she went to community school where all the children greeted her before jumping at her. The children had missed Eos very much since they hadn't seen her around much since she was off in the capital. Many of the people in the village thought that Eos was in the capital studying at an academy and could only afford to come home on rare occasions. The number of people that knew of the truth of Eos' situation could only be counted on one hand.

The children began pulling at Eos' figure towards the field of flowers that were blossoming because of Spring, falling down on the ground. They arrived a field of flowers that seem so picturesque, that it could have been created by heaven. Running through the field of flowers, flower petals sprung from the ground into the air, making it seem like Eos had left behind a trail of flowers wherever she went almost like a divine deity. The various scents mingled in the air creating a whiff of the amazing combination of floral scents. Soon the children began making flower crowns or flower rings so that Eos could wear which warmed her heart seeing such pure innocence of children living out their childhood. But, the children were called by the adults to help with the harvesting of the crops; this time around it was potatoes which were a very common vegetable grown in the many regions.

Eos followed along with the children to help with harvesting the potatoes digging though the soil where all the dirt clung to her skin, underneath her polished nails and clothes. All the potatoes that she had collected weren't many but it was enough for her family to use to make lunch for the day and they decided to use the outdoor cooking space which Eos' mother went to make some lunch with the bigger potatoes. The remaining potatoes were small so Eos quickly took those potatoes and boiling them in water. After the potatoes were fully cooked she began mashing the potatoes in a bowl where she then added some flour. The mixture slowly began incorporating the two ingredients into a ball where she began separating the ball into small balls which she could flatten.

Her mother handed her a pan which Eos then added some oil so that the potato pancakes wouldn't stick and burn on the surface of the pan. Swirling the pan in circular motion the oil finally coated the entire surface of the pan which soon began heating up. As Eos placed the potatoes ball on the pan, "Father, can you get a plate and place a rack on top?" A huge sizzling sound echoed as she placed more pancakes on the pan. Her father heeded her command placing the plate with the rack next to Eos who began taking out the finished potato pancakes. The first few potato pancake came out all funny looking since Eos hadn't being in the kitchen for a while and her skills have all gone rusty. But, after the second round of potato pancakes on the pan the rest of the pancake came out as perfect circles and looked the most appetising.

Cheers of children came from the nearby community school where the majority of the older children were attending. It was to facilitate the low literacy rates so that it would it would bring out more academic students to contribute to various fields. Many of the students that attended the community school were from other villages nearby who had heard that a school had opened in this village which was well known for it long lived prosperity since the new lord of the region came to the position. The smell of the food being cooked at the outdoor cooking attracted many of the students who could only stare at the potato pancakes and taking in the waft of the delicious smell, "Everyone can have one each to take home." Eos smiled as she continued to pan fry the remaining delicious potato cakes that were left leaving her with a small basketful so she could have during her trip back to the Monciaux estate. As the sun was about to set for the day, the same carriage that took Eos to this quaint village would also take her back to the Monciaux Dukedom. Thankfully, the coachmen that would be attending to her wasn't one of the servants of the Madam. She attempted to dust off the dirt and visible oil stain on her dress to no avail.

After waving goodbye to her parent and entering the carriage did Eos return to her identity as the daughter of the Monciaux Dukedom. The brightness that once surrounded Eos had slowly dissipated as well as the smile on her face. Only the face of an emotionless doll quietly sat inside the carriage, "When we entered the capital take me to the nearest clothing store." Her calm voice insinuated the servant to obey her command as he continued through the path that would go straight to the capital, " The dim-lit sunlight streamed through the barrage of leaves warming Eos' face as she rested her head on the glass window until she noticed a few shadow figures in the far distance eyeing the carriage that she was in, "Hurry along, we are being followed." Her discreet message quickly made the coachmen take action as he made the horse proceed faster on the road which making too much attention to the fact that they knew someone was following them.

The carriage soon went into a faster pace where they went past the forest pathway in a flurry but the shadow that were in the far distance were in a much closer than was comfortable. Eos was soon then flung to the other side of the carriage where the carriage came to a halt. A painful throbbed at the places her body slammed into the other side of the carriage; her hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and knees. The door of the carriage revealed the fumbling coachmen who handed out his hand to help Eos who took the hand gratefully behind they were quickly surrounded by some thugs. Her eyes scanned the group that surrounded their exit pathways; all of them were very skinny, malnourished even. There was a slight stench of death that was being emitted from them that only Eos could notice. It was a simple heightened sense that she possessed since young, "My Lady, what should we do?" The frightened coachmen trembled as the thugs stared down at the two of them.

Eos remained unaffected by the intimidation as she recognised these people as villagers from other regions that were trying to seek refugee from the heavy tax. Rummaging through the carriage which had destroyed by those people was the toppled basket which was the potato pancakes which still warm, "I only have a few of these potato pancakes that you can all share amongst yourselves." Handing the basket to the nearest person who then immediately began to pass the limited amount of potato pancakes around leaving some behind presumably for some other people, "If you walk along this pathway there is a village that would be very willing to help." The people then began crying which startled Eos.

The villagers soon surrounded Eos before bowing in respect to her, "I apologise my lady for wrecking your carriage out of desperation." One of the more livelier people who weren't too withered from malnourishment but seeing the other members of the group their complexion were pale, ghostly pale. Eos gently waved them off seeing as this was caused from the heavy taxation from people being unable to handle them for a number of reasons. Then the suddenly realisation that the only transport was destroy leaving them with only the horses to which Eos mounted on one of the two horses allowing the coachmen to follow behind her on the other horse. Even though Eos and the coachman continued on their journey on horseback. They would have to spend a night at an inn which fortunately was close by.