Keep It A Secret For Me

Eos soon woke up to her the familiar canopy that encapsulated the very bed that she was laying on. The beautiful lace trim that ran across the canopy was too decorative for Eos' taste. The pain on her body radiating everywhere especially her back even just breathing was terribly painful, "Miss! You're awake!" Lisa hurried over to Eos' side as she carefully lifted Eos upright so that she would be able to take some medicine to alleviate some of the pain, "The house doctor perscription has been made to help you heal faster." Bitterness was all she could taste as the medicine slipped down her throat, but it didn't bother Eos since this was something she would often have to take.

Eos then let out a breath as the pain subsided a bit, "Bring me a portable table and my work over to my bed." Despite being in pain. Eos was determined to finish her work as soon as possible so that she would be able to fully rest later in the. The bandages that covered her entire body were quite constricting and Eos went to loosened them so it wouldn't hurt too much. However, Lisa did not comply to her orders, "Lisa, do not make me repeat what I said." Lisa then left the room unwilling to retrieve the items that Eos request. As the door opened to reveal Lisa in tow with another maid who was carrying the portable table with all the writing material. As the other maid went to set up the table on the lap of Eos who silently observed the nervous maid who immediately withdrew herself from Eos as soon as possible standing next to the wall nearby the door.

Lisa then placed all the paperwork on the table whilst she too withdrew from the bedside. Eos waved off the other maid who curtsied slightly before leaving the two of them alone in the room, "Miss, I still think you should rest for the day and then you can continue with your work later." Lisa's concerns were right as the wounds would require her to have proper rest and care so that the wounds would heal quickly.

Eos released a tired sigh as she took the first piece of paper that was on top of the stack, "Lisa, my workload has already reduced since the butler has taken up the management over the servants for me." Eos was trying to reassure Lisa who still was concerned about her wellbeing, "How about this? I will stop working on all the documents when the sun sets." Eos could only compromise with Lisa who reluctant agreed with those conditions before leaving the room to allow Eos to do her work. Regardless of her injuries, the Monciaux House still needs to manage by someone of authority and since the Madame or the heir is unwilling to do the work it fell on her to do the work. Since the management of employee has been taken over by the head butler who has well thirty years of experience to be able to do the task exceptionally.

The major concern that Eos was worried for was the region where her parent was living in. The upcoming harvest that would happen in a few more month; a portion of the grain harvest would send to an unusual location at the countryside manor which there were many soldiers were sent to train before being knighted at the Monciaux House. But Eos was only able to figure this out after one of the Duke's servant had tripped causing for rain of papers to fly everywhere in the corridor. One of the documents that Eos happened to see was the about the order of weaponry to be sent at the countryside manor. But she feigns innocent as the servant asked if she saw anything being immediately began investigating that there had been a slow but steady increase of people, weapons and grains. However, because of this increase of resource being assigned to the countryside manor it causes for many of the regions that the Monciaux Dukedom reigned over to have heavy taxes, increases of morality and the many men that are going to other regions because of the low harvest gains that could barely allow for them to survive for the winter.

As Eos continued to work through the papers at a steady pace without any disturbance, "Miss, the sun as set now." Lisa peeked through the door as she stared at Eos who immediately set down the papers on the bedside table along with the portable table, quill and ink. As she entered the room carrying the bandages to change. A knock on the door echoed and Lisa went to answer the door to reveal the butler who was holding a small container in his hand. After some small talk between the two who then immediately parted from each other to do their duties, "The head butler just handed me an ointment that the doctor made for your wounds." Returning to Eos who immediately undressed herself to allow for Lisa to apply the ointment on her wounds. Every time Lisa would touch the wounds with the ointment on her hands it would always cause Eos to wince in pain but often, she would try to muffle herself so that the treatment would be over with quickly. Lisa was able to quickly wrap the bandage in an efficiently way so that bandage would properly the wound to be protect from any bacteria.

After the bandages were wrapped around her body then Eos was able to dress herself in some loose-fitting clothes so that it wouldn't irritate the wound. Honestly, it still be some time before the wounds would fully heal so it would be difficult to be able to hide the wounds if she were to attend any parties. It would be difficult to decline too many invitations since it would be considered rude, and it would cause her to be isolated in high society. It didn't help that the tea party that would be hosted at the Monciaux House where her closest friends would easily be able to tell that she got injured by the people in this Dukedom. The most pressing matter was the invitation from the Baroness of High Society invited all the new initiated nobles to mingle with the rest of the already established nobles and build connections there. This party would be in a month's time.

It would be the best place to make some of her own connections with other people outside of her own friend group. Honestly, Eos dreaded parties since there would be so many people and interactions always made her nervous on the inside. It was a huge deal of energy being spent at such parties and even more working at the Duke's orders. Lisa soon left the room with the bloodied bandages leaving Eos to rest in her bed. The soft pillow that held her head had the subtle smell of peppermint which only kept her awake, denying her from the slumber of night. As the blanket loosely clung to her body as Eos approached the balcony door where she carefully opened the door allowing the lukewarm air brush against exposed parts of her form that was protected from the blanket. As she tightened the blanket around her shoulder covering her body from the wind as her body ached from something other than the wounds that covered her body.

Soft chuckles escaped Eos' throat as she could only helplessly surrender under the rule of the Monciaux control within as to make a peek of helplessness. Like a bird in a cage, Eos was bound to the Monciaux Dukedom indefinitely to perform her duty since her parents were hostages held against her. Eos just stared at the distance to see only the darkness that enveloped her surroundings, adjusting her vision to the night took a bit of time. The wind soon began to settle as it began to feel like a gentle caress as it blew against her face. Tiredness was soon starting seep into her body as her head began to nod off, leaning against the balcony ivory railing did Eos begin to fall asleep.

The early beaming sunrise did not wake Eos gently as the soft rays easily woke her up as the doors of her room opened, "Miss, do you sleep on the balcony?" Lisa ran to Eos who groggily rubbed her eyes to relieve her mind from the foggy haze that was called exhaustion. Lisa then helped Eos up to her feet and placed her on the bed to rest on the comfortable bed before tucking her into bed and then proceeding to leave the room.


Lisa walked through the corridor to see the servants that were on night duty returning to their chambers to rest. Each of them greeting her before continuing to their rooms. A neat slick backed grey mound of hair caught the attention of Lisa, the head butler was known an early riser. He was delegating duties for the early morning staff to take care of preparation of the house since as cleaning the young master's room of any bottles of alcohol and removal of any harlot within the Monciaux household as well as having the doctor attend to the young master's hangover. The breakfast menu with the cooks, training of new employees and reorganisation of staff for the Autumn period, "Head Butler, does the doctor have any herbs that are good for relaxation?" Lisa enquired as she was thinking to use aromatherapy to help ease Eos into a stance of relaxation in her room which would be the only space private to her alone.

The old gentlemen pinched his chin thinking from the top of his head, "If I remember correctly, the family's doctor has just recently taken in an apprentice who was a herbalist." The butler answered her questions straightforwardly, "I suggest either lavender, chamomile or jasmine would be some of a few plants I know that are good for relaxation." With this information at hand Lisa immediately went to the doctor office where she scanned the room for the doctor to only see the back of tall slender man who was sorting through dried plant matters.

His curly hair was in a disarray as if he just rolled out of bed and came to work. This would most likely the apprentice that the head butler was talking about, "Excuse me." However, the man that was in full focus as he flung the items in his hands, "Do you have any lavender and chamomile?" he turned around to see the person who was intruding his state of mind.

He pinched the area between his eyes seeing the mess that resulted from Lisa's sudden presence, "At the display shelf at the far right that is next to the laboratory." The man quickly went to get the broom to clean up the mess on the floor and table lamenting over the carefully measured herbs going to waste, "Follow me." Leading the way as Lisa followed behind to finally arrive at the laboratory which was filled with many medical tools and equipment on one side. On the other side was filled with shelves with many dried plants, herbs and newly discovered drugs with clearly labelled tags. The man directed Lisa to the shelf where all the dried plants were before going to the other shelf where the herbs he needed to prescribe.

Lisa began to pull the glass jar holding all herbs that she needed, lavender and chamomile. As she saw that there wasn't much of the lavender left in the jar, "Excuse me, the lavender is running out." She shook the jar in her hand to signal the man who immediately took stopped her hand, "Do you need me to notify the butler to get more?" Supporting the jar from underneath it with her other hand.

The man sighed again as took the jar from her hands, "No need, just don't shake the jar like that." On closer inspection the man wore rounded spectacles hung on his nose bridge as his loose curls fall in front of his face which she though was just frizzy unkempt hair. He poured out the lavender in a small satchel for Lisa, "I can prepare the lavender myself." The man then when to write down on the list of the items that she had taken and with that Lisa immediately left the laboratory. As she walked through the bustling corridor where both senior and junior maids were off to do their duties that they were delegated for the morning. But as she walked further through the corridors that lead to the young miss's own building did Lisa notice that there was no bustling of the people. As if it was being unconsciously avoided by many servants.

It was an unspoken rule that the lady of the Monciaux Dukedom was not the real lady of Monciaux but someone from the vassal family that had close familial ties with the Monciaux. Naturally no one really wanted to associate with since she was a disposal power that could easily disappear at a moment's notice. The day that she met Eos was when she first arrived at the Monciaux Dukedom where she was wearing simple cream dress that enhance her softness sort of appearance making her seem unreal compared to the people in the Monciaux Dukedom. Her honeyed green eye resembled an unripened pale lime which was the first thing that Lisa noticed, however, her eyes would always be lowered to the ground as if she didn't like having people look at her directly.

During the early period of readjusting to the new environment. The young lady didn't know voice herself at all and since she was being provided by all the necessities to survive. Her lessons were long, the brutish etiquette training that was harsh even for most adults and the long self-study sessions where the young miss's hand was covered in ink from relentless studying to remember every detail of high society. Lisa was the only maid that was appointed to the Eos, "Miss Eos, please have a break." Handling the tray that held the warm tea and a small dish holding sugar cube to sweeten the tea if needed.

The beautiful young miss ceased the scribbling of quill to paper before seating at the table where Lisa set the teacup along with the sugar before standing to the side. The young lady picked up the teacup in an elegant manner before gently blowing on the surface of the tea, "Thank you, Lisa." A silvery but disembodied voice echoed in the private office which surprised Lisa who had never heard the young miss's voice before, "Would it be possible that you serve me with peppermint tea next time?" A request was sounded from the young miss who hardly spoke to people, but Lisa immediately nodded as she curtsied.

The young miss wasn't very vocal about many things but slowly as she grew accustom to the Monciaux Dukedom both her command and power grew within the Dukedom, "My Lady, your peppermint tea." Her power only increased after the Duke began assigning her task.

Eos hurriedly rushed over to the desk, "Keep this a secret for me." Eos' lip slightly slanted upward seeing the peppermint tea that was accompanied by sweet snacks that she could eat.