Bolden Rage of Blood Debts

After the long arduous travel, racing towards the Monciaux Estate which was guarded by numerous guards, "Halt! In the name of the Monciaux Dukedom!" The patrolling soldier spotted the couple who were huffing and puffing their way to the gate of the Monciaux Estate, "State your name and business!" There was no answer as the wife of the couple was heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Placing a hand in front of her herself.

The fairy heaved out a huge breath as she stopped the soldier from talking, "Just give me a moment since it's been a while since I have been out." Her breathing soon returned to a much more normal rate as she regained her composure, "I came on an account that Eos Monciaux is here and i come here on audience." She curtsied as she began to present a more dignified posture to the guards who immediately began in a fighting stance knowing that people from all over had been coming to see the Monciuax's young lady. All wanting to see her to only try to steal her away.

However, they would be outmatched by the man of the couple who instantly incapacitated both the patrolling guards. He outstretched his hand to his wife who hopped over their bodies as she giggled, "Let's get our daughter back." They both continued their way searching through the castle as well as incapacitate any guards that stood in their way. Once they encountered the Duke in all his glory, fashioned in armour to go up against them, "The Ferdinand family servitude shall end and our daughter will come home with us." The two brothers stood against each other just like their forefathers once did once the Monciaux had split into two branches.

One being the Monciuax branch while the other the Ferdinand branch and up till now the secret of the two families being related had been wiped clean by the Monciaux family. While the Monciaux family stood as the peak of nobility relishing in the power, fame and wealth that came along with the position as a dukedom. However, the Ferdinand family took a complete turn on their lives as they lived in the countryside living amongst the magic folk. There would eventually come a feud that would have started the magic war.

After the Ferdinand family had discovered that the Monciaux family was using magic folk to increase their own magic which had dwindled over the years. The Ferdinand immediately came to the aid of the magic folk who were not an entity to cross with as they could end the Monciaux. Nearing the end of the magic war the Ferdinand's sacrificed themselves for the magic folk since they had an abundant of magic which could replace the death of magic folk. This is what did over the Ferdinand as they were tricked into generational servitude.

No one moved until the once glorious man who stood in gruesome expeditions in the name of the Monciaux Duke. The one who stood at the peak of swordsmanship pushed so far for his family to end it now. A fight ensued as two parties; one being overwhelmingly outnumbered but was annihilating the other side. The Duke who was feeling the pressure immediate utilised the magic that he had gain from Eos.

Eos' mother gasp as she felt the familiar magic, "You! That magic…" Her hand shakily pointed at the Duke as her breathing began getting heavy. She felt like there was no air to breathe. She hadn't felt it in so long, "How do you have it!" It was her baby's magic. She demanded an answer from the Duke as a million answers popped in her head. All answers were terrible.

The Duke grinned as the mother of the child was able to tell whose magic that he was using, "Amazing! Isn't it?" His mind had already been warped with uncontrolled hysteria as he continued to recklessly use the magic that he possessed, "No matter how high the cost to cast a spell there is no end to it!" Each wave of his hand released a bunch of magical attacks which were devastating to the environment as well as the people who were in the crossfire. The soft gentle magic which once belonged to a loveable child was being used to harm others.

The mother immediately countered each move with her own magic. Burst of magic flew in various direction as they collided and crashed into each other. The two magic users soared into the air, colliding with each other's magic. One was impatient throwing powerful spells at the fairy in an attempt to swat it out of the air. The other, however, was conserving as much magic as possible only using it if she couldn't dodge the attacks herself. The battle was getting very long. The mother who hadn't been in battle in a long time was very much getting worn out as she would try to zip past magic attacks. The mother eventually gathered up the last bit of her magic.

Flying up into the sky above the Duke who was visually impaired by the sunlight before thrusting it towards the Duke. Realising what was coming at him he hastily casted a protection spell but her magic attack was much faster than his barrier. The Duke took the brunt of the hit which had mildly incapacitated his concentration on flight dissipate as he fell from the sky. The mother had drained her magic and her energy causing her to lose her own flight, "Wife!" As she was falling from the sky as well but she had someone to catch her mid-air to the safety of the ground, "Are you alright, my love?" The dashing husband has saved his wife like a knight in shining armour through the armour was very much stained with blood.

The wife nodded as she slowly went to stand up with the help of her husband, "Thank you, dear." As she slowly approached the Duke to extract her baby's magic but before she could her husband stopped her pushing her behind him, "Dear, what's wrong?" The husband was very much shaken up as he saw a faintly visible magic seal that was on the Duke's dominant hand. This seal was all too familiar to the husband.

The husband knelt in front of the Duke before grabbing the Duke's hair pulling it to sober him up from his groggy consciousness, "My Lord, I wonder why does thing seal look familiar to me?" Grabbing the Duke's dominant hand shaking at it so the Duke who look at it. The husband began talking in a much more formal speech which very much confused his wife who silently stayed behind her husband wondering why he was being so polite. It was completely out of the blue as she stood completely oblivious to the darkened expression on her husband's face of unbridled rage, "It seems like the Duke has forgotten the pact which we had made eighteen year prior to the beginning of my daughter's servitude." The unnerving stare of the husband burying itself into the Duke whose mind had finally sobered up.

The Duke glared back as the terrifying man whose eyes were trained at him, "Don't you dare glare at me! Your family has served mine." He discreetly went to cast magic at the man who had a deathly grip on his wrist which was feeling like it was going to break. A snap could be heard before the Duke screamed in agony as he tried to wrench the man's fingers off his wrist.

The taste of blood entered his mouth as it was stuffed with a unnamed stranger glove, "We can't have that now you making too much noise. " The husband coyly stuffed the glove into the Duke's mouth who was disgusted by such a thing enter his mouth, " The Duke began incoherently mumbling as he tried to protest against such treatment, "You will startle my lovely wife." But that served him no justice as it only make the husband put more of the dirt-covered and bloodstained glove into the Duke's mouth.

The wife was increasingly getting more worried about her baby, "Dear, I will go off first." The husband nodding before gesturing to his wife to start the search for their daughter.

After the wife has disappeared from sight the husband returned back to his stoic face, "Your fingers will represent the chances you have left." Shaking the broken wrist which gave great pain to the Duke as he whimpered, "Every time you annoy me. One finger will go." The husband snapped the Duke's finger causing the Duke to scream but it was muffled by the glove. The first finger was just for the fact that he was alive.

He took out the dirty glove out of the Duke's mouth, "You crazy bastard! How dare-" The glove was returned back inside the mouth before another finger was snapped broken.

He chuckled as he looked at the Duke crying over just his fingers being snapped, "Stop being a pretentious asshole! You are using up your chances." He mocked the Duke, relishing the fact that the Duke tried to hold onto his stupid pride, "Do you use the Seal of Obedience on my daughter?" holding onto another finger ready to snap whilst he pulled out the glove from the Duke's mouth causing a furry of saliva spraying as the Duke coughed.

The Duke glared at the him back began more docile as he felt pressure on his fingers, "Your daughter's magic was out of control." He winced as another finger was broken, "That child couldn't even listen to orders." The Duke screamed as the pain increased as he rotated the broken finger around until he snapped the finger off.

He stared at the Duke as if he was filth that was underneath his foot, "Of course she wouldn't!" Throwing the Duke away from him as he couldn't imagined the horrifying torture that his lovely baby daughter had to face when she was forcibly taken away by the monstrous Duke, "She is my child! My daughter! You have hurt my daughter for so many years..." A silence boded over the two of them before he stood up in front of the whimpering Duke, brandishing his sword that had slain many before the Duke.

The Duke began to grovel to the ground despite his hand in an unsalvageable condition, "Please... don't kill me!" Clinging onto the man who easily cut down at his spot, "I'm sorry! Please, I will do anything." The Duke profusely begged as he winced at every movement in his hand.

Unfortunately, for him the man had already cemented his resolve, "You don't get the right to say sorry." Kicking the Duke away began he slowly penetrated the sword through the Duke, "We have lived in a hell that the Monciaux created so today will be the end of all of it." As soon as the life in the Duke's body disappeared. Two llaidains appeared above the Duke's dead body stabbing at it with a spear like stick taking away the soul of the Duke.


Eos could feel the sharp knife edge against her skin which began to lunge through her skin and flesh. Screams wailed out of Eos who tried to struggle as the pain wanting the pain to continue no longer. But she was only making it worse by moving so the mercenaries had to hold her down to the ground more firmly than before. She continued to scream for them to stop as they continued to carve out the wings which wasn't a short process. Soon, the carving blade of the knife had ceased causing Eos to breath but the pain from her back was excruciating as the freshly carved out flesh was producing puss Eos laid on the ground in pure pain.

At this point Eos' mind had already shut down from all the trauma as she watched the mercenaries hand off her wings to the old man who was all overjoyed about obtaining a high fairy's wing, "Yes! Yes! Finally, with this! I can bring about a new age of magic!" But, before the old man who store the wings away to use for his own purposes. An additional two people entered the greenhouse to witness the horrible aftermath of the horrendous wing clipping where the poor victim was sadly the child of the two people who just entered the green house. The mother let out an ear-piercing scream which shattered the beautiful glass greenhouse which presumable was the caging unit with had imprisoned their daughter.

The glass fell to the ground like rain, a protective barrier was placed around the unmoving Eos who laid there. A barrage of magic began raining down from the sky killing everything in its path, "You! Blasphemous practitioner of magic ripping away my precious child's flight!" She pointed at the old man who had selfishly protected himself from the magic that had rained from the sky. Leaving those who were unable to protect themselves from the magic lie twitching on the ground with magic spearing through their abdomen inhibiting their movement, "Atone for your wretches! Fiend!" She summoned a ridiculous amount of magic to obliterate his existence from this world forever.

However, the father was concerned about his daughter's wellbeing as she was motionless on the ground, "Epione! Epione!" Her saw how brutally damaged his daughter's back was bleeding out. He placed a cloth onto the wound trying to stop the bleeding as much as possible. The bleeding soon began to slow which was a good sign. He went to prop up his daughter on his knee as he gently patted her cheek trying to wake her. To which she slowly come to her sense only for her to groggily went unconscious which meant that she had lost too much blood already.

Her went to look at his wife who was only seeing red since she was trying to unalive the old wizard who was desperate protecting the wings, "Wife! Epione has loss too much blood!" Shouting in the distance hoping to catch her attention. This immediately caused the wife to stop her insane rage as he called out to her concerning their daughter's well-being thus causing the mage to disappear altogether along with their daughter's wings. Her mother gently peeled the blood-soaked cloth from Epoine's back before placed a hand on her back, chanting some word before the wound began to heal but it wouldn't heal properly since the tissue had been severely damaged leaving a scar, serving as a reminder of their inability to protect their daughter.

Their daughter would need to recuperate from the trauma as well as having a well-deserved rest from all those years of servitude to the Monciuax Dukedom which had fallen resulting in the civil beginning resolve with the arrest of many of the noble of both the Monciuax and Crown Prince factions. Concluding with the Second Prince's coronation as well as titles and rewards being presented to many of those who served in the civil war especially those who aided in the effort to help the innocent people that were involved in the crossfire. Many of the nobles and commoner all received titles, riches, and fame from the resulting civil war.

The contribution to manpower to the army with Lilith and Caedman being in the front lines. The constant aid and support with supplies for both soldier and civilians with Cybele and Courtney. Lastly with both Arachne and Casimir being posted for escorting many of the civilian out of danger so that the soldier would be able to manoeuvre through the city without the worry of injuring any civilian with any crossfire. However, only one region that used to be under the influence of the Monciuax Dukedom had not attended the celebration which hadn't been forgotten about but a few. But, for now it would be a period of healing for those involved in the civil war.