What to do?

The cafeteria was empty at that hour. It was past midnight, after all. Generally, just some people cleaning here and there would be seen throughout that place, but not so often since the tidy up of the headquarters was encharged for the own soldiers to do at the end of the day. 

The only one that stayed until so late was Casper, usually. Just half of the lights were turned on at that hour, but he didn't bother by this little thing, he wouldn't mind even if they turned off all of them.

The soldier would be studying and finishing to do some work with his prototype of AI by that time, however, it was a different occasion that kept him awake until so late, and he wasn't the only one sitting on the table there.

Together with him, were the triplets, still with concerned looks, but don't saying anything for the time being.

With Casper, they wouldn't let any information slip out, but among them, they would always whisper and discuss something.