
The alarm of Casper's smartphone rang as per usual, at the same time as it always did. He woke up startled, but already fully conscious. As he had a very short time to rest, he was in a very light sleep. 

Later, he surely would feel tired, but for now, he was ok.

The soldier had slept on the table at the cafeteria. All the lights were already lit up, and he didn't know how he could keep sleeping with those strong lights turned on. 

"I need to admit that my head feels heavy as hell… And also my back… I shouldn't have had sleep here, but I didn't feel like going to the dormitory either…" 

Casper was just trying to delay the inevitable. He knew that the time would pass slower if he stayed awake at the cafeteria and that he wouldn't sleep quickly being there, as well. 

The White warrior wanted to drink while he was there, but they didn't have anything with alcohol inside the Sgail's Headquarters, which was reasonable, but annoying at the same time.