WebNovelMY FIRST39.74%

Thank you.

I didn't know when I had taken my hand out of Jaxon's hold and walked forward.

"I didn't want to take you on the normal restaurant dinner." He starts. "I wanted it to be special. So I asked my mom if I could use her garden. She helped me out with the dinner."

"It's beautiful." I mutter.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiles at me. "Hungry?" He asks and I nod.

We both walk to the table and he draws my chair back for me to sit.

"Thanks." I mutter.

"So I made steak." He mentions as he sits.

"Oh now did you?"

"Yes I did. And I stole this wine from my dad's little bar." He points to the wine as he takes it.

"You sure he won't notice it?"

"He has like a million. One little wine wouldn't hurt."

He pops it open and pours me a glass. He also pours himself a glass and he raises it up.

I also raise mine and I take a sip.

It was cold and itchy at first, but as soon as it got to my throat, it tasted sweet. Really sweet.

"This wine's good."

"I have good taste. And yeah, it's one of my dad's favorites."

"And you're sure he won't notice?" I ask again.

"Meh." he shrugs.

We start to eat and I have to admit, I had a lovely time. Dinner was delicious and we had chocolate cake for dessert.

After eating, we walked to his poolside, sat by the edge of the pool, and dipped our legs inside.

At first it was cold but later, I got used to it.

"You know," Jaxon speaks up after a while. "When you told me you'd go on a date with me, I was so happy and nervous."

"Really?" I ask him.

"You didn't notice?" He looks at me. "I was so happy, I danced all through before the game." I laughed. "Coach was surprised."

"What did he say?"

"He told me in his fifteen years of coaching, the only person he has seen being goofy as I was, is Austin."

"Austin?" I ask shocked.

"Yes." He nods. "Before every tough game, Austin lets out stress by goofing around."

"I didn't know that."

"Well, you two don't really get along."

"It's not like we don't get along, it's just that he's annoying sometimes."

"I fully understand that." He agrees.

"See?" He laughs.

"So," He continues. "During the game when we haven't scored a goal, I got worried."


"I thought I wasn't playing well enough. I thought 'this isn't good. I really hope she doesn't change her mind.' So I tried harder."

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I'd have gone out with you because you did your best." I reassure him.

"But I wanted to be the best." He pauses. "Anyway, It was because I tried harder, coach gave me the number nine shirt."

"Number.... Oh my god he gave you the striker shirt?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yes he did."


"During lunch. He called me to his office and told me."

"That's great news. Does Austin know?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"We are meeting up for practice tomorrow so I'll tell him then."

"Oh. But you had all day to tell him."

"I know." He shrugs.

"Then why didn't you?"

"I wanted to tell you first." He smiles at me.

Okay that's it!

This is just too sweet for my poor heart to handle!

"Am I making your heart beat faster?" He asks.


"Because that's what I've been trying to do all night." He chuckles. "I wanted to impress you so maybe, just maybe, you'd like me a little." He laughs. "Funny right?" He looks at me and then he uses his legs to play with the water.

How is that funny?

Of course I like you. Of course I'm impressed. I'm actually over impressed.

I seriously don't know what's holding me back but I hate it.

Jaxon likes me and I like him. We could have been dating for a month now, but my silly ass couldn't bring herself to confess to him.

"Jaxon?" I call him.

"Hmm?" He looks at me.

I like you. I like you a lot. I've liked you ever since I bumped into you. I like your smile, I like hearing your voice, and I like the sweet little things you do for me.

Things like brushing my hair from my face during reading sessions, things like telling me I'm hungry before I know I'm hungry. Things like picking me from home to school, and dropping me off later in the afternoon. Things like carrying my bag for me if I carry too much books and so on.

I like you for that and so much more. And you are the first person I've ever liked this way.

For that, thank you. Thank you for making me like you and thank you for liking me back.

"Thank you." I finally say.

"For what?" He asks confused and I look away.

"Everything. Thanks for everything."

"I don't know what I did, but anytime." He smiles.

We sit by the pool for a while without saying anything else.

The silence wasn't awkward, it was more peaceful than awkward. It was a silence you could enjoy.

"I should probably get you home now. It's almost one." He stands up.

"What?! We've been out that long?" He also helps me up.

"I guess so. Ready to go?" He asks and I nod.

We walk out of the garden and to his car.

He opens the door for me and I mutter a quick thanks.

Minutes later, we get to my house and he walks me to the door.

When we reach the door, I turn to him and smile.

"Thanks for tonight. I had a wonderful time."

"I'm glad you did."

"I'll see you later." I wave to him and turn to walk away.

"Wait." I turn to him and he scratches the back of his hair.

"Um.... I don't know how to say this, but there's something I've been wanting to ask for a while now."

"And what's that?" I turn fully to him.

"Can I kiss you?"