WebNovelMY FIRST38.46%

The date

"I can't believe you made that kind of suggestion to him." Chelsea says as she searches for the right dress.

"I just wanted him to do well. I wanted him to take his mind off the game for a sec."

"Still, he could have asked for sex."

"Now you are just spewing rubbish." I get up from where I was sitting and walked to her.

I glance through some dresses.

"How can you be calm about this? The guy of your dreams asked you on a date and you are just casually looking through dresses? Darling, I'll be hysterical by now."

It's true I was acting like it was no big deal, but deep down, I was freaking out.

I mean, I'd be going on an actual date.

With Jaxon. Like c'mon, how do you expect me not to be nervous?

It's been a week since Jaxon's game and he scored a last minute goal which made a good impression on coach.

He told me on Monday that he'd take me out on Friday night.

Chelsea said I shouldn't go shopping without her or else she'd kill me. Her dad landed a big contract not long ago so she had been attending social events all week.

She just had time today which is Friday and immediately drove me to the mall after school.

I had to text Jaxon he wouldn't be dropping me off today.

"What about this one?" I hold out a lemon floral wrap dress. It looked short and it had frills.

"You see why I bring you shopping with me? So that you'd have a good eye for clothes."

"Sure." I roll my eyes.

"Guess my hard work is finally paying off." She wipes an imaginary tear away.

"Can we go cash out now?" I was itching to get out of here.

"Sure." She smiles and I sigh in relief. "After we get your shoes and bag."

I sighed too soon.

Two hours later, I ended up with extra five bags of clothes aside from my date dress, four pairs of shoes and two bags. While Chelsea had double of everything I bought.

She drove us to my house to get me ready.

Jaxon and I had agreed he'd come pick me up by 8 and it was already six thirty.

"Time isn't really on our side. So be sharp." She snapped at me.

I had showered, washed my hair, blowdried my hair straight and gotten in my robe.

Chelsea wanted to go all out with the makeup but I begged her to make it subtle.

By ten minutes to 8, I had my dress on, with my nude open toe heels, nude clutch, little makeup and ready to go on a date.

"Now listen," Chelsea starts. "Jaxon may be the one who asked you on a date and stuff, but you have the upper hand here. You are in control."

"Wait," I interuppt her. "What?"

"Look," She positions herself better on the bed. "When a guy asks the girl he likes out on date, it means he will try to impress her. He'd go all out and will do everything she asks that night just you make him look cool."


"Yeah. And please do note I'm only talking about guys who truly likes a girl. Not the ones that feel attracted to you."

"So you're saying...." I trail off.

"Be in control. If you have to be the one to take the first step, take it my sweetie."

"Yes mom." I reply dryly and she hits my shoulder. "Ow!"

"At least if you're going to call me mom, show some respect." She hisses.

Before I could reply her, the doorbell rings.

"That's our guy." Chelsea smiles. "I feel so nervous for you." She squeals.

"So do I." I take in deep breaths and I stand up.

"How do I look?" I ask Chelsea as I straighten an imaginary wrinkle on my dress.

"Like a bad pretty bitch."

And people, that's Chelsea's word for I looked nice.

We both walk out of my room and towards the stairs.

My dad had today off while my mom would be home any minute. So it was not unusual when I saw Jaxon speaking with my dad as soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

He's dressed in dark blue flannel shirt, chinos and white trainers. The first button of his shirt was undone and I could see a white round neck undershirt.

"So at the last minute, I shot the ball in." Jaxon says proudly.

"That's great. Invite me for your next game yeah? I want to see you in action." My dad tells him

"Sure thing sir." He says smiling.

"Excuse you guys but I believe Jaxon is here for someone else?" Chelsea speaks up and they both turn to us.

"Oh honey. Jaxon's here was just telling me about his game last week."

"He did pretty good." I nod.

"Hey." Jaxon smiles at me.

"Hi." I give him a small wave.

"Well you guys shouldn't stay out long." My dad speaks up.

"And have fun but not too much fun okay?" Chelsea chirps in and I roll my eyes.

"Sure sure." I say and I walk towards the door.

"Bye guys." I shout

"Bye Mr Hathaway." Jaxon says immediately.

They reply and we both walk out of the door.

I don't mind leaving Chelsea alone with my dad. They were like best buds.

They could talk for hours about anything and everything without getting bored.

And also Chelsea would want to be here when I get back so she can hear about how the dinner went.

"I thought you said suit and tie?" I ask Jaxon as we walk towards his car.

"Well, I just used it to emphasize the kind of date I wanted us to have."

"Thank god I went for a simple dress."

"Which by the way looks dashing on you." He says and I smile.


We reach his car, and when I'm about to open the door, he stops me.

"Wait." I look at him. "Um..." He scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know if this is right but I've always wanted to do this for you."

"What?" I tilt my head a little.

"This." He walks to my door and opens it for me.

Oh my.

"I've always wanted to open my car door for you, but I didn't know how you'd react ."

Oh my gawshhhhh.

"Well, feel free to this anytime you want to." I say and his face lights up.

"Anytime?" He asks again with a smile and I nod.


"Okay. After you my lady." He gestures with his hand.

"My." I put my hand on my chest dramatically. "What a refined young man." I fake a british accent and enter the car.

"Real pretty." He says dryly and I laugh.

He closes the door and walks to his side of the car

When he enters, I put on my seatbelt.

"I have a little something for you." I turn to him.

"And what is it?" I ask.

He reaches the for the back seat, brings out a rose and he hands it to me.

"I wanted to get a whole bunch, but I didn't want to be too extra." He says so low, I almost didn't hear him.

This is so cuteeeeee.

"It's lovely. Thanks."

"It's my pleasure."

He starts the engine and pulls out of the driveway.

He drives for several minutes before the route becomes familiar.

"Isn't this the way to your house?" I ask him.

"It sure is." He nods.

"Did you leave something behind?" I ask again.


"Then why-"

"Our date's location is at my house."He looks at me briefly.

"Your house?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"You are not going to tell me more are you?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Not a single more."

I huff and say nothing till we reach his house.

"Wait here." He gets down and rounds the car before he finally opens my door.

He holds out his hand and I take it.

"Thanks." I smile.

He locks the car and leads me to the back of the house.

Please do note HE DOESN'T LET MY HAND GO!!!!!!


"We aren't going through the front door?" I ask him.

"No. My mom has this garden at the back and it such a hassle to go through the house."

"Oh. What about your parents?" I ask him.

"They're away for the weekend, and Taylor's at her friends house."


We reach a white fence door and Jaxon opens it.

The first thing I see when we enter are flowers. Everywhere, every type, and every color.

Then, right in the middle of the garden was a table for two with two tall candle lit, a small flower in a glass vase in the middle, some dishes on the table, and a bottle of wine.

All together, it all looked beautiful.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach rapidly running around and I couldn't wait for this dinner to start.