WebNovelMY FIRST55.13%

The message

Why is it when I decided to let my heart love again, my life started to shatter?

I read the message over and over again but I just couldn't get past it. 

Once again, I felt familiar rush of emotions run through me and a particular one was dormant.


The only emotion I felt in my nightmares. The only emotion I thought I could feel in my dreams, and now it felt real and vivid. 

My heart couldn't stop pounding.

My ears couldn't stop ringing.

My body couldn't stop shaking

Only the words of the message kept ringing in my head.


Holy sh*t.


The next day I got ready as usual but this time, slower.

I couldn't sleep through out the night. I kept tossing and turning in my bed thinking about what I should do.

It wasn't until when I was half way dressing up for school, did I remember I'm on a break.

Urgh!!!! See what a freaking threat message has done?!!

I quickly undressed and got dressed in a blue top tucked in a black skirt and brown socks.

I mean, I haven't even told any one yet that I have a boyfriend!

Okay I told Chelsea, but who the fuck does Chelsea want to tell?

Maybe Jaxon told some people? I don't even know any more!!!

I sigh for the thousandth time that morning.

As soon as I get to the kitchen, my phone rings and when I check the caller ID, it's Jaxon.

"Hey girlfriend." He says with a cheerful tone as soon as I pick up.

I couldn't let a little message ruin my mood, nor Jaxon's. The guy is obviously happy and I'm not about to ruin that.

"How you doing boyfriend?" I say in the same cheerful tone.

Or at least I try to. 

"Missing my girlfriend."

"Well your girlfriend is doing fine."

She wishes.

"Well that's just unfair." He says.

I sit on the stool by the counter. "And why's that?"

"I have practice." 

I nod in understanding. "Ah. Coach is really going to go hard on you guys."

"I know." He groans. "But practice ends next weekend and it's not until three days after New year before we continue."

"I don't know if I should be happy for you or feel pity for you."

"Same here." He sighs 

"How about this. After practice, I would come pick you up and treat you to lunch."

"Really?" He asks in an excited tone.

I nod, but then I remember he can't see me. "Yes."


I laugh. "Jaxon I promise."

"Yes." I could imagine him pumping his fist in the air.

"So let's say 12?" 

"I should be done before 12. But yeah." 


"Byeeeeeee." He says and hangs up.

I sigh and the door opens.

"B*TCHHHHH! I HAVE FUCKING ARRIVED!!!!" I heard her voice from the kitchen.

"In here!" I shout back.

A second later, Chelsea walks into the kitchen in grey sweatshirt and sweatpants and white sneakers. Her hair is in a low ponytail.

"What are you doing here so early?" I ask as she walks to the fridge.

She brings out milk, totally ignoring my question, as she brings out cereal and serves herself.

"I decide to grace you with my presence and you dare question me?" 

"Oh forgive me queen mother, but I need answers to why you decide to come into my humble abode so early in the morning." I say back.

"Well," She begins. "My parents are planning for Christmas events and I had to get out of there. I don't want to be involved in any of their outrageous parties." She says as she returns the milk back in the fridge.

"Why don't you come spend Christmas with us?" I suggest.

"Can I do that?" She asks.

I nod. "Of course. My mom's even planning a Christmas Eve dinner, and uncle Charles is going to be here too."

"You mean single Charles is coming?" 

I nod. "Yeah." 

"Well, looks like you have an extra guest then." She starts to eat her cereal.

I stand up to make some bacon and eggs for myself.

"Now that out of the way, tell me how Jaxon asked you out." She says when she was halfway through with her cereal.

"Well, we had a date here last night. We watched movies and ate, and stuff like that. Then after we were through, he asked me to be his girlfriend here." 

"Here?" She asks and I nod.

"Yes. Here. In the kitchen."

"Was it extravagant or something?" She asks again and I shake my head.

"Just simple. Just how I like it."

"That's great." She squeals. "Finally, we can go on double dates and such."

"I'm going to have to draw a line there sweetie." 

"Yeah whatever. I'm sure Austin and I's love must be too much for you to handle."

"So so much." I say with sarcasm.

She rolls her eyes. "Very funny." 

I smile. But then the smile fades slowly.


"Sup." She looks at me.

"I got the message." I say 

"What mess-" Her eyes widens. "Oh my god. Don't tell me you failed your tests." She gasps. "I thought you read for them. Silly girl! You should-" 

"It's not that message." I interrupt her.

She looks at me in confusion. "What other message would you receive then?" She asks and I sigh.

I pick up my phone from the counter and open up the message. I then hand my phone to her.

She reads it and doesn't say anything for a while, although her demeanor changes.

"Does Jaxon know?"

"No not yet. I couldn't tell him when he called this morning. He seemed so happy."

"What does 'Looks like we're about to have some fun' mean?" She asks again.

"I don't know and that's what scares me the most." I start to pace around the kitchen. "What fun is he talking about?"

"What makes you so sure the sender is a he?" She asks and I stop pacing.

"Would a she send this?" I ask back and she shrugs.

"Maybe you shouldn't tell Jaxon."

"You said that about Nathan and look at where we are now." I put my hands up in frustration.

"At least now we know it's not a spam message."

"I can't tell Jaxon. I don't have the heart to." I start pacing again. "What if it's a real threat? I can't afford to put another person's life in danger again." 

Chelsea walks up to me. "Listen to me girl. Take deep breaths and listen to me." 

I try to calm down. 

"We can tell your dad so-" 

"No, not my dad. I'm not sure he'd like me telling anyone." 

"Then what are we going to do?" She asks, and I could feel she was starting to get frustrated herself. "We can't just sit back and let a bastard think he can do whatever he wants with you!" 

"I know but, but let's just keep it low for now. Let's act like nothing has changed or happened." 

"I'm not sure feigning ignorance will help Summer."

"I'm not sure it would either. But I know right now, there's nothing I can do."

"I hope this fucker dies and rots in hell." She says.

"Me too. But right now, I have to get ready for a lunch date with my boyfriend."