Good Person

His droopy eyes slowly open , initially he only can see white ceiling _ just now _ he truly open his eyes see second person the man in front of him this ....

While a woman in front of him a little distance away just smiled gently at him.

In Yoshimura's heart ' The sight that feels strange ….' However, it wasn't the sight of a woman but, this room she was in seemed foreign to him.

Once he had settled into his seat, he asked everyone present, "Where am I ?"

" You be at home sick , and you already lying here _ for 1 day ." Obviously the man who has help Yoshimura to first time in Osaka.

So hear his words that , Yo shimura remembers _ incident previously and he start widen his eyes for remembering such things.

He thought that he who had closed his eyes had no chance to live again.

But, now… he looked unfamiliar with the place the man had mentioned.

"Hospital!?" he muttered, and naturally he was a bit surprised because so far this Yakuza child had never been in a hospital.

A number of minute then , doctor arrive and check Yoshimura's condition .

The answer , Yoshimura 's condition is already getting better because he can already realize but still weak and in the stage of recovering from his injury, so he must be treated here _ for 2 days .

" Yo Shimura , you must eat a lot , yes ...." said the owner rent that with cheerful welcome child good who has rented his apartment with this charge already wake up . Of course just even though he has never been to the hospital but he knows, food at home sick that it feels like tasteless . His face was a little displeased when he heard that he had to be hospitalized for two days here, which meant he was not free. People who visited Yoshimura had never known that his true identity was descended from a brutal person.

However, out of courtesy, he chose to smile slightly even though it was a bit bitter, " Sorry sir , i act and make attitude I bother You again …. " He was purposely keeping his good demeanor by maintaining that smile, and Yoshimura himself still thought that he wasn't a good person all this time.

For a moment in his heart there was a turbulent question, 'Why is he looking at me and treating me like I'm a good person? Even if I fight at school it's not a good thing to do.'

Besides being shy, Yoshimura felt strange, and there was no way he could reveal the hidden things that had been his secret all this time.

The fact that he wasn't used to this kind of situation.


"Ah~ not really," replied the landlord casually with a friendly smile. "I'm even proud of someone who has dared to help students who have been bullied, truly like a hero." Say it with proud while thinking , ' If only he our son ....' In addition he approached Yoshimura and lightly patted his shoulder.

" Um ...." Yoshimura could n't help but flinch , apart from no can keep going bright he lowered his head because embarrassed when praised , even though he already half battered this is what there is not even like hero his name . Where is it ? a hero dead so beat up very only ? Yoshimura besides feel strange he feel ability now Becomes blunt .

But , remember the punch he received ...

The darting punch to her body that from a looking man _ fierce earlier , he feel a different aura of power , it seems like there is some kind strength existing special _ on the person himself .

Yoshimura is still thinking about it....

"Yoshimura? Oi, Yoshimura? Yo shimura! ?" Toushiro who is that helper call him as much three times because Yoshimura was daydreaming .

"Ah~ sorry just now You talk what ?" asked Yoshimura who woke up from his daydream of something .

"Ah~ no why , me worry you suddenly gloomy like that ." He answered with relax . In his heart Toushiro said, "Ah~ seems like he's fine."

" Oh, yeah, what about that girl earlier?" Yoshimura asked making sure he remembered he had saved someone. He thinks is that girl fine?

"Ah~ he's back from the hospital." Said the wife of the landlord who had arranged the flowers in a flower vase on a small table in the corner near the window. It was the morning glory flower that the girl had brought with her when she visited Yoshimura earlier.

He visited her before school started, "To be more precise… he is now choosing to skip school."

"...!" When Yoshimura heard that, he really wanted to talk to the girl, is she all right? Why did he who was supposed to go to school in the morning instead chose to skip school?

Yoshimura also thought of Iori, "Is that the only girl here? What about other friends? Has anyone visited me besides him?" Yoshimura asked confirming with a worried expression but, he must have known the answer if no one would visit him especially since he wasn't familiar with the people in his class at all.

"Hmmm, looks like there isn't one yet." Said the wife of the landlord gently.

In Yoshimura's heart who knew the answer said, "Ah~ that's right! How can I have friends and someone to visit me? Hah~ it turns out that living here is the same. However, I'm still a little grateful for not being bound by family rules."

"Ah~ I see, huh...." Yoshimura said in reply to the owner's wife's words in an unenthusiastic tone.

Then the landlord's wife also lightly patted Yoshimura's shoulder and put on a gentle smile so Yoshimura wouldn't worry too much, "Don't worry! Surely later those who know will visit you too, you who have been fighting to help a girl are a good person and they will not ignore you."

In Yoshimura's heart who hesitated to accept those words said, "Why do they still call me a good person?"


To be Continued