The Child From The Yakuza

"...Has anyone visited me besides him?"

"Hmmm, looks like there isn't one yet." Said the wife of the landlord gently.

"Ah~ I see, huh...." Yoshimura said in reply to the owner's wife's words in an unenthusiastic tone.

The expected answer.

Then the landlord's wife also lightly patted Yoshimura's shoulder and put on a gentle smile so Yoshimura wouldn't worry too much, "Don't worry! Surely later those who know will visit you too, you who have been fighting to help a girl are a good person and they will not ignore you."

In Yoshimura's heart who hesitated to accept those words said, "Why do they still call me a good person?"


As soon as those who visited this already felt Yoshimura was fine, they were about to leave the room. Yoshimura had to rest, and later in the afternoon the landlord's wife would visit him again.

They left to give Yoshimura time to rest.

Shortly after they left, the nurse came with some food from the hospital clinic. He served it in front of Yoshimura. Of course, the food at the hospital was tasteless so bland that she was tearing up and didn't want to eat it. However, it couldn't be helped, his stomach was still empty so while he was fighting for his recovery, he had to eat a lot.

He is grateful to be alive again, which means he is still given the opportunity to live his version of a free life.


As soon as he finished eating, he placed the soup bowl and rice plate on the small cupboard to his right. He sat for a moment in a sitting position, staring at the dazzling hospital window, his head a little dizzy at the glare of the sun rising from the east... which was starting to rise upwards.

Once he had started to feel bored, he finally chose to fall asleep for a while.

He did not feel free here, he was still thinking about the fate of the girl who was truant, but he knew his current state if he was still sick, he couldn't just run away.

It's better to sleep as much as possible.

He expected the girl to return to his side when he woke up.

As he fell asleep, he remembered the atmosphere of his previous home....

It was the scene before Yoshimura left for Osaka.

He is the son of a Yakuza.


Yakuza is a syndicates organized in Japan , which can say that the Yakuza are a group or organization legal crime and recognized government origin Japan . Yakuza are group crime the biggest in Japan which is also steal attention world .

Known with scary organization _ and legendary , apparently this mafia group already there is since the time of the samurai or about 4 centuries ago . _ On 1612 , Shogun Tokugawa success get rid of the reign of the Kasai Shogunate.

On year that's also the family of Shogun Tokugawa first formed Yakuza group . On Originally , the Yakuza were just known as syndicate sale goods forbidden , gambling , and theft . But for moment this Yakuza expand the network until Becomes group very crime _ known all over world .

However reality no like it ....

Of course many the Yakuza group that did crime , rioters , school bullies _ or To do action other vile but , some certain Yakuza group and dear no will To do things like _ it . A number of from they have soul high social . _

One of them _ is experienced life _ wrong one the man whose house close with temple small in Tokyo. The house that has enough pages _ large with pool fish in the yard behind this , is the house that became residence Yakuza group .

If want to review group Yakuza....

We have to knowing The history of the Yakuza alone !!


History Yakuza length begins approximately on 1612 , when the Tokugawa Shogunate came to power and get rid of the previous Kasai shogunate . Substitution this result in about 500,000 samurai people before called hatomo-yakko ( servant of the shogun) becomes lost sir , or called as people ronin . Shogun Kasai is wrong one clan biggest in Japan and very take effect Until Moment this .

As the saying goes : people who only have hammer tend see all something can done with hammered , so also with people ronin this . Lots from they Becomes criminal and tick . They called as kabuki-mono or quirky samurai scribbles that carry everywhere _ sword . They speak one each other in slang and _ code secret . There is faithfulness high between _ fellow ronin so that group this difficult exterminated .

For protect city of the kabuki-mono, a lot cities small in Japan shape machi-yokko ( task force village ). Task Force this consist from traders , employees , and ordinary people who want to donate energy for face kabuki -mono. Although they not enough trained and amount a little , but Turns out the members machi-yokko this able guard area they from the attack of the kabuki-mono. among _ people Japan 17th century , people machi-yokko this considered like hero .

Problem so complicated , because after succeed overthrow the ronin , the members machi-yokko this rather leave profession beginning they and choose so thugs . This thing aggravated again with join mix the Shogun in take care of the machi-yokko this . There are two class the profession of the machi-yokko , namely people Bakuto ( gambler ) and Tekiya ( traders ). her name just people trader but on in fact , people Tekiya this like cheat and squeeze fellow merchant . Although so , people this have system strong kinship . _ There is a relationship strong Among Oyabun ( Boss ( father )) and Kobun ( subordinate ( child )), as well as Senpai -Kohai (Senior-Junior) who then Becomes thick in the Yakuza organization .

people Bakuto ( gambler ), has unique history . _ Originally they rent by Shogun for gamble against the employees construction and irrigation . Action this done so that the salaries of employees construction and irrigation finished on the table gambling and power they can rent with price cheap .

Type normal gambling _ conducted is use card Hanafuda with system game looks like Black Jack. Three card shared and when number card add up , then number final show who winner , among so much many card unlucky card 20 is the most frequent people swear , because ending in zero. one _ configuration card this is card with deep (8-9-3) value language Japan Becomes Ya -Ku- Za then _ Becomes name Yakuza origin .

From the people Bakuto this also appear tradition tagged self with tattoo all over body ( called irezumi ) and yubitsume ( cut finger ) as form Regret 💦 or as punishment . Originally punishment this character symbolic , because segment on finger cut pinkie _ make owner hand Becomes more difficult hold sword with steady . This thing Becomes symbol of obedience to leader .
