Unusual Life

As the saying goes : people who only have hammer tend see all something can done with hammer , though already very seldom a number of from those who joined in Yakuza group often look flashy and bring sword everywhere .

Yes , that already normal found by a visible man _ reluctantly moment wake up in the morning day . He still sleepy walk slowly in the hallway pretty door _ long with guard strict by two people behind him . _

Even when he step up her feet to room even small , the two people who are dressed neat with body stocky and wearing glasses black on his face this willing waiting for it until a man that done throw away his wish .

"Hah~" sigh breath long with advance lazy heard in every the morning .

When must Even breakfast , everyone lined up in front of him this automatic line up and quick subdue head so he already change dress neat .

Greetings _ loud morning led _ _ by a man bodied sturdy that was tidy up line it . But , it 's actually passed so just after greetings answered by the man who has get welcome safe warm morning _ this .

There ... some _ woman with body sexy and bohay middle prepare food his favorite , he also see face cheerful mother _ every day with pamper middle father _ relaxed read newspaper while wearing haori reads "Koi," which means love , in part his back .

" Tch , you pervert . " That 's what he is say in his heart , just he no brave disclose he said on the man who has educate him with hard since small this .

" Yocchan , come on breakfast , son ." His mother call him with tiny and as should be he treat her son with full love Dear this .

But , I dunno why exactly what he think ... ' Why ? Whereas this is my high school but , why ? I must treated like child small and always under control by people who become my bodyguard .'

Honest just who does n't uncomfortable with life like _ this even though they have loyalty and high fidelity _ on the leader but , no must like this right how ?

For the called man Yocchan this , the two people behind him looks like a stalker , ' How if something I weave connection love together somebody whereas I want others not want to watch it but , they both know ? '

' Honest just this _ very annoying !!'

Not only they both ....

Those who were welcome with saying safe morning sometimes _ down to road , make enemy the more a lot . Gosh , what only fight that they think ? And strangely enough , a known group as the Japanese mafia this rather recognized by government Japan even they given licence special .

In fact how much importance life they this ?

So done breakfast , " I go ! Father, mother ," said child the called man Yocchan this . He still rub tissue to the mouth that has remainder food that then move stand up from chair and want throw away rubbish to basket trash in the corner _ there .

The bodyguard who escorted him already ready was in front of him , was wrong this one bodyguard want pick up tissue used Yocchan and ready for throw it away . But , Yocchan feel no nice alone and shame , he feel like child spoiled in the family this .

Really a life that doesn't normal like a king trapped inside cage . Though easy , whatever he does _ _ want certain granted but , he feel no free and rather feel restrained especially he want to life as normal maybe .

" Be careful on the road ~ Yocchan-chu ~" his mother waving hand on Yocchan who already walk enough far almost go out door home , he waving hand on back Yocchan who looks sad it . Seen from method he hold bag like carry burden the weight on his shoulders .

Her mother attempted smile gentle and behave cheerful on Yocchan along time . Temporary his father Yocchan in the middle relaxed after breakfast with continue read newspaper this actually is a person to be feared whole Yakuza group in some Tokyo area .

So Yocchan running , not yet also 100 meters from home ... he feel somebody currently stalk him . But , I see Yocchan walk calm down ... some made squad _ bodyguard Yocchan part behind caught him and make stalker that run scared .

During this , his father Yocchan of course butted , Yocchan even myself _ Becomes target alias target soft .

Yocchan only can said in heart , "Yare-yare~ is it like this good luck become famous _ that ?" he no so like . Truly he only child willing moody _ obey words his father .

her father Yocchan itself which is Yakuza leader intends make Yocchan as successor group this .


That day , though Yocchan already enter high school with uniform neat school _ and comb hair _ neat that is not show that he is child from a Yakuza, as should be a normal school person but , he often once visited _ by group thugs who made herself hassle fight .

Yocchan alone no want to hurt others with strength , then from that these two bodyguards assigned for always control it . Whereas a number of squad behind _ they only follow daily Yocchan .

Really poor high school life can hopefully , he only popular based on news bad often _ he with from the words of those around him who talk about it .

"Ah~ what because I born into that Yakuza family it means will hated and scared by society ?" he thought , while walk strengthen his determination walk through hallway class .

Yocchan now alone and he already ordered bodyguard for deliver it only come to the front school course .

Even though it seems they together also heavy moment leave the master a self but , at least no something dangerous _ life child it .

' Will his high school life appear _ peace that , be peace forever ?'

Time Keep going pass , Yocchan truly often visited _ thugs / yankees and a number of Yakuza group coming home school . Really gloomy life _ and daily only for fight muscle course .

If this way keep it up , Yocchan rather Becomes afraid for no can show side cool in front of women , for sure and certain they very afraid see it .



That night , he sculpt himself in front mirror with face flat ....

He wonder in shadow himself inside _ mirror , " How I can get life peace that doesn't full with problem like me _ want ? the creator certain look at me , right if I want to change my life ? Can you tell the method me ?" ... really unfortunately he monologue in front mirror .

He move from the place sit in front mirror and change staring window from room facing room _ page back .

Headdress so light in the night this ....

Then , I see he see the moon reflected in the pond that and fish in the pond _ that jump , "...!" it seems , he find ideas for go out from a life that doesn't normal this .