A Life of Many Problems

' I have an idea! How do I get out of here!'

Yocchan found a new idea that seemed brilliant under the moonlight at night reflected in the water in the fish pond. Fish are animals that live in water, even though they live in water ... they know that there is other life outside of water. However, if he got out of his world… there was a chance that the fish wouldn't survive but, at least he could survive.

Likewise Yocchan who thinks himself to be like the fish in the water, he knows that life outside without bodyguards must be dangerous but, at least he can survive outside with a normal life as he wants.

Yocchan was planning something secretly.

First, he will pack some of his clothes in a suitcase and he intends to go through the backyard and then take a bus that goes to the airport then he decides to leave this city, if possible he will go far until his identity is not known at all.

But, in retrospect… isn't this a bit too flashy? Moreover, when he came out, the two bodyguards guarding him would always follow him. He looked left and right...isn't there a tool to open this window without breaking it?

He thought for almost two hours but did not find any significant way. He finally got tired and went to sleep. Slowly he fell asleep and did not feel ... the sun began to morning ....

Yocchan went to school as usual accompanied by the two bodyguards, of course because he was a descendant of the Yakuza, he didn't have any close friends, what a gloomy child even his grades were mediocre.


At that time, Yocchan saw that some students in his class who had permission said they had stomach pains... they skipped class, 'Eh, isn't that the one who went to the teacher for permission but, why is he in the canteen?' Yocchan wondered in his heart while monitoring the student's movements.

The three students not only skipped the canteen but jumped the back fence of the school, as long as the CCTV didn't catch them they would be safe. Yocchan was motivated to imitate him.

However, the class rang... indicating break time! It was time for lunch and he brought out his bento. For him, getting out of this school required some strength!!

But, regardless of social status....

Several delinquents from another class caught him having lunch alone peacefully in class.

That scream....

Surprised him to the point of almost spilling his lunch box.

The girls in the class screamed in terror with the arrival of a group of delinquents in front of Yocchan who banged on his desk.

They stared at each other fiercely, again Yocchan said in his heart, "What are they thinking all this time fighting and fighting until they win? Honestly, I'm tired of living a life full of problems like this, not from myself but, from my own family is the cause! If I hadn't been born into a family that houses an organization like this…"

Yocchan wore a cold gaze that gave off a murderous aura. However, he couldn't possibly kill them all....

All the girls and some of the boys in the class stepped aside.

Even the homeroom teacher or teacher who knows about Yocchan is reluctant to give him protection, isn't this world unfair?

Yocchan prepared to fight it alone.

Before the man who looked macho in front of Yocchan launched his fist attack, Yocchan dodged first and reflexively he looked like he was floating in the air with a relaxed face while holding his bento box. Of course Yocchan has been trained to fight even though the number of enemies is in the tens.

He was trying hard not to lose.

As soon as the second man was about to elbow Yocchan with his arm, Yocchan momentarily pushed them away by pushing his desk against both of them so that they bounced off the blackboard. Yocchan is very shrewd, no wonder he has many dangerous enemies. Actually Yocchan is not that strong but, because of the tactics he uses, he can defeat all his enemies.

Yocchan finished off the rest by turning the bench he was sitting on until the legs of the bench hit their stomachs and Yocchan pushed him quickly so that those who were hit by Yocchan's attacks fell with magic.

Without a single wound, Yocchan stood with his eyes closed for a moment, and he calmly continued to eat holding his bento box, Yocchan then opened his eyes and looked straight at the person who was considered the leader of the group of delinquents.

"You guys… interfere with my lunch!" that's what Yocchan said coldly.

Once he was done with his lunch....

He wiped his smudged mouth with a tissue from his pocket. Then he drank a bottle of milk while some of the delinquents were about to wake up groaning in pain.


"Free!" Yocchan exclaimed with his cold gaze on a boss who was considered the head of the delinquent child, "Even if you fight me again, the result is still the same... I'm the winner." Yocchan said casually.

"Tch!" The person seemed to not accept Yocchan's words.

Yocchan continued to argue, "Ah~ you want to say that what I said just now was very arrogant, huh? I know why." Yocchan tried to humble himself before he was humiliated.

"But, your attitude like that only causes a lot of trouble!" Yocchan raised his voice a little.

Yocchan started to adjust the table and stool back into place, "Stop attacking in the open like this! Don't do it again, and don't you guys get me in trouble again!" said Yocchan in a slightly angry tone.

"You ...!!" of course that person was annoyed because Yocchan's words sounded provoking.

"You're none of my business anymore." Yocchan said coldly, then put the bento box in his school bag. As soon as he finished packing, he was about to leave his classroom.

However, a girl with long hair there looked concerned about Yocchan.

"Wait!" she calls him though not by his real name.

"W-wait, wh-where are you going?" he asked with a worried face as soon as Yocchan was at the door.

'Ah~ class president, huh... I almost forgot that he can be a witness who can convince the teachers that what I just did wasn't my fault.

But, as soon as Yocchan was about to approach him, he backed away slowly step by step, even though his hand was about to grab hold of him to reassure him. But, suddenly Yocchan turned around with his head down glumly....

"Sorry, my mind is a bit messed up from just now... I need to rest in the infirmary while carrying my things, it seems that this class is not safe anymore." Yocchan explained to the girl who was the class president.

"O-oh," he only answered doubtfully despite being worried about her.

"Please allow it to the next teacher… and tell me it wasn't my fault." It was clear Yocchan who was walking slowly with sad steps.

"...." The girl only looked at Yocchan's back which seemed to be carrying a lot of weight.


However, this incident actually made Yocchan, who was looking down glumly, only pretend to be. Actually he felt happy and hoped, he could skip the next lesson for his escape plan, not running away from home again but, from this city.
