Yoshimura's Healing

The next day was 2 days after the incident.

It was confirmed that Yoshimura had recovered, and was able to go home.

It was April 30, and now it's only May.

Yoshimura will return home in the afternoon to be picked up by the landlord.

He thought that the one who came to see him when he was about to go home was the wife of the landlord, apparently the landlord.

Before going home, they talked about something important!

"You talked about something about working at the tavern yesterday with my wife, didn't you?" asked the landlord to confirm the ability of this high school boy who is a foreigner.

"Uh, ah, y-yes, sir." Yoshimura said so nervously when asked by the landlord.

"Hmm… actually the tavern belongs to my wife, and the apartment you rent is mine. We started a business together as soon as we got married but my wife's business was much more successful. It's just that I thought the apartment rental fee was expensive so I lowered the price especially in this small town." He explained it with a slightly gloomy expression.

"Ah~ I think it's really cheap!" Yoshimura exclaimed with his innocent expression. And his purpose here is to find a cheap place to live.

However, the landlord looked at Yoshimura coldly while crossing his arms.

"Hmm… yes, it seems so but, sorry I can't let you work in the tavern yet."

The answer given by the landlord immediately made Yoshimura's heart sad.

"W-why? –Why can't I work there? At least let me work to repay the favor–"

As soon as Yoshimura was about to say the exact reason, the landlord cut him off.

"Can not! Sorry, it's just… I don't think young people are suited to work in our tavern." Say it earnestly.


"Ah~ you've seen my son before, haven't you? My wife is still a bit traumatized by her figure so I thought if there was another boy who was a little around her age who was so kind, that might calm her down a bit. But, it's just that he doesn't want to burden you too much." He explained with a gentle smile.

"I'm not a good person!" said Yoshimura with a bowed head while thinking about those words, the Yakuza blood inherent in him made him not a good person.

"I'm not a good person," he repeated, "it's just that I want to do what I want to do. All this time… those of you who paid attention to me, who helped me, who cared about me, you were the ones who were kind to me, as if this lonely feeling in my heart is easy for you to understand." Why thought so much, Yoshimura felt his hopes for return vanish.

"Not true, as long as there is a helping soul within you, it shows that you are a good person. Therefore, I don't want to arbitrarily use your inner goodness because of that–"

"Ah~ alright thank you." Said Yoshimura who immediately cut off the landlord's words.

The landlord kept smiling gently so that Yoshimura wouldn't mind his refusal, saying in his heart, "He's really a generous kid."


Then, as soon as the two of them were about to leave the hospital, Yoshimura asked to confirm because he had been asked to leave just like that.

"Oh, yes, sir, how much does the hospital cost? Even though I can't replace your services, allow me to pay for the hospitalization fee." Yoshimura said as soon as they both got out of the hospital.

"Ah~ I don't know about that," replied the landlord casually.

"How can you not know? Could it be that you lied again so I wouldn't have to pay for it?" said Yoshimura with a slight loss of confidence in the landlord, he immediately looked at him with a lazy expression.

"Yeah, I really don't know. I'm just being the guardian here right!? And I was only contacted if you were admitted to the hospital the other day, my wife was the one who received the call. That's all." He clearly stated, it seemed that the landlord was not lying.

"Oh, I see. Sorry to bother. It's only been a week of school, and I'm causing trouble." Yoshimura said with a slight bow to apologize to him.

"Ah~ don't worry."

"Or maybe your wife paid for it?" asked Yoshimura to confirm again. He was not only shy, he flooded the landlord with difficult questions.

"Even if my wife paid for it, she would have told me even if she used her own money." Seriously explained.

"Oh yes yes." Yoshimura replied in a flat tone, suddenly he remembered that the school or the girl's family paid for it.

"Hmmm...." Yoshimura then pensive and rested his chin thinking about it.

"What's wrong Yoshimura-kun?" asked the landlord, "We're going home now!" he exclaimed as he invited him to hurry home.

"Eh, ah~ yeah, alright." Yoshimura replied in his usual tone then followed him to walk home.

Apparently, from the shop here, he walked.

"Ah~ sorry I didn't come here with a vehicle because I think it's close." The landlord said casually.

"Eh, it's okay, really. Ehehehe~" However, the problem is that Yoshimura's rental is in block 3 while the shop is in block 2, so Yoshimura's place is further away.

"Oh, yes, Yoshimura-kun, how about you stop by to stay at our tavern for a while?" he bargained.

"Eh, but, that would be troublesome!?" Yoshimura meant to politely refuse but couldn't.

"Ah~ no no no. Just stop by for a moment." Invite him with a little force.


In Hannanchou, there is a takoyaki shop called, "Takoyaki Meiro Shop" which is in block 2 number 1 of course the shop is on the side of the road, precisely in the front corner, it is strategically located and very easy to spot.

At the Meiro Takoyaki Shop, apart from selling Takoyaki, they also sell a variety of other seafood at affordable prices, guaranteed to save on the pocket.

A few minutes later, they arrived, and the owner led Yoshimura through the back door.

The owner's wife immediately welcomed them both home, "Welcome," not forgetting the wife kissed the back of her husband's hand as a greeting of honor.

"I took him too!" exclaimed the husband while putting on his optimistic smile and pointing at Yoshimura.

"Wow~ it's healed, huh? Congratulations on your recovery." Said the wife very friendly to Yoshimura.

"Ah~ thank you madam." Yoshimura said while bowing his head in respect.

"Then, should we throw a party for his recovery?"



To be Continued.