New Power Part 1

Meanwhile, the headmaster looks overwhelmed with Fuukuna, he intends to use the spiritual ability he has acquired to finish off this old woman.

Takeshi, who felt that he knew the implied intentions in Fuukuna's mind, then stood up and looked at him earnestly.

Yumi, who noticed the strangeness in her gaze that was focused on Fuukuna, turned to Takeshi and looked at him earnestly.

Takeshi thought to himself, 'This can't be allowed!'

–The fact that darkness has engulfed his heart, that child will become brutal, no matter who the opponent is–

Then, he walked towards Yumi, then held out his hand, "Please, open my handcuffs!" he said with a serious expression.


Yumi objected but, it doesn't seem like it can't be tolerated anymore, it's a matter of the three of them's hearts.