New Power Part 2

"Heh~ that's all you're capable of?" said Fuukuna in a tone that seemed to belittle Fukube.

Fukube's chest felt tight, he seemed to be out of breath, cold sweat started to appear on his face. He's become difficult to use his ability, is that the limit?

Fukube remains calm, in fact he has mastered many other abilities unfortunately he feels that his abilities have not been fully used or all this time he has really held back for all the abilities that are within him...?

Meanwhile the two people in the white car were worried about him but, they didn't move to get out of the car, between deliberately letting Fukube take care of it alone and refraining from interfering, this was an external matter that seemed inappropriate for parents to interfere. her children's business. That's what Takizoe thought while Kisaki kept silent in the car because he felt this matter had nothing to do with him.
