Adorable Yotsuya

"He's not sick he's just tired to the point of fainting. I often find people who force themselves like this. While your strength control is still normal."


"Ano ... what's the difference with me?" asked Yoshimura in surprise.

"Fukube has a weak body so he should choose half of his normal practice time. What I gave you is his normal time and what Fukube should do is half of your time."

"It also refers to the genetic gene that makes up his body, it's from his mother's soul."

"Eh? His mother's soul...?"

"Yes, most male users of spiritual abilities always get a soul from their mother at birth. And if the soul is attached then they are not much different even if their face looks like their father. You also have a mother right? If you can survive more than the time limit I give means the mother who gave birth to you is a strong person."