Yoshimura's Mysterious Side

That night... Yotsuya brought Yoshimura home.

How will he deliver it?

Before they left, there was one more thing that Yotsuya taught them, namely the lightning move technique. For users of spiritual abilities, they can definitely run fast by focusing on that ability on the tips of their hands and feet.

Focus the energy there and then let it go!

Let the body be as light as a person who is floating.

Yotsuya wasn't like Yumi and Fukube who explained the theory first but, this time he explained it by practicing it and as a result, Yoshimura understood much more in that way.

Yoshimura was asked to try for 2 times. If he succeeded then he could return home quickly.

"Are you ready Yoshimura?"

"Yes ready!"

"Okay, be careful on the road! Because this time... I'm not actually driving you." Yotsuya explained seriously.

"Yes, I understand."

"And... thank you, Yotsuya-san."