The Beginning of Chaos and It Continues!

The last message from her husband Yumi is stay away from the Yamaguchi family!!

After a year after her husband died, Yumi finally found out that her husband was from the Yamaguchi family. However, he was someone who ran away from his original family and was adopted by another family.

*No wonder her husband knows a lot about the Yamaguchi family.

The adopting family also did not know the original because her husband who was small at that time was a homeless child. Not everyone from Yamaguchi can control spiritual abilities but, some of them can control their inherited abilities.

Yumi's real ability is water and she can collaborate with water elements and condense it with dust.

Yumi's ability was inherited by Takizoe who has now turned into an ice version. Meanwhile, dust and water were inherited by Yotsuya. As well as his control abilities such as extraordinary lightning steps he can do with lots of sand or on solid ground.