Chaos and Complexity


Even though it's hard to do it, for the sake of his sister, for his family, and for all of society.

But, at that time....

The one who knew his unfortunate fate and the pain of enduring everyone's wishes saved him. He came even though he was in a hurry but he managed to save Hisana.

He was Takizoe, and he also still had Yamaguchi's blood in him. That's why he was able to successfully help Hisana and get her soul back.

While Yumi investigates the mastermind behind it all, Yura is also secretly moving behind the scenes of that organization. The two also met at the same place and saw the ritual from a distance.

Yura actually wanted to come to save Hisana who was in the same fate as her granddaughter at that time but, the boy bravely saved Hisana!

A great child must start from a great mother. A good child must depend on the good way his parents educate him.