The Vibration Under the Butt

The students felt enthusiastic when they thought about themselves being categorized. Each one of them secretly wanted to be in the God category, however, they didn't know what category they would be in.

"Alright, you go first, Ryan," The master signaled a boy to step up. The boy climbed the rock and sat in the meditative pose before closing his eyes. At first, nothing happened. But after a few seconds, the rock vibrated.

The students murmured among themselves as they saw it vibrating thrice in intervals. "He will be in the Human category."

"Ryan has great potential."

Ryan had short black hair, a fair complexion and puffy cheeks. He wore a blue surcoat with brown leather pants and black boots as he belonged to a wealthy family.

"Okay." Master clapped and signaled Ryan to come down the rock. "The rock vibrated thrice which means you are in the Human category. It is impressive as we have only a handful of students in this category. You have a glorious future ahead if you work hard."

The students all clapped for Ryan and he blushed while rubbing the back of his head.

"Alright, next."

A girl stepped up and climbed the rock. She repeated Ryan's steps, and the rock vibrated twice.

"Alright, you are in the Lion category. Not bad," Master Wrath mentioned and signaled the girl to stand among the students.

Many students followed and performed the process. Three got categorized in the Lion category, none in the Human category while one gloomy-looking skinny boy with a bob cut, named 'Sketch Water Nigros' in the Pig category.

Many of the students chuckled at him for being the weakest. They had found someone to bully.

"Alright, next."

It was Alan's turn now. He inhaled deeply and looked at Gunther who smiled at him to assure him he could do it. He smiled back and walked ahead.

"Come on, step up faster. We don't have all day," Master Wrath said with a frown and crossed his arms.

Alan looked above at the giant rock and smiled before climbing up and sitting in the meditative position.

"Okay, so I have to meditate and let my spiritual energy flow into my body. I wonder if this rock will sense my spiritual energy because of the spirit seal on my neck," He thought while he closed his eyes.

Master Wrath and the student were waiting for the rock to vibrate, especially Master Wrath. He wanted to know what category this worthless child will be in.

A few seconds passed by, nothing happened. The students looked at each other's faces in confusion and murmured among themselves.

"What is happening? Why isn't the rock vibrating?"

"Does he have no spiritual energy?"

Alan knew this was about to happen. The spirit seal had blocked the flow of his spiritual energy. "This seal has blocked all passages of my spiritual energy. I can't feel it flowing into my body."

Master Wrath had an evil smile on his face when the rock didn't vibrate finally. "Okay, come down." He signaled Alan to climb down the rock.

Alan opened his eyes, sighed, and jumped down the rock. All the students were silent as they knew what was about to happen. They had found the first 'category less' student.

"Too bad, the rock did not vibrate at all," The master mentioned. Alan could see the smile behind his serious poker face. "I am feeling bad for categorizing someone as a sidekick. You are a brilliant student, don't let it get into your heart," He added.

"I can totally hear your thoughts, master," Alan said in his mind.

"Maybe you can serve our soldiers in the future..." The master paused for a second and continued with a nasty smile, "By carrying water and stuff around for them. Of course, it is still a form of service."

The students laughed hard at this, except only two – Gunther and Sketch. Make it three as Marya witnessed it as well when walking to the headmaster's chamber. She didn't laugh at this too and headed into the building.

"Sidekick!" Kowig shouted and booed at Alan with his goons. Alan didn't react as he knew he could kick their butts anytime. He was not expecting the master to stop those students as he encouraged them by staying silent at these remarks.

"You have to be at my service from tomorrow, sidekick," Ryan said between the hoots and boos.

"Okay, stay silent. Where is your discipline? Nobody knows what would happen in the future. He could even surpass you all," The master mentioned, and the students got silent after hearing it. "However," He looked at Alan from the side of his eyes. "I highly doubt it."

Kowig, his goons, and Ryan chuckled at this but held their laughter when Master Wrath looked at them. He turned to Alan and said, "I am feeling sorry to tell you you must leave the academy premises tomorrow."

"What?" Gunther reacted with shock. Alan could not believe what he heard as well.

"As per the rules state, this is a prestigious academy for teaching Nigrosian arts. We teach only the students who have at least an ounce of spiritual energy, but you don't even have that. The Nigrosian arts are the technique for cultivating the spiritual energy."

After hearing it, Alan stared at the ground with a sad face and smiled after lifting his gaze. He looked at Gunther who looked as sad as him.

"I see. I guess it can't be helped," He said, followed by a peal of forced laughter while rubbing the back of his head. He felt bad as he was about to leave this cursed place, leaving the new little friend he made. "I had a great time with all of you."

He always wondered what kind of devilish students studied in these kinds of academies when he was the king of Alabusia. He came to know that they were all innocent humans getting brainwashed by the teachers like Master Wrath after enrolling here.

He looked at Master Wrath's smiling face and walked away. The students all stared at his back with silence.

The headmaster and his daughter Marya witnessed all of it from the first floor.

"So, is he really going to leave tomorrow?" Marya asked while she observed Alan walking away from the group.

"Who knows?" The headmaster replied.

Marya turned to him after hearing his weird reply. "You are the headmaster, father. Does a rule like this exist?"

The headmaster sighed. "You don't have to worry about him. Worry about your training and studies." He paused and continued when Marya was about to leave, forcing her steps to be on hold, "Besides, he already has someone's hand over his head." He looked at Alan while saying this.

"Whose, father?" Marya asked.

"You don't need to know. Go. Train."

Marya looked at Alan walking away and left. The headmaster looked down at Alan and mumbled, "If only I had the authority to kick you out, Devil's son."

Alan sat in the shade of a tree and thought, "I wonder if they got the scroll from that old man. I need to know about every piece of intel about their next moves."