That "Thing"

[Music Recommendation: "Little by Little" by CHEEZE (It's Okay Not To Be Okay OST) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

I excused myself in the midst of so many girls just to be able to pass through. My eardrums hurt from all the screaming. Seriously, these girls. I could still remember the first day of school where they got punished by Kaiden for bullying me. And now, they're back to fangirling over him. Such a quick transition! It seemed that their fangirling was stronger than fear of punishment from him.

It probably took me a couple of minutes just to be able to pass through all of them. They shouldn't be blocking the door at least. Oh well, it was Kaiden's fault for standing in front of the doorway in the first place. Though I appreciate the gesture of him fetching me from class—me, along with my classmates, since they seemed to be enjoying the view.