Nice To Meet You

My face immediately flushed red when he said that.

'Kaiden, you really are the Master of Flirting! Not just a master but a professional! If this is a game, then you'd be at level 9999! Or Celestial level! You say romantic words without batting an eye. You make my heart beat fast all the time to the point I could be mistakenly diagnosed with high blood pressure! KYAAAA!!! Not that I'm complaining though. I truly like it. Go on and continue.'

"P-Please stop teasing me," I shyly pleaded with him. "I know we're now in a contract b-but shouldn't we just do the charade when we're in front of your family?"

"Eh?" he raised his eyebrows, and his tone, complaining? "We should get used to it while we have a chance. Mother has really great observation skills. And we never know, she might even hire investigators just to check if I'm not fooling her."

"What? She would go to that extent?"

"Yeah. Better safe than sorry. And my grandparents will be heartbroken if they learn that."