Banter Of The Team

"Yes, this is the same standard for every royal highway." Kiana explained. "All of them need to have rest stops and water spots near them, or else they won't be considered. It's for the benefit of everyone."

"I see. Thank you for the explanation. This place is adequate even for sleep, isn't it?" Lucius nodded.

"It is. When it's windy, it can fly away some tents. That's why this rest stop offers some protection from stronger gusts too." Kiana nodded, then looked a little worried. "I tried to pack enough to make your tent comfortable, but I'm a little worried…"

"It's fine, Kiana. Thank you." Lucius reassured her. "This is nothing for me."

Meanwhile Gellor and his team, were more or less settled down for their temporary stop.

"Phew, I'm glad that we've caught the chance to drink and breath." Albus said, drinking from his waterskin.

"Help me bring the horses to the water spot." Barty told the guy.