Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Fantasy509 Chapters1.5M Views
Author: Grand_Void_Daoist
Table of Contents

Lucius was a man born to a pair of lowly servants that worked for the Great Demon worshiping Barrom clan. Growing up in the harsh conditions of the Barrom clan where magic and power reigned supreme, he weathered through humiliation and schemes. Knowing that he wanted to be the oppressor than the oppressed, he began his conquest. Not averse to betraying or scheming, Lucius made use of his allies as mere pawns to be sacrificed.

Learning that a powerful artifact lost eons ago was hidden in an ancient ruin, Lucius betrayed and sacrificed one of his closest people, his lover without hesitation.

But he didn’t know that fate had a different plan for him and the artifact he had yearned for would send his soul hurtling across the cosmos, forcing it into the broken body of a young man called Asher Inanis. Coming to his senses he finds the world to be completely different where the magic of his previous world did not exist, but what did was ‘Gifts’.

Witness how he learns about the world, gains power and reigns supreme against all odds becoming the Demonic Sage.

P.S. This is a slow paced novel and has a lot of world development at start. If this is not to your taste, you may not like it.


I do not own the cover, will remove it if asked.


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64 Reviews
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Well from the synopsis i see that were off to a truly dark start. Sacrificing love for power is it worth it? Will it ever be worth it? Find the answer to those in this novel. I mist say this is one of the darkest synopsis i’ve ever read. Its noting like the walker of worlds which fasinates you and make you feel like your flying. And by the way author pls dont make his lover appear in his second life pls? I turly hate stories where rivalry is is not dead even after both of them die or even when one of them is dead. This is quite possibly a anti-hero protagonist who would do anything for his own benifit.

4 years ago

This is author's 3rd book and my 2nd book.....From my previous experience with rise of worm sovereign i feel this is also gonna be blast. Author writes quite a good plot with very few holes and an extensive world building with apt description. So here we have our MC who is not from the main bloodline family and found an ultimate inheritance but that needs to sacrifice people. so he brings people from the family and sacrifice them and in them includes his lover who is pregnant(he doesnt know). Both MC and his lover offered sacrifices to make the deal with the devil with MC sacrificing his team for power and his lover sacrificed their baby so that MC doesnt get this power and since devil had to honor both the deals MC was banished to other world. This will surely be a blast

3 years ago

(Looks around *SCREAMS* Okay lets start this *Clears throat to type*) First of all I want to hate Lucius (MC) but I can't, who will dislike a ruthless yet cunning, witty and a man who will do anything to achieve his goals. (T_T) Yes, he's your usual anti hero starting off in an ancient setting to achieve his plan (Though it made me recall Hellboy movies for some reason) Character development of MC remains unsettling and quick in first 6 chapters and he goes from 0 to 100 very soon, but that's how he is from the beginning. Although I really wanna see will he go on a guilt trip after coming conscious into another body (Well, after all he will begin his journey from point 0 again as a punishment) Nonetheless you don't really have to worry about quality and grammar, the picture will be shown vividly to you even that cosmos stranded scenario too in chap 7 can be played in brain effortlessly. Although I still pity those 3 companion men rather Mira, well the baby was innocent but at the initial chapters I KNEW BABY WOULD HAVE A BIGGER PICTURE AND PURPOSE (Lol!)

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

I am out, knowing that the MC betray his lover for power means he is Vicious and betrayer.I just dont like this kind of MC and novel, The MC can be merciless and vicious snake to his enemy but i think its my limit to betray your lover and love ones.I just dont like the mood of this kind of novel.Probably this novel will be good for people who like scheming and betrayal type MC just not for me.

3 years ago

It starts dark then the MC's personality shifts without warning. He becomes a mama's boy who is constantly explaining himself. The expositions and information dumps are crazy. don't feel bad skipping them, you won't miss a thing. Nothing happens for 30 chapters. Then nothing much happens until 100 chapters There is an annoying female character that gets forced onto the readers. Her job is to annoy the readers. She asks about everything all the time, interrupts every discussion. The MC spends chapters explaining himself to this female character over and over. Good luck. Its like author decided he wanted a female character and then forced one into every scene. you can literally edit her out and nothing changes. she adds absolutely nothing. Everytime I see her name I skim through. So don't feel bad about skipping said chapters. believe me, you won't miss anything important.

2 years ago

At 139 chapters in, I have to say I love this book. Lucius is a calculative and cold MC, while managing to not have an edgy design as a character. Although he is the protagonist, he's no hero, and works only for his own personal gain. The story pace is magnificent, the characters are memorable, and the growth of the MC is smooth. There is no obvious plot armor, and it's a very lovely book to read. Would highly recommend.

3 years ago

Loving the novel so far... MC thinks ahead, ruthless to his enemies, coldblooded killer but not a crazed maniac... Hope this type of development we will see as the story progresses... Even if he bonds and shares a strong bond with his family hope that doesn't change him... Nobody said to be an evil cultivator one has to not care about anything...

3 years ago

I have read 50 chapters untill the part where I have to unlock new chapters and I am not happy. I was entreaked by story read it with 'patience' (I have emphasized patience bcz I don't have a lot of it) I also have very short attention span like I get bored quickly but author did a great job at synopsis and his tags I read it and many times slept in reading the chapter in between I am bored out of my mind after reading it till now and honestly feels like I wasted my time like story progresses at a snails pace mc is like recovering for who knows how long and I cannot explain it in words but the tag overpowered will come into effect after 1000 chapters the way it's progressing.I have dropped it's just too slow ,even if author said it will be slow but there is nothing really going it is just slow for sake of being slow you know what I mean.

a year ago

Writing quality is great while having a few errors they are nothing major so it doesn't really affect your readability. The development is splendid and it joys me to finally find another novel with no cliche and annoying plots that are there only to portray needless bravado for the protagonist. Each and every characters seems to, very surprisingly from a novel of webnovel, follow the realistical concept of personality and emotion. The young masters don't annoy him neither does the damsel thirst over him. Now moving on to what I assume me and others reading this novel is mostly concerned about, The personality of protagonist. I'll have to say he's very apathetic to the point of making the common masses averse to his notion of morality which, by the way, doesn't exist at all. He as said in synopsis, betrayed and sacrificed his lover and comrades for power. And up until to now he hasn't showed even slight deviation from that personality or thought process. I'd personally rate this novel 5/5 as nothing so far disappointed me at all except protagonist kind of hiding his gift which I don't really care about.

3 years ago

Wow, this guy betrayed everyone, friends lovers, family was probably dead by that point, prob would have betrayed them too, this guy is the worst, then again, from then on his personality can only get better, probably.... don't know if I'll read this, I'll save it

3 years ago

I read this up to chapter 53, the writing quality itself is really good, but the novel itself was terribly slow to the point of pain. Within those 50 chapters there was practically 0 action, the only thing we got was an annoying servant girl who acted like a mother, so to sum up, the writing quality itself is good, no mistakes, the environment are nice and characters also have "character" but the story itself in my opinion leaves a lot to be desired 3.6/5 from me

3 years ago

I've read a lot of books and even though this one is just beginning it's already drawn me in so much that I can't wait for the next chapter I recommend it to anyone who's looking for a book that draw you in and never let you go

3 years ago

Slow-paced story + slow release rate? :3 The story, world, and something something itself is interesting. really but the author is just keep on stretching the chapters(progress?) with his 'important info' and other paragraphs that is basically there just for the sake of filling some empty space?(maybe?). I mean there is some experiment or something that can be explained and be done in 3 chp but got stretched up to 5chp or more with the talking, pondering, and blabbering? something like that. and personallythat is not cool :v so yeah. and If you're looking for an Overpowered MC. this one is more of a Weak to Strong one rather than op (maybe he go Overpowered later on? idk). he got some unique power, and his brain is working fine. his family think he is clever and smart too, Int/Wis +1

3 years ago

Finally it out now i have another banger to read i have very high expectations for thisnovel and by the first Chapter i could tell there were going to be blown away

4 years ago