Plans For the Hugh Children

Once the meal time was over, Lucius found himself now being accompanied by both Benjamin and Lily.

While this was not actually in his immediate plans for that particular day, Lucius did not really mind.

"I must admit that when your father sent us the letter and confirmed about your arrival, I have found myself wondering what activities we will do." Lucius confessed in what was an acceptable way for a young man.

While Lucius could have remained simply as himself, and it had worked, it was also much better to at least shift his personality a little for the intended audience who was going to receive his message.

It made them much more receptive to such things, though Lucius had already formulated his own schedule for the possible duration of the Baron Hugh and his family's stay.

"Well… I'm fine with anything, Lord Asher." Benjamin said, then looked over at Lily.