
Chapter 7

With that I smiled and waited for evening to check it out.

We had a nice supper consisting of roosted chicken and that's it all of the remaining foods are cra-.

Mark thinks 'Wait the minute why am i so judgmental about food normally I would eat anything that's presented to me. Why Am I so Picky '

With that Mark tried the soup but as soon he tasted it he coughed.

' Oh my God this taste so gross. Why is the beef so undercook the vegetables taste so earthy I think is the right word. I'm pretty sure I just tasted dirt with undercook meat. There is so many mistakes cooking this soup. First the vegetables wasn't properly washed and after that they didn't clean the pot and not preparing the base consis-. WHAT THE HELL. How do I know this'

When I was having a crisis in my head.

My mother just said this " Mark finish your soup".

Mark thinks " This is isn't soup this is dirt with high quality meat. Oh my God the meat what sick lunatic ever waste good meat"

With that you just finish the soup and the only decent thing in this table the Roosted chicken even that was slightly overcook but you can ignore that but it is really bland.

With that sad excuse of a supper was done you went to your bed.

Mark thinks " System are you on?

The System robotically said " Yes host"

M " Ok then do I have a Status"

S " Yes you do host. Just say or think Status"

M " Status"

[ Status ]

[ Name : Mark Richwood/?????

Race: Demigod

Titles: Cooking Master, Devine Child Hephaestus, Legacy of Hecate, Engineer, & Wielder of Worlds


* Genius

* Natural Born Warrior

* Analyst


- Cooking

- Minecraft Dimension

- Engineering

- Blacksmithing

- Magic Control

- Magic Generator


- All Weapon Proficiency ( Especially a knife )

- Dirty Combat


I'll burn the World ( Divine Child Hephaestus )

- Basically Firebending(Lock)

You are a wizard Harry ( Legacy of Hecate )

- You have magic now(Lock)

Machines goes Brrrrr (Genius & Engineer )

- Your really good at making shit

You know my methods, Watson. ( Genius & Analyst )

- Your Sherlock Holmes Wannabe

You wanna taste a knuckle sandwich ( Genius & Natural Born Warrior )

- Terrifying son of a Bitch

RE RE RESPAWN ( Minecraft )

- Only when at the Minecraft world don't die dummy ass Idiot

"This lamb is so undercooked, it's following Mary to school!( Genius, Analyst & Cooking )

- "Your basically a MasterChef " Detective sort of but needs more experience for Food wars level of Food Gasm

Stab Staby and Cooking ( Genius, Cooking & Natural Born Warrior )

- Killing & Cooking a Very good Combination.

You put hammer here , machine there and metal goes bam bam boom automation bitches ( Genius, Minecraft Dimension, Divine Child Hephaestus, Engineer & Blacksmithing)

- No matter what you can build it will always be awesome and functional and cool

Oh Magic, OHHHH MAGIC WEAPONS????!!!!!!(Genius, Divine Child Hephaestus, Blacksmithing & Legacy of Hecate)

- Magic weapons what else

( Note there maybe more but I'm tap out )




Mark confused face "What In The Hell is that System"

System " Your Status Host "

" Yes I know that's my status but what in the hell are those abilities. And what does it mean tap out!! "

System " Forgive me Host There are many more variants and combinations of skills. You just need to fine out more "

Mark still with a confused face " Like a combination of cooking and analyst that makes me good at identifying ingredients "

System " Yes you are correct host "

Mark " Ok at least that's answered for."

As he was about to fall asleep he remembered the ROB about the metals


System "





Host You shall receive the Metals along with the [Custom] Forge when you are 15.

I would advise that host practices his blacksmithing with netherite the closest equivalent to the metals.







Well I'm still to tired with this shit so I'm gonna go to Sleep. Well at least that explains my taste right about now. But I still have more questions

" System can I go to the main page or something "

" Yes you can host"


- Status

- Conversion & Shop

- Music & Movies

- YouTube

- Twitch

- Inventory (Lock)


Mark questioning ask " I've been meaning to ask but what in the hell is there Music & Movies, Youtube , twitch "

System " The Rob Send a Message to you ' Your gonna need it kid ' "

Mark things " Why am i gonna need it though. I can at least understand Youtube there are tons of tutorial there but what about the others"

Mark" Oooookkkkk. How about the conversion"

System " Level 1 exp is equals to 10 Minecoins. With those Minecoins you can buy Minecraft Items and some important stuff"

Mark" Ok show me how much "

System " Trades

Dirt = 10 MC


Potatoes = 10 MC


Gold Ore = 10 MC


Gold =10 MC


Netherite = 10 MC


Gold Blocks = 100 MC


Netherite Blocks = 100 MC


Spawn Eggs = 100 MC


Monster Spawners = 100 MC


Sun Gods Blessing = 1000 MC


Small Vein ( Minecraft ) = 1000 MC


Large Vein ( Minecraft ) = 10000 MC



Mark ignores the cheap stuff and goes looking for the most expensive items instead" Ok then a question what's the Large Vein ( Minecraft ) "

System " This is a way for you to have certain or if your lands are running out of metals. A Small Vein has a limit of 15 stacks of that ore and can regenerate at 25 years to be available again though there are restrictions and a must.

A large vein however can have 30 stacks of that ore and can regenerate at 10 years with the same restrictions. "

Mark " What are the restrictions "

System " First of all it needs to be near a mountain, can only have either 2 large veins and small veins or 7 small veins in that mine. To regenerate the exhausted materials you need to fill it all out with either dirt, or sands or stones. To regenerate "

Mark " Ok then" As he strolls down the Conversion or Trade

Mark looks interested at the Sun's Gods Blessing and ask the system what is it

System " If you ever have seen the mod showcase about the Mowzie Mobs then you would know about it"

A/N I Recommend watching textconjure videos


and as soon he looks at the price of netherite Mark " What in the hell a netherite only cost that much. So System 10 MC cost a 1 ingot of Netherite Right "

System " No Host a 10 MC Netherite Cost a Stack of Netherite "

With that he promptly Faints and Sleep

P.S This Stat will never be updated ever again.

P.P.S The system will only act as a guide and when requested a portable youtube and twitch.

P.S.S Guys do you have more questions?