
Chapter 8

As I wake up I look outside to see that its snowing. So I stand up and go to the balcony.

As soon I get there there is a seat in the roof balcony there I seat and look at the land that I'm gonna rule one day. I marvel the beauty of my land and see my servants either cooking and cleaning, the guards roaming the castle. But then I saw that the people beyond the Castle. The town or villages are experiencing hardship even though. So I decided that with the knowledge that I have received I will bring prosperity onto my lands as well as my allies.

With this I have a goal. Awakening inside me Is the want or need to be remember either as a Demon or a Genius. The most important thing is that my name shall cause either with hatred or reverence at history.

Mark my Words.


With that out of the way I ask the system more questions.

1. What is a lock ability and when can I use it

[ You will unlock those when you either have a stressed out or out of control just like accidental magic in Harry Potter ]

2. When I'm in the Minecraft World how many hours can I be there.

[ Host the duration of your stay at the Minecraft World is when you fall asleep you will be sent there in the Menu to select. There as the Being said you are only permitted for a 3 Worlds. And the duration of your stay there are about one full sleep or a day in the Real world is equals to 20 days in the Minecraft World even though you are woken up you will still experience the 20 days after that you cannot enter it but just goes to sleep. ]

3. Can I buy the items and use it at either Minecraft and the Real World.

[ Yes Host if you bought the Item you can still use it at the real world but just as the Being said you cannot do something the likes of a Infinite water Source or Cobble generator at the real world but in the Minecraft World you are permitted to use it ]

4. Are there more things that I am missing

[ Yes Host the being permitted you can bring out people and even though you skip a lot of the items you must have notice the Spawn eggs of hostile creatures and the villager are closed because you are only permitted to use it 3 times for any hostile creature. In exchange you can bring out the ones you have cultivated in your worlds only one world though. How you may ask it's called Go to YouTube and watch all the listed mods. ]

With that I ask the system the Mods that you can install

The system replied [ The Mods you are using are Pam's Harvestcraft, Tektopia, Electroblob Wizardry Mod and Demon Slayer Mod. But when you fall asleep there is already a Mod ready for you to find out ]

With that information stored somewhere in your brain I make a notice that to watch tutorial videos for this mods. Some are familiar. But what catches your attention the most was the Tektopia and I know this mod because of the villagers doing something productive for once. But with all of that the terrifying thing that was said was there was a Mod installed and you were just hoping that it isn't anything related to aliens.

With that I ask more questions.

5. What do you mean by Custom Forge

[ The Custom Forge just like it is said you must customize the forge ]

6. Can I die and respawn

[ You can Die at the Minecraft World Host but in the Real World you cannot ]

With all of that you go to the kitchen. There to cook a simple meal.

Scramble Eggs with a side of Bread

Very Very simple meal. Though the Servants did look at me weirdly when I got there to procure my breakfast. But alas I cannot because I was supposed to have my breakfast with my mother now the problem here is that I don't like my mother no the problem is that they are gonna make me food.

So I insisted to make my own food and it won't take to long but this jack@@@es didn't listen no they ask me to leave the kitchen to the quote and quote professionals. I fired back that if they didn't I will make them move.

So with that I made my breakfast with the Servants and cook watching me. First I ask a servant where can I find the eggs and herbs. Along with if they have some beef sausages bread and fresh milk coming. The servant replied that the sausage will be coming on the way and the bread and the milk are already on the way.

So with that you ask the servant a last question where do they put the cheese and butter.

The servant replied it is in the drawer at the right. With that you bring out the pot and the frying pan. What turned out to be just a scrambled egg with bread now turned out to be a full on english meal.

First you prepared the eggs at the side followed with these ingredients

- Butter

- Garlic

- Herbs

- Sausage

- Milk

- Bread

- Thinly sliced Pork

- Cheese

- Tomatoes

- Mushroom

To make 3 style egg course each one being Boiled Eggs, Scramble and Sunny Side up

Followed with Garlic Bread, Sausage, Tomato and Mushrooms and bacon at the side

For the Drink it's cow milk

With that the Servants are amazed not at the meal itself but we'll it is the meal but to be specific they are amazed at one thing the Garlic Bread along with the Scramble Egg because I put some cheese into it .

They didn't know that they can do this with the bread and with the eggs they didn't even know that they can do this all along. You cut up a piece at those meals because you made too much and aren't sure you can finish it all

With that you ordered a servant to put it at the dining table enough for to people and the rest are there's to eat.

There I met my mother sitting waiting for her breakfast. There I presented the food. And then we eat she commented

Selene " Oh wow who cook this this is just so good and what's this on the bread and there's cheese of the scramble egg "

Mark " It's what I like to call Garlic Bread Mother "

Selene stops eating " Wait my darling boy Are the one who cook this " her eyebrows raise conveying that she is Surprise.

Mark " Yes Mother I did"

Selene " Oh my little treasure mark this is simply marvelous "

She kissed my cheek and we ate are breakfast ready for another beautiful day.