
Chapter 28

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -696,969,420

From Now on I will do this



to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 11

There Will be more Time skip until age 10

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First off I just notice that the Cleric and Druid does not need any of the wands I ask the system why do the Cleric and Druid not need any wands.

System [ Well Host the reason for that is that the Cleric and Druid has a advance form of the Mana Core. ]

Mark " What is a Mana Core and what are its advance forms. "

System [

Each mage has a Mana Core which stores a reservoir of mana for use casting spells. This is also called an "aura". The mana core increases in size when Intelligence increases. Willpower and Meditation increases the rate the core refills. Practicing circulating mana through the body can reduce the chance of spell miscasts. The Cleric and the Druid has a Mana Generator which can automatically gather mana without the need of meditation. While perhaps the next step for it is Mana Factory Generator in which a person can develop a Magic Circuit. Magic Circuits are a pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body and what qualifies a person to be a Magus. Making the person a portable factory in which the output is a refined neutral mana that the world and nature can use just by breathing. The only noted person is you host and the ASOIAF World the most they have is a Mana Core in which A skinchanger or beastling is a person with the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions. A skinchanger able to enter the mind of a wolf or dog is known as a warg or a Priestess of R'hllor. And the Mana Factory Generator is the Advance form of the Mana Generator that doesn't mean it cannot evolve.

The cleric and druid has the advance form but they cannot reach the requirement for the Mana Factory Generator in which they can cast magic but since they did not develop Magic Circuit there hands will glow and may take a hour to disperse. The Wizards however can evolve there Mana Core into Mana Generator in the Minecraft world so I advise that host wait until then it may take a hundred years but you are still in the Minecraft World in which time moves faster. And No Host you cannot evolve your Mana Generator Factory you can only increase your Magic Circuits and the only way to evolve it is to procreate and for it to past on the next or many generation in which it evolves. And Yes Host the benefits of the Divine Child Hephaestus and Legacy of Hecate may past on to your children granted either diluted or has added a new feature to the abilities in which you did. The [Sun's Blessing ] , [ Geomancy ] and [Winter's Blessing] are now added to the things you will past on. ]

Mark beams in happiness completely not registering the other information " Wait does that mean I don't have to use wands anymore."

System [ Yes Host you can but it is not advise for you do not have any teacher except your own and the only source of valid information is here at the Mods if you do not pray to R'hllor, also known as the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadow, is a prominent god in Essos, but has only a few followers in Westeros, where he is more commonly known as the red god. His symbol is a fiery heart. Red priests lead prayers to R'hllor at red temples. In which you need sacrifices to fuel your magic. Though the ones at Eletroblob has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage: You can use any of the spells if already known and can mix various spells to make new spells. And can also make new spells.

Disadvantage: Can only cast 7 spell combination or below. Depending on which spells the mana must be met. The new spells must be properly documented or it will get lost in time.


With that information I manage to make new spell combinations.

My movement spell combination or what I like to call Spell Chain.

Agility + Sixth Sense + Muffle + Evade + Charge + Phase Step + Leap = Flash Step

is a movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.

My ally defense spell

Radiant Totem + Forcefield + Ring Of Fire + Shield + Shadow Ward + Group Heal + Shockwave = Ring Of Ally Protection

This spell combination makes a upon its activation a Shockwave and a group heal will occur and damages the nearby enemy and sends them far away. In its place a forcefield surround it with a ring of fire and its center a radiant totem which will heal your ally and kill incoming enemies by a white light. Any damage done to the shield will hurt the enemy instead.

My Favorite Summon Spell

[ Knights Oath ] + Agility + Vex Swarm + Greater Ward + Imbue Weapon + Frost Axe + Invigorating Presence = Summon Frost Juggernaut

Summons forth a Ferrous Wroughtnaut that carries a Imbued Frost Axe and since the agility spell and the Invigorating presence it has increased movement speed, greater jump height and increase strength. And finally with it a legion of Vex Follows with it.

Trap Spell

Ice Statue + Petrify + Entrapment or Bubble or Slime + Ice Tower + Withering Totem + Life Drain + Shulker Bullet = Ice Prison Tower

The Victim of this will be first petrified and then blocks of ice will incase it with either the Entrapment or Bubble or Slime it will either be a dark bubble that saps the victims strength further weakening the victim or suspended in the air and its surrounded by Hundreds of Shulker Bullets inside a Ice Tower with on the very top a Withering Totem a floating ball that can cast withering along with life drain.


Radiant Totem + Disintegration + Containment + Ice Age + Lightning Hammer + Plague of Darkness + Black Hole = Light of Certain Destruction

This Spell Chain First does the Ice Age then the victims are trapped by a Containment spell when the ice eventually dissipates a Lightning Hammer appears at the middle and a plague of Darkness emanates from it after that the on top of the handle a Radiant Totem Appears with its light that has the Disintegration Spell. And if somehow a victim survives the containment shrinks and in the place of the hammer or the Radiant totem a Black hole appears to kill them via squeezing or crushing them to nothingness.

My Attack Spell

Force Orb + Meteor + Sun Burst + Detonate + Arcane Jammer + Curse Of Enfeeblement + Black Hole = Orb of Despair

A Force Orb appears within that is a Meteor incased with the Barakoa Sun Burst. Once hit it will detonate not only disintegrating the surrounding but if somehow a survivor remains then phase 2 Arcane Jammer makes it so the survivor cannot cast a spell and then he is hit by a curse of enfeeblement then the finisher a black hole sucking the poor fellow who even thinks he can survive.

My Homing Spell

Homing Spark + Paralysis + Greater Fireball + Darkness Orb+ Wither Skull + Dragon Fireball + Thunderstorm = Hunter's Merciless Grace

A Flaming Dark Wither Skull when hit the a huge circle is turned into a poisonous cloud followed with a Thunderstorm. The Victim is Paralyze, Weakened and hit by a Lightning which reveals its spot.

My Second Fav Summon

Summon Ice Giant + Conjure Armor + Zombie Apocalypses + Summon Phoenix + Flaming Axe + Summon Spirit Horse + Summon Storm Elemental = Army Of Woes

Summons a Apocalypse. An army of zombie with a Spirit Horse, Fully Armored with a Flaming Axe to kill the enemies followed with dozens of Ice Giant with armor and a flaming axe and there help from above a 5 Phoenix and a Storm Elemental.

And so on that are the spell chain that I personally like and after that is the new spells that I was inspired by the DND Sorcerer Metamagic

Careful Spell

When you Cast a Spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell's full force. To do so, you spend 1 sorcery point and choose a number of those creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw against the spell.

Distant Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of the spell.

When you Cast a Spell that has a range of touch, you can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30 feet.

Empowered Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of the spell.

When you Cast a Spell that has a range of touch, you can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30 feet.

Extended Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a Duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double its Duration, to a maximum Duration of 24 hours.

Heightened Spell

When you Cast a Spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its Effects, you can spend 3 sorcery points to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the spell.

Quickened Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a Casting Time of 1 action, you can spend 2 sorcery points to change the Casting Time to 1 Bonus Action for this casting.

Subtle Spell

When you Cast a Spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to cast it without any somatic or verbal Components.

Instead of Sorcerer Points its magic. With that the next following are spells from the In Another World with a Smartphone.

The Accel Spell is a type of Null Magic gains the user a barrier around himself/herself and is able to move at much faster speeds.

The Boost Spell is a type of Null Magic that grants the user increased physical abilities.

Delay spell delays a spell and will be activated when it is time.

The Program Spell is a type of Null magic that allows the user to input a set of commands to an inanimate object.

The Drawing Spell is a type of Null magic that allows the user to create images on paper or canvas.

The Modeling Spell is a type of Null Magic used to reshape objects according to what is pictured in the user's mind.

The Multiple Spell is a type of Null Magic allowed the user to multiply the amount of times the same spell which he/she cast.

The Aports Spell is a type of Null Magic used for snatching small objects on to user's hand.

The Search Spell is a type of Null Magic allowed the user to search and identify anything as long as what they are searching for matches the criteria of whatever the user has in mind.

The Slip Spell is a type of Null magic that eliminates all friction within a small area.

The Transfer Spell is a type of Null Magic allowed the user to transfer his/her magic to other person.

The Amplify Spells is a type of Null Magic allowed the user to amplify the power of the spells.

The Delay Spell is a type of Null Magic allowed the user to delay the effect of certain types of spell.

This spells are reserved unique to only me and my family except for the Sorcerer Spells the Null Magic are to be kept by my family. And with this I can use the spells here to make a very advance weaponry.

Now I still use my wand which I dubbed " Elder's Wand " this has all of the 180+ Spells along with the New magic " Null Magic " that I was inspired to do so the along with the Sorcerer Metamagic to be studied by the Wizard. And in this wand has all of the Special Wand Upgrades

Storage Upgrade

Storage upgrades increase the mana capacity of wands. Each storage upgrade increases the amount of mana a wand can hold by 15%. This means, for example, that a single storage upgrade applied to a novice wand will increase its mana capacity from 700 to 805. A master wand with a maximum of 3 storage upgrades applied will have a mana capacity of 3625.

Siphon Upgrade

Siphon upgrades cause wands to extract mana from creatures their wielder kills. When a player kills any creature, the first wand on their hotbar* which has a siphon upgrade will gain a small amount of mana. The kill can be with anything, it does not have to be the wand with the upgrade - any kill that counts as a player kill will grant siphon mana. The mana gained is a random number from 3-5 per siphon upgrade. This means that a wand with 1 siphon upgrade will gain 3-5 mana per kill, a wand with 2 siphon upgrades will gain 6-10 mana and a wand with 3 siphon upgrades will gain 9-15 mana. Only the first wand on the player's hotbar* gains mana for a kill, even if there are other wands with siphon upgrades on the player's hotbar.

* The exact order of precedence is main hand, then offhand, followed by the rest of the hotbar left-to-right.

Condenser Upgrade

Condenser upgrades cause wands to slowly regenerate mana over time. When a wand with a condenser upgrade is in a player's inventory or in an arcane workbench, it will gain 1 mana per condenser upgrade every 1.5 seconds. Unlike siphon upgrades, all wands with condenser upgrades will gain mana simultaneously, even if a player is carrying more than one.

Range Upgrade

Range upgrades increase the range of spells cast by a wand. Projectiles will fly further and faster, constructs can be created from further away, and ray-type spells will have a longer reach. Each range upgrade increases a wand's range by 25%, so a maximum 3 range upgrades will give a 75% range increase. A few spells such as phase step have special behaviours with range upgrades; see individual spells' pages for details.

Duration Upgrade

Duration upgrades increase the length of time spells cast by a wand last for. Summoned creatures will last for longer before vanishing, potion effects will last for longer, and conjured items and constructs will last for longer. Each duration upgrade increases the duration of spells by 25%, so a maximum 3 duration upgrades will give a 75% duration increase.

Cooldown Upgrade

Cooldown upgrades reduce the length of all spell cooldowns for a wand. Each cooldown upgrade reduces the cooldown time of spells by 15%, so a maximum 3 cooldown upgrades will decrease the cooldown time by 45%. This effect also stacks with the font of mana status effect.

Blast Upgrade

Blast upgrades increase the blast radius or area of effect of spells cast by a wand. Explosions will be bigger and spells with an area of effect will affect a larger area. Each blast upgrade will increase the radius of the area of effect by 25%, so a maximum 3 blast upgrades will give a 75% blast radius increase.

Attunement Upgrade

Attunement upgrades increase the number of spells that can be bound to a wand. Each attunement upgrade grants one additional spell slot, so a maximum 3 attunement upgrades will increase the number of spells a wand can hold from 5 to 8.

Melee Upgrade

Melee upgrades allow a wand to deal more melee damage at the cost of some mana. Each melee upgrade adds 2 damage (1 ) to the wand's melee damage, and consumes an extra 4 mana on each melee hit.

There Maximum is still 3 per Wand Upgrade but I manage to include all of the spells along with the upgrades via a reward by the very very rare quest by the system. Which is finding all of the spell books and the artefacts which I did by literally just buying it.

And now with magic hunting down ender dragon and wither has been increasingly easier in which I have pretty much a chest filled with the dragon egg and nether star but I can only bring a limited amount of dragon egg 1 for me and 1 for the future. But the nether star I can bring tons of those things and make beacons with it.


Did you know that the magic crystal ore is technically a ore that I can use in the Large Vein.

Oh yeah when I turn 13 I need to wear again my elytra wings and turn into " Flying Miner " Once again.

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Fanfiction Recommendation

Harry Potter and The Land of Ice and Fire By: kossboss





https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Sorcerer#toc_10 Sorcerer Metamagic