
Chapter 29

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -696,969,420

From Now on I will do this



to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 12

There Will be more Time skip until age 10

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All of the Bath Houses are done the rate of people getting sick is getting lower every day and the rate of giving birth is now getting higher but I still need more people and luckily I build some new houses for the future.

The Kickboxing wrestling and karate are now having there first tournament for juniors and senior. It is taught by the Soldiers to there children and friends seeing the benefit of defending themselves when unarmed.

Kickboxing is a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from karate mixed with boxing. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defence, general fitness, or as a contact sport. Japanese kickboxing originated in the late 1950s, with competitions held since then.

Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts under the influence of Kung Fu, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught.

Wrestling is a combat sport involving grappling-type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. The sport can either be genuinely competitive or sportive entertainment. Wrestling comes in different types such as folkstyle, freestyle, Greco-Roman, catch, submission, judo, sambo and others. A wrestling bout is a physical competition, between two (occasionally more) competitors or sparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superior position. There are a wide range of styles with varying rules with both traditional historic and modern styles. Wrestling techniques have been incorporated into other martial arts as well as military hand-to-hand combat systems.

And the Dungeon and Dragon with the production of the Sugarcane making paper and sugar or vinegar along with the printing press. A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium, thereby transferring the ink. Along with the surplus of leather from the village of Ice Berry from the Aurochs or the Cows from the Minecraft world. This Dungeon and Dragons or D&D departs from traditional wargaming by allowing each player to create their own character to play instead of a military formation. These characters embark upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master (DM) serves as the game's referee and storyteller, while maintaining the setting in which the adventures occur, and playing the role of the inhabitants of the game world. The characters form a party and they interact with the setting's inhabitants and each other. Together they solve dilemmas, engage in battles, explore, and gather treasure and knowledge. In the process, the characters earn experience points (XP) in order to rise in levels, and become increasingly powerful over a series of separate gaming sessions. It is becoming popular to the children and teens due to it's story making and fantasy.

Now that's done let's go to the Minecraft because there is trouble brewing there.




















With the new added abilities to the Necromancer and the learning capabilities of the hostile group. How you may ask with the evolution through time and magic with this two they became a very deadly duo.

The Necromancer along with the evil wizard. Evil wizards are hostile mobs who can cast spells. They can be found in some wizard towers, which generate naturally throughout the world, and rarely spawn in dark areas. Evil wizards are an alternative source of spell books and occasionally drop their wands or armour. Makes a faction with the Undead from the Overworld.

The Illager are a small part mostly at the woodland mansions there evoker now has the ability to cast Sorcery and Healing along with a small novice and apprentice spells to the other member of Illager.

The Nether with it's citizen made a neutral stand to us for the gold trade. Because of the close proximity of the village to a Piglin or a crimson forest after that to a blaze spawner via a Nether Fortress.

The End now has hostile relations to me because of me setting up a ender pearl and xp farm. There leader is a Enderman because in the first Island which the Ender Dragon spawns basically becomes my playground.

Now for the Defenses First since I made a path of Stones and 2 block high nether fence and very very wide stone paths. With the number of the [ Knights Oath ] at the number 30 that means I currently have 30 Ferrous Wroughtnaut in my command. So I dedicated 27 of them to protect my border.

Following that with the improvement that I made with magic now they can enter either Frost Or Flame Juggernaut when a pillage or a Invasion of the Undeads. Following them are a dozen of Modified Iron Golems per each Wroughtnaut. Counting all of it are now 324 Modified Iron Golem. The Iron Golem now can jump over a 30 Block high and whoever he landed are either dead or sends away. And there arms are now extentable and can now reach upto 20 blocks without any blocks blocking of course. With the extendable arm they can piston punch the hostile followed with a Nether Star power source to fuel them. Along with there ability to shape there hands to various tools like hammer, a Sharp Point or an Axe though granted this new additions except for the Ability to shape can break and I program Boxing to improve there deadliness. And every time they reach a village the villagers there gave the Iron Golems a Iron Ingot to bought repair the broken stuff and fuel the Nether Star.

And With in the intersection of the roads leading to the main roads. Remember that the Villages makes a Triangle and in the middle of these lines are roads leading to the Main Village and the roads that the Ferrous Wroughtnaut and the Modified Iron Golems will be patrolling.

Now I Build a small tower incased in glass a Radiant Totem with a Ray Of Purification to both do damage to the Hostile and Heal the Patrol just enough to regain all of there health after all even though the upgrades that I give may not repair it they still can heal there hearts. This tower are in the intersection and at the Villages and after that are withering Totems with Life Drain and Disintegration that will be lined to the Roads to destroy any hostile there range though are 35 Blocks.

Following with them are the 5 Wizards that has been assigned as the Guard duty along with 3 Clerics to provide a range and Support.

This is to both increase there wand xp to become a Master Wizard. With the Tome of Arcana. Tomes of arcana are items used to upgrade a wand's tier. They come in three types: apprentice, advanced and master, each being rarer than the last.

Tomes of arcana are central to the progression system in wizardry as they are the main way of obtaining higher-tier wands, and hence unlocking higher-tier spells. They can Increase there Spell List via killing hostile to upgrade them to line Wizard or a triangle Wizard in which represents dual or triple mastery over a element. I am the only Octagon Wizard meaning 8 with a specialization at the Null, Fire, Ice, Sorcery and Healing Spells via the [Sun's Blessing], [ Divine Child Hephaestus and Legacy of Hecate ] and [Winter's Blessing].

The Mastery

Anyone with null magic which will be rare is considered a Dotted Wizard but also must master various forms of the Null Magic ( Sorcerer Meta Magic ). But also a wizard with one element is also considered as Dotted Wizard

Dotted Wizard(One Element)--> Line Wizard(Two Elements)--> Triangle Wizard(Three)--> Square Wizard(Four)--> Pentagon Wizard(Five)--> Hexagon Wizard(Six)--> Heptagon Wizard (Seven) --> Octagon Wizard(Eight).

A Specialization is that where the Wizard or Witch is very talented at.

The last element is Null Magic and also the one's that I will be giving to the Wizards and will now be taught via a book are the Sorcerer Meta Magic this category from now on will be categorize as a Null Magic. With the Null Magic from the certain harem anime certain spells like Boost, Delay, Amplify, Accel, Search and Slip will from now on be in the Magic Grimoire. In that Grimoire I will be hiding the remaining Null Spell like the Modeling and Program.

Currently the Ones capable of being a Triangle and A Square Wizard are the Clerics and the Druids though except for there main spells they can only reach up to Apprentice in other spells but they can still master a specialization to other elements via training. The Wizards can for now be a line wizard meaning 2 mastery of a spell with a advance mastery. I am the only one with a Full mastery of all of the current elements and studying the null magic and why is it so closely similar to a certain Harem anime with a smartphone.

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The Dragons of Essos By: adrien skywalker

Yeah its been awhile but I'll post the DND GROUP that introduce to me to well DND. It's Arcadum from Twitch and the dnd group that I watch was Offline Tv With Valkyrae, QuarterJodi and Sykkuno. My favorite character Hashbrown in that campaign.

And I think I have not explained the Mastery of Spells

Novice--> Apprentice--> Advance--> Master.

Video Link for the Improve Iron Golem please support the ones that made that video.

IRON GOLEM GETS AN UPGRADE - Minecraft Animation by UncleSalad