Freaking Finally Volantis

Chapter 48

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 16

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Mark things " Finally we reach Volantis now we can proceed with my plan to teach and with in a few days I can reach Rhoyne and also teach them Magic "

Volantis is one of the Free Cities located to the east of Westeros. The southernmost and oldest of the Free Cities, it lies on the southern coast of Essos, where the mighty Rhoyne River meets the Summer Sea. It was founded as a colony of Valyria many centuries ago and is a great port.

People from Volantis are known as Volantene.

Volantis was the first of the Free Cities founded by the Valyrian Freehold in western Essos. Four centuries ago, Valyria was destroyed in a single day by a massive volcanic cataclysm known as the Doom, and the empire fractured. Without central leadership, Valyria's surviving colonies were torn apart in a period of chaotic civil wars known as the Century of Blood. As the oldest and most populous of the Free Cities, Volantis attempted to conquer the other remaining colonies and rebuild the Freehold under its own rule. It failed when all of the other Free Cities united against Volantis. The only thing that could unite all of the other Free Cities was their determination not to be forcefully united under the rule of the Volantenes. However, the deciding factor was that the young Aegon I Targaryen, possessor of the last three Valyrian dragons in the world, entered the conflict on the side of Volantis's enemies. Volantis's armies were shattered, and no further grand attempts were made to unite all of the Free Cities into a new Valyrian empire.

In the present day, Volantis remains one of the more powerful of the Free Cities, and has the largest population of any of them, although more than 80% of that population are slaves.

Volantis is the southeastern-most of the Free Cities, located east of the Disputed Lands. Volantis sprawls across one of the four mouths of the Rhoyne, where the river flows into the Summer Sea. To the north is the river Volaena. The cities Volon Therys, Valysar, and Selhorys are located directly northeast of the city, and are ruled by Volantis. Volantis also controls the Rhoyne as far as the tributary river Selhoru, and holds sway over the Orange Shore, west of the city. The ruins of Sar Mell lie northeast as well.

Volantis is the closest Free City to Slaver's Bay, lying approximately five hundred and fifty leagues from Meereen. Between Volantis and Slaver's Bay lies the Demon Road.

There are two major factions

Tigers: The tigers originate from those of the Old Blood who favored conquest at the start of the Century of Blood. Some years the tigers elect a triarch, other years there is no member of the tiger party elected triarch. The tiger cloaks, the Volantene guards, are presumably named after the militant tiger party. The tiger party has not held power for the last three hundred years.

Elephants: The elephants are the party of the merchants and moneylenders, advocating trade. Some of the first elephants were women. When the elephants came to power, their followers went on a rampage, knocking the heads from the statues of those they blamed for all the wars and deaths. The elephant party has held power for the last three hundred years, during which at least two of the three triarchs in power have been elephants.

And finally the one near the Volantis Rhoyne

The Rhoyne is the largest and most extensive river network in the known world. It dominates the Free Cities region of the continent of Essos and serves as a trade and transport artery linking the region together. Roughly speaking, it divides the Free Cities from the Dothraki sea to the east.

The Rhoyne ends in a large delta with four mouths emptying into the Summer Sea. The Free City of Volantis sits at the easternmost mouth of the Rhoyne.

The Rhoyne and its numerous tributaries are the ancestral homeland of the Rhoynar, a powerful kingdom that was destroyed by the dragons of the Valyrian Freehold a thousand years ago. According to legend, the warrior-queen Nymeria led the remnants of her people in ten thousand ships in flight westwards, eventually landing in Dorne, in the far south of Westeros. There she made alliance with House Martell, then just one of many families feuding for control of Dorne, and helped them become the dominant family of the region.

With this the Volantis is also a center of the Religion of the Red God in which they have more power than any Triarch. Mark was welcomed by the Red Priest and Priestess saying that there Red God told them via a fire that he will pave them a new way to wield magic and to combat the upcoming darkness that will spawn here.

Mark he unknowingly just looks at the Red Priestess that said that what he is seeing right in front of him is a very much younger Melisandre. Though he doesn't give much shit about the ASOIAF and Game of thrones version but he knows that she will be a great help for the future and he thinks that it is a good idea to have a willing supporter here at essos for his family.

Though first what he did is to plant more Weirwood along the riverside of Rhoyne so that the Crystal Flower may flourish. With that he taught them Healing and Fire Spells up to advance level via a [ Mind Trick ]. There he taught them various potions and some runes mostly Enchantment like Smite V and Fire Aspect.

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Fanfiction Recommendation

Knights, Magic & Dovahkiin

By: BookishTen8
