Demon Slayers And Allies?

Chapter 60

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 17

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Yi Ti is a region in the far east of the continent of Essos. Officially known as the "Golden Empire of Yi Ti", it lies near the eastern limits of the known world and is sometimes mentioned in the same breath as Asshai, indicating its extreme distance from Westeros. Qarth is located on the narrow straits at the western end of the Jade Sea, and Yi Ti lies on that sea's northeastern shores. Merchant ships from Yi Ti and Asshai regularly visit Qarth to conduct trade. Yi Ti is a nation and region in Essos, east of Qarth and the Bone Mountains and bordered by the Jade Sea to the south. Nearby islands in the Jade Sea are Leng and the Isle of Whips. North of Yi Ti are the Great Sand Sea, the Shrinking Sea, and the Bleeding Sea; a great river runs south from the Bleeding Sea through Yi Ti to the Jade Sea. East of Yi Ti are the Mountains of the Morn, the Shadow Lands, and the city of Asshai. In the Common Tongue, things relating to Yi Ti are known as "YiTish".

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Yi Ti is one of the fabled lands of the mysterious east, along with Asshai and Hyrkoon. It lies at the far eastern edge of the known world to the peoples of Westeros, though they are in trade contact with it - albeit indirectly - via the long shipping circle around the Jade Sea. In real-life, early modern Europeans referred to East Asia in general as "the Far East". This term does not exist in Westeros: instead the collective term they consistently use for Yi Ti and the other distant lands east of the Bone Mountains or around the Jade Sea is "the Further East" (specifically spelled with a "u", even though "farther" with an "a" is more typically used to connote large geographic distance). Yi Ti is tropical in climate, with immense jungles just inland and stretching across great swaths of the landscape. Centuries of human civilization, however, have carved out vast patchworks of green farmland from the verdant rainforest; its climate and agricultural patterns are somewhat similar to southern China.

Few Westerosi has ever traveled all the way to Yi Ti, though a handful of adventurers have made the long journey. Among them was the famous navigator Lord Corlys Velaryon, father-in-law of Rhaenyra Targaryen and nicknamed the "Sea Snake". He sailed to Yi Ti nearly 200 years before the War of the Five Kings and brought back enough rare and valuable spices to make the Velaryons, for a time, one of the richest families in Westeros. The famed explorer Lomas Longstrider also traveled to Yi Ti. A few Westerosi have traveled to Yi Ti and it is known to be a real place, but most people know very little about it, and it is still semi-legendary to people living in Westeros (much more so than Qarth, but not nearly as much as feared Asshai). Even the maesters only know a basic outline of its history and culture - in part because Yi Ti's scholars greatly prize their delicate, millennia-old historical scrolls, so they do not share them with outsiders.The Lands of Ice and Fire map book confirms that Yi Ti is an immense nation, stretching around the northern coast of the Jade Sea. Its western border is a few hundred miles east of Qarth, on the opposite side of the immense Bone Mountains which run from the southern to northern coasts of Essos. Its eastern border is adjacent to the "Shadow Lands", the mountainous peninsula that runs northeast from Asshai. Yi Ti is bordered on the north by the Plains of the Jogos Nhai, which extend all the way north to the Shivering Sea.

Mark travelled to a remote location where there isn't any people around and start planting the Wisteria and anything relating to the " Demon Slayer Franchise ". Mark stayed here for about a few months to build a village using variety of spells to hasten the construction using Time Spells to fasten or age the building making it look that it has been there for a long time so when people tells where they came from it has proof and it is back by physical things afterall seeing is believing. Now Mark decided that there will be a 5 thousand of villagers not from his carefully groomed one but newly hired with varying degrees of mastery in certain aspects along with 750 Demon Slayers and about 300 Witches and Wizards newly recruited will be manning some of the 5 Village he has built three of which will be populated and the other two village will be abandoned in which this group will transverse the Lands of Dothraki. With supplies lasting to both the villages and the ones that have left they have about 5 years of supplies like food and wares to sell to Qohor or Braavos or to other villages. The group who will be gong to Qohor numbered in 3 Thousand and has about 550 Demon Slayer and 300 Witches and Wizards. Though in each village they have at least a Top Strongest Wizards and Witches about 5 of them along with 10 of the Guards that has fought demons there purpose is to lead them and guide them. 2 of the Strongest Wizards and Witches which will be joining the Exploration and about 4 of the highly trained guards.

Now in this months Mark has stumbled upon a group of people that has a terrifying resemblance to the Uzumaki Clan. Where they all have Red Hair and strong tempers. They are the remnants of the once mighty village numbering about 200 People only they are being hunted by villages so that they can get access to there knowledge of certain type of seals. Members of this clan were very knowledgeable in the art of fūinjutsu, they were both respected, and feared worldwide because of their prodigious skill.

Now that members of them are destroyed or hunted down Mark manage to make a deal with them to support the groups here at the remote village giving them villagers until they can be brought back to there prime and in exchange they must answer the call of help from us. They agreed and filled one of the abandoned village with there people and giving them villagers from my own Minecraft World. Once Mark introduce them to the Demon Slayer Village and Mark told them there story so with that my village gained an ally.

Though the purpose of this village and the ones sent out to spread the news of Demons coming back some stayed and some fled to spread the word. Making a Crystal Flower Forest here at the Near Vicinity of the village though with tones of illusionary spells and making crystal flower hotspots all over Yiti. To misdirect the mages here.

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