Moving back to Volantis

Chapter 61

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 19

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It has been about 2 Years. Building the village and supplies who said that they can instantly do it is dumb. Even with the Minecraft providing a lot of materials but still it took a long time.

Mark finally done with the preparations the three leaders of the village along with one leader from the Uzumaki Clan. Mark manage to get seal making knowledge or fūinjutsu from them in exchange of a village, food and protection. Though Mark did increase the citizen count to another 500 per village to have a stable defense, offense and skillful workers to provide tools so that they can defend themselves. Mark set up a Teleportation Array which will connect to Volantis and Richwood when it is built. The knowledge of the Demons and Evil Wizards which will appear for about 5 years from now. Mark is certain that they will go first to the ones with the Most Crystal Forest which was in the Most of Essos, Two of which are well defended this are Volantis and Braavos and Two semi protected this are Yiti and Myr because of the size of Yiti and Myr has a powered person's though limited. The Three Village Heads will be preparing for them here at yiti and spreading that a great evil has arrived.

For the other ones from the Demon Slayer Village to be specific the two village worth of people who will be going to Qohor to spread the news via Dothraki sea but they are so well defended and supplies like food and Water which will last for years and along with products or skillful people will be a very nice addition to the Daughters of Valyria. The only problem is Dothraki but Mark though of a solution which is to arm the slaves with food and weapons along with some minor potion to combat the Dothraki making a war between slaves and Dothraki. Of course they will notice that a massive group of people from Yiti but since there is some sort of war going on they will be to busy. Then I manage to find out about Vaes Dothrak.

Vaes Dothrak is the only city of the Dothraki people. It is located in the northeast of the vast Dothraki sea, beneath the Mother of Mountains and near a lake, the Womb of the World. Vaes Dothrak has no walls.The city is ruled and inhabited by slaves and the dosh khaleen, the wives of all the khals who have come before. It is forbidden to wear a blade or shed a free man's blood within the confines of the city. The name Vaes Dothrak means City of Riders in the Dothraki language.

Vaes Dothrak is the heart of the Dothraki sea and culture. It is at once one of the largest cities, due to its expansive layout, and one of the smallest, due to its small inhabitant population. It has broad, windswept streets paved in grass and mud. There are carved stone pavilions, manses of woven grass, wooden towers, stepped pyramids and log halls. All of the buildings were brought to the city by slaves from the l s the Dothraki have conquered. Vaes Dothrak sprawls languorously in the warm sun. It is large enough to hold every khalasar, were they all to return at once.The godsway runs from the Horse Gate of Vaes Dothrak to the Mother of Mountains. It is lined with monuments and holy symbols from a hundred different religions on both sides, showing the vast range and power of the Dothraki's conquests. Along the way it passes through the Western and Eastern Markets, the lake named the Womb of the World and a pit where important ceremonies are done in Vaes Dothrak.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Daenerys Targaryen travels east to Vaes Dothrak to gain acceptance and approval for her marriage to Khal Drogo. This frustrates her brother Viserys, since Vaes Dothrak is a thousand miles or more in the "wrong" direction as his desire is to sail west to invade Westeros immediately. Vaes Dothrak lies close to the Mother of Mountains and a lake known by the Dothraki as the Womb of the World, from where, according to Dothraki myth, the first man emerged riding the first horse a thousand years ago.

It is forbidden to draw a bladed steel weapon in Vaes Dothrak, under penalty of death. The TV series mentions this with regard to people, but the book goes on to establish that it is even forbidden to use steel blades to butcher animals. Thus when Drogo and his bloodriders had to slaughter a stallion so Daenerys could eat its heart in a Dothraki religious ritual, they had to butcher it using stone knives.

The city is both very large and very small: it is physically large enough to hold every khalasar if they return all at once (for special religious ceremonies, etc.). Daenerys estimates that it physically has ten times as many buildings as Pentos does. However, there are rarely more than a few khalasars stopping in the city at any one time, before leaving again to find plunder. As a result, the permanent population of the city isn't much compared to one of the Free Cities or to a Westerosi city such as King's Landing.

Vaes Dothrak has actually become a major trade hub for the west-east overland caravan routes across Essos, which want to avoid the high tolls on sea trade that Qarth exacts to the south. The Western Market is filled with traders from the Free Cities, who may sell wares which indirectly originated in Westeros (e.g. Westerosi wines from the Arbor). The Eastern market contains traders from more exotic lands from the east such as Qarth, Yi Ti, the plains of the Jogos Nhai, and even Asshai and the Shadow Lands. The World of Ice and Fire sourcebook (2014) explains that overland caravans from the Free Cities depart from and return to the easternmost Free City, Qohor. As a result Qohor is one of the more exotic of the Free Cities, with a large amount of trade items obtained from distant lands such as Yi Ti itself.

Though the Demon Slayers have loyalty to my family and myself they do need to have a connection to myself for having a 'Absolute Loyalty' to them. So I need to worry about that hopefully my mom won't be pissed with me without consoling her about it. But it will be ok I think.

With that in mind Mark sabotage that place a lot of battle form from the slaves and Dothraki. Though Mark did make an appearance here and there mostly about supply of weapons and food. And Sometimes Mark giving a aerial support like dropping bombs to the Bloodrider. A bloodrider (Dothraki: dothrakhqoyi) is a Dothraki warrior who has pledged his life in the service of a khal: His blood is considered the khal's own blood. Onwards to Volantis

Now with that done Mark finally reach Volantis.

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Fanfiction Recommendation

Harry Potter and The Lust Genie

By: kenriot1214

Hey Guys from the Demon Slayers who will Mark get married

Here is the Vote and whomever is the most voted will be the first one.

Mitsuri Kanjori

Nezuko Kamado

Shinobu Kocho

Kanae Kocho

Kanao Tsuyuri