Sharing, Building and Going Home

Chapter 62

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 19

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In this two years at Volantis they experience a migration of magic users and individuals that can pretty much defeat there most skilled warriors. Of course the faction of the Tiger and Elephant wants these people to there commands but since this people has the protection of the Faith of the Red God many are unwilling to kidnapped them and force them to slavery. Which the Red Priest and Priestess are now starting to oppose them due to the influence of Mark Richwood and in there annual sacrifice only criminals like child murderer or rapist are condemned to that faith of sacrificial sacrifice to appease the Red God.

Though this did not stop the nobles to kidnapped them which turned out to be a really bad idea. An individual that can make natural disasters or a Swordmaster whether be a novice or a master can still defeat a lot of mercenary or knights or assassin's.

Especially now that the followers of the Many Face God. The faceless men that exhibits the same abilities and there numerous request of assassination has dropped by a large margin in favor of practicing the techniques in which the Sealord tried to get the technique to give to the First Sword but the reply that came from the Faceless Men and the Moon singer has a cryptic reply of " In time there will be a group of Master whether by blades or craft who will bring great advantage of facing the dark times ".

With this reply the various nobles and the Sealord back off for they heard from there informants that a group of people from Qohor and Volantis will come here. With it bringing them knowledge of crafts and a warning that dark times are ahead.

The other famous assassin's group called the Sorrowful Men there main branch has been bombed and destroyed at Qarth when the Crystal Forest has emerge. And there members and leaders were found dead with a carved note at there forehead saying ' I'm Sorry '. Though the Warlocks are more worried about there incapability of accessing the Crystal Flower power granting or enhancing capabilities making there position shaky at best and downright threatened by the populous at worst.

Now with this the magic density is slowly increasing in which that the world is slowly matching the Harry potter World in the magic of there are getting more and more of mythical creatures sighting. And with the introduction of the Crystal Forest the world is developing a magic ley line. The Ley Lines are a series of supernatural networks that served both as some of the most adept magic users' and acting as the worlds way of intervention acting as the source of power and with the introduction of the teleportation stone a means to quickly travel between places connected by the same network. So connecting the Volantis and the villages at Yiti is a breeze at this point. This new form of Travel is called a Ley Line Portal is a dimensional rift through which one can enter ley lines as means of transportation across vast distances, appearing as the huge, fiery emerald ring with white, green, and purple interior along with darker root-like patterns.

The ley lines from before were damage making the total of the magic users took a hit at there numbers being only about a thousand or so. Ley lines are the source of all the magic energies of the planet which flows through them reaching everywhere since ancient times.

The number of major ley lines can only be counted on two hands and one feet because they were formed by the Crystal Forest the World is slowly trying to reinvigorate the affected areas. Like Valyria and The Dessert of Dothraki lessening the toxic smog or the growing forest. There are about three major ley lines at the North and one at the riverlands and at Essos there are about 5 or 6 this includes the Qarth and Asshai and at the further south at the lands of Sothoryos there are three. With this the Magic Leylines is slowly refilling and healing the other damage or cut leylines from before. The small ones are called the Magic Nexus which is just a Weirwood Tree with Crystal Flower which can be connected to the Leylines to either support a spell or as a way to travel this can be manually done via either a sacrifice or something else but making a leyline with this method is at best experimental.

Now with the incoming people that knows to make nichirin blade or other various crafts. The magicals introduce the ways to make potion and enchantment which is limited in strength. The ones at Volantis knows the Enchantment of Smite I to III, Fire Aspect I and Flame I and at Qohor knows the enchant Unbreaking I to II and Sharpness I to II along with the enchants from the demon slayer meaning the Red Sword I to III.

Smite is an enchantment applied to a sword or axe, increasing the damage dealt to undead mobs. Each level separately adds 2.5 × 1.25 extra damage on each hit to undead mobs.

Fire Aspect is a sword enchantment that sets the target on fire. Fire Aspect adds 80 fire-ticks (4 seconds of burning) per level to the target.

Flame is an enchantment that causes bows to shoot flaming arrows. Arrows shot from a Flame bow are on fire when shot, set fire to mobs they hit, and deal 5 fire damage over 5 seconds (first damage is ignored). Fire damage applies after initial damage, similar to Fire Aspect for melee weapons. Creatures killed by fire do not drop XP unless a player has dealt non-fire damage to it within the past 5 seconds. Unlike flint and steel, flaming arrows affect only players, mobs, TNT, campfires, and candles. No other blocks catch fire. For example, a flaming arrow shot into a tree continues to burn without igniting the tree. Flaming arrows do not produce light.

Unbreaking is an enchantment that gives a chance for an item to avoid durability reduction when it is used, effectively increasing the item's durability.

Sharpness is an enchantment applied to a sword or axe that increases melee damage.

With this Mark decided to go home since there is only about a month left till he turns 20 and go home.

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