This Last 5 Years [ Part Two ]

Chapter 64

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 20

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[ Riverlands POV ]

Harwyn Hoare, known as Harwyn Hardhand, was a King of the Iron Islands from House Hoare who conquered the riverlands and became the first King of the Isles and the Rivers. The ironborn longship Hardhand is presumably named in his honor.

In this time he commissioned or ordered a great building called " Harrenhall. Harrenhal is a huge castle, the largest one in all of Westeros, though it is also the most ill-omened. It is located on the northern shore of the Gods Eye lake at the heart of the Riverlands, south of the River Trident and northwest of King's Landing.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Harrenhal is a colossal castle consisting of five massive towers (the Tower of Dread, the Widow's Tower, the Wailing Tower, the Tower of Ghosts, and the Kingspyre) and immense walls. It occupies three times as much land area as Winterfell, though the buildings are far larger. Its godswood spans 20 acres, its stables hold a thousand horses, and its kitchens are as large as Winterfell's great hall. The main hall contains some 30 hearths. The castle was built over 300 years ago by House Hoare, the ruling house of the Iron Islands which had overrun and conquered the Riverlands. It took three generations to construct. King Harren the Black completed the castle, boasting that it was impregnable. Unfortunately, the day he completed the castle was the same day that Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros. His dragons were not obstructed by the towering walls and roasted Harren and all his heirs alive in the tallest tower of the castle, now known as the Kingspyre.

This was supposed to be the Harren the Black greatest achievement. Which is true but a little different for in the Main hall and the innermost tower are made from Blackstone which Harren Hoare says he got it from the Drowned God. In honesty though the materials are from Mark Richwood since the time of his mind manipulation of the King of the Isle and River. The Blackstone are the Polished Blackstone typically found in the Bastion, Mark gave a huge supply at a undisclosed area enough for the innermost place and the castle made by this.

Though the King Hoare thinks that he is safe, he does not see that the First Men are arming themselves ever since a Magic Nexus or the Weirwood tree started to produce the Crystal Flower or the locals called the " Rainbow Flower " at the places of the First Man Houses. Cause of the treatment done by the King of the Isle and River to the Smallfolk garnered the fear and hate of many so with just a whisp of a rebellion many people will join. So count your days Hoare for the people of the river are about to rebel.

[ Mother Selene ]

'It has been a restless 5 years even when my son is gone he still manage to cause so much commotion ' Selene thinks while she is doing the dreaded and hate by all leaders 'PAPERWORK'. Luckily his son gave her a talented woman named 'Wanda' to lessen the workload and with the pleasure houses gives a decent income to them along with managing the casino. With this attached to the trade hall or to a restaurant in which there are four famous ones. In the RichPearl Village there is a sushi and ramen shop, At the Iceberry Village there is a concept of a cooking your food in a small stove with the meat cuts being raw where you used the stove to cook along with some addons like lettuce or sweetened potatoes, for the Steelix village they have a barbecue place to produce a 'Texan Barbecue' his son calls it, And the last place is the city near the Richwood Castle the formerly trade halls now sport tons of different kinds of food.

Of course this wasn't the only thing that Mark told them to do via the message given to them by Wanda. After the College of Winterhold is finish they are to build two village because when he comes back he will bring people with him from Essos.

With so much things to do along with disposing of spies and saboteurs from the south. Selene thinks that it is a ripe time to get a alliance outside of her home via a marriage contract. She isn't accepting any from the lord's and ladies here mostly because of it is about damn time they branch out. And with the blood oath given to the Starks back then the Richwood cannot hurt the North which the Lord and Ladies seem to forget all the time. She is thinking of gaining a alliance with the Dayne's. With them having a ancestral lineage to the First men is one of those reasons.

House Dayne of Starfall is a noble house from Starfall in Dorne. They are among the principal houses sworn to House Martell. The Sword of the Morning is a title given to a Dayne knight who is considered worthy of wielding the greatsword Dawn, a blade said to be created from the heart of falling star. Their blazon is a white sword and a falling star, crossing on a lavender background. A cadet branch of the family are the Daynes of High Hermitage.

House Dayne is one of the most ancient houses in the Seven Kingdoms, claiming First Men ancestry dating back ten thousand years to the dawn of days. The first Dayne is said to have raised Starfall on an island at the mouth of the Torrentine, having tracked a falling star there and found a stone of magical powers. His descendants became Kings of the Torrentine and Lords of Starfall. Along with the Fowlers and Yronwoods, the Daynes were among the most powerful and prestigious houses of ancient Dorne. The Daynes are also famed for Dawn, their ancestral sword made from the fallen star, and the men who wield it, the Swords of the Morning.

The Daynes have taken part in many conflicts between Dorne and the Reach, including battles against House Oakheart. King Samwell Dayne, called the Starfire, once burned Oldtown.

The last Dayne King, Vorian, known as the Sword of the Evening, was defeated in Nymeria's War and sent to the Wall. Afterwards the Daynes supported Nymeria against King Yorick V Yronwood. Nymeria's third husband was Ser Davos Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Nymeria, Princess of Dorne, was later succeeded by her eldest daughter by her first husband, Mors Martell, not her son by Davos.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, members of House Dayne are Stony Dornishmen, whose characteristics mostly resemble the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in look, customs, and traditions (being composed of the same First Men/Andal mixture). Unlike the rest of the more Rhoynish-looking Dornishmen, however, they have pale skin with hair ranging from dark brown to pale blond and they often have violet eyes, though according to George R.R. Martin they are not of Valyrian descent.

In the novels, the House sigil is different than in the show: it depicts a silver sword and a falling star crossed sideways on a violet-colored background.

Now she heard good things to the only daughter of House Dayne not only does she have a moniker called " The Brightest Star " for being beautiful but also for being smart and resourceful enough to make a profit when the news of the ships from Richwood opening a trade route to Dorne and North with the products from the North being extremely valuable nowadays.

So sending a message to the Head of House Dayne for a possible marriage contract to there Daughter. With that done a servant comes in and informed her that the chocolate making facility is done and ready to produce. This happened when her son discovered a fruit called Cacao If roasted and grinded along with some products like milk or honey produce the sweetest thing possible.

With that Selene Richwood nee Mormont smiles to herself and takes a sip from the Richwood Wine. To the Bright future of her house.

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