How can I forget you?

"Please give me a way. I am in a hurry." The nurse said and went away from there. Within a few minutes, she came back. She was holding a box. There were cotton pads and different tools inside it, which was easily seen to all who were standing there.

The nurse quickly went inside the operation theatre. All were very sad because the nurse was in a hurry and she didn't say anything to them about Serena.

The mother-daughter duo especially Niya was trying not to cry but her tears were automatically coming out of her eyes. She was trying to console her mother but all time she failed.

Time passed with pain and sadness and after an hour the doctor came out of the operation theatre. Her father and Jack rushed towards the doctor. "How is she?" Jack asked ,this time not coldly but concerned. The doctor knew very well that he is none other than Jack.

"We can't say anything. It is still tough. We will be able to say something after the operation." With that the doctor went back to the operation theatre.

They all were sitting silently there. Not a single word was coming from there, mouth except crying and sobbing. Niya was controlling herself by digging her nails in her palms and biting her lips so hard.

Jack too noticed it, and he went towards his wife. "Love, don't do that. It will hurt you." He said not to hurt her but she didn't hear him. She was in the world , but her mind was elsewhere. "Don't do that." He said with concern but yet in a commanding tone.

After hearing his cold voice, she can not do nothing but obeyed him. She is really very scared of him. He immediately held her waist and pulled her towards him. He was seeing into her eyes. There was a lot of pain in his eyes. First because of his wife's condition and because of that little and cute girl.

"Why are you hurting you? Huh!" He said straight looking into her eyes. Both were drowning into each other's eyes that time. Jack was not giving her any chance to break eye contact by any chance.

Both were feeling each other's pain that time. It was the same pain that she used to fav in her past life whenever he tried to confess her but she denied all the time.

In the next moment, she could not take it anymore and just closed her eyes. Streams of tears flow down her eyes. The grip on his t-shirt started to lose and she lost her balance, but at the right time he held her in his strong and muscular arms.

He tapped her cheeks. "Love, you can't lose your strength, be strong my love." He said tapping her cheeks and whispering into her ears. She used all her strength to open her eyes and luckily she succeeded in doing so.

She was in his arms again. Her father was very jealous seeing their bond. Because he never loved his biological daughter like that.He doesn't want to see her happiness. All he wants to see is her sadness."God, please do something and break their bond." He was praying again and again in his mind.

Jack's back was resting against the wall and Niya's full weight was on him. He was caressing her head and trying to give her all her strength back. "Jack, I want to sit." She said to him in a very low voice. He nodded and took her near the couch. He made her sit on the couch and sat beside her.

He gently put her head on his shoulder. They even didn't know when their tough 4 hours passed. The bulb of the operation theatre turned off. And the operation finished. The surgeon came out of the operation theatre and forwarded his steps towards the patient's parents.

His face was sad. "It was really a difficult and tough time for us also but…" The surgeon's face was still sad. All were getting nervous in each and every moment.

"It was successful and the little flower is alright."

A wide smile appeared on everyone's face. Niya was jumping there like a small girl. She got her cheering, teasing, irritating ,little devil back. A different kind of smile carved on Jack's lips seeing his wife like that.

In the next second, she said something loudly. "I love you Ja…" But before she could tell anything ,Jack put his palm on her mouth. "Do you want to announce to the whole world that you are my wife." He asked her. She slowly denied her head.

"But what if I announce to the world that I am your wife?" She asked him back.

"Little girl, don't do anything like that." He said to her.

She was thinking he wanted to surprise everyone by announcing their marriage at the right time, but who knows the truth was seating else.

"Doctor, when can we take her home?" Her father asked the doctor.

" When she regains consciousness, you can take her home, but it will take her a long time to gain consciousness. I think by tomorrow she will gain her consciousness." The doctor stated. His father hugged the doctor for saving his little and small flower-like daughter.

"Thank you doctor for saving my little girl. I can not express in my words how to thank you." Her father said while joining his hands in front of the doctor.

"Don't thank me doctor. It's our duty, and if you really want to thank someone then thank whoever really saved your little daughter by bringing her here at the right time." The surgeon indirectly said Mr. Saam Pattinson to thank Jack.

Then the surgeon went towards Jack. Jack immediately hugged him. "Thanks, Steve." He thanked that surgeon. "Only hugging him, seems someone forgot me." Said Ben who just came out from another operation theatre.

"How can I forget you? " Jack snapped back at him. The trio were hugging each other. "Hey, you know our problem. We have to go back?" Both told Jack and he nodded.

Both Benjamin and Steve were expert surgeons but in different fields. .