Why were you crying?

Jack knew very well about their problem. So, he told them to go back their home.

Her mom went towards her children. "Jack, Niya and David. You should go home guys." Her mother said to those three children. "Mrs. Pattinson, you and Mr. Pattinson and David should go home. We will take care of everything here." He said to Mrs. Pattinson.

"I have an idea. I think we should go home now and take rest for sometime, then we will come here and mom and dad will go back." David gave his opinion.

"Yeah, young man. It's a nice idea, we should do this. First, we three will go and take a rest then we will come back here and sent Mr. and Mrs. Pattinson home." He stated.

Niya slowly denied her head looking at Jack. She doesn't want to go back home, she wants to spend time with her little devil even though her sister was unconscious at the time.

"Love, now don't insist and listen to me. You have to take care of your health too. Did you forget what happened to you, when you came to know about Serena's condition?" He asked her.

She was unanswered by his question. She didn't say a single word after his question. Her eyes were lowered at the time.

Her father was getting happy whenever Jack was talking to her in a cold voice.

"Niya, I don't know. You are coming with me. The time is 8 p.m. We will come back at 2 a.m." He held Niya's hand and gestured to David to come with him.

Niya's eyes were at the ground. They got into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. Within a few minutes they reached the ground floor.

He was still holding her hands. He was taking his long steps and she was taking small steps as usual and David was following them.

They came to the parking lot. They went near the car and sat inside the car. Then after they drove off.

Jack was angry with Niya, because she doesn't take care of her health.

Niya was sitting beside Jack and he was sitting in the driver's seat. David was sitting on the backseat of the car.

"David, I have a surprise for you." He said to David. "What surprise brother?" He became a little surprised hearing about the surprise.

"It's a surprise." He said looking at him through the front mirror.

"Jack." Niya called him. Her voice was very low, which was only hearable to him, but he didn't give any response to her.

"Jack." She again called him in her low voice and she put her hand on his hand. He lightly pushed her hand and didn't give and respond.

She became very hurt because of his actions. Unknowingly, a teardrop fell down from her eyes. She was crying at the time. She was looking down at the time as no one could notice her.

David was busy on his phone. He was chatting with Wendie at the time. So, he didn't notice that his sister was crying. And Jack was busy driving, his full concentration was on the way. So he didn't notice. But soon, he noticed but didn't ask her anything.

Her tears were still flowing but without any kind of sound. Jack thought not to ask her anything in the car, so he decided to ask after they reached home.

About 20 minutes, they reached in front of the gate. The guards let the car enter inside the gate. Then after, they reached in front of the mansion.

They all got down of the car and went inside

David's eyes were sparkled to see the persons in front of him.

A smile carved on his lips seeing his mom and dad standing in front of him. He went towards them and hugged them. A smile also appeared on Niya's lips too seeing her uncle and aunt there. She also forwarded her steps towards them.

Her uncle and aunt were hugging David and Niya. Her uncle Michael Pattinson knew very well that his elder brother Saam does not love his own daughter but Michael love his niece, Niya as if she is his daughter too. And for Amelia, she loves her sister's daughter a lot as she is her own daughter.

Michael and Amelia, love Niya as she is their first daughter and the couple loves her a lot.

"Thanks brother for this surprise." David thanked Jack for this surprise. "It's okay young man." He replied to David.

"I think we should go and get fresh." Jack indirectly asked to go to his room. "Yeah guys, you should." Michael replied.

"Niya, I think you should give them a little time to spend time together. Let's go." He asked her to come with him.

He held her hands and went upstairs. Then after, they went inside their room and he locked the door from inside. She was still sad because he is not talking to her.

"Why were you crying?" He asked looking directly into her eyes. "No, I was not crying." She said smiling. "What do you think, if you will give me a fake smile and tell me a lie. I will unable to understand that you are telling lie?" He asked her.

Not a single word came out of her mouth and her eyes were lowered at the time. "You know very well Niya, you can't tell a lie in front of me." He started and slowly went towards her taking his steps.

"Why were you crying?" He again asked. But not a single word came out of her mouth. He held her arm tightly and again asked. "Why were you crying?" This time he was once colder than before. It sent shivers to her body from head to toe.

Again teardrop started to falling down of her eyes and her eyes were lowered. He understood that she again started crying.

"Tell me ?' He again asked but she didn't respond. He put his index finger under her chin and raised her face to face him.

" Niya, why were you crying?" He asked in his cold voice looking straight into her eyes.